1:42pm May 9 2010
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Ash sniffed the air again, but she couldnt smell any danger. But tension seemed to fill the air. She glanced around, cautious. Trying not to show she was worried, she took a bite out of the deer. ((Not Nygts deer, the other one.)) ((Maybe that will help? lol ))
1:44pm May 9 2010
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(( nope xD ))
2:04pm May 9 2010
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((Darn! XD))
2:47pm May 9 2010
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(( Dawn's in Venom. She needs help. Now.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:54pm May 9 2010
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((okay... ill give it one more shot! XD)) Ash started thinking about what Luna had asked Kohanu. I should have stayed there a little longer, found out what she was talking about, and not have blown my cover. She thought, worried about Nyght. What are they going to try? She kept repeating the same thought, stll worried.
2:58pm May 9 2010
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Kohanu got up. " i need to stretch out my legs." she said as she walked out of the cave. She diddent notice that Ash was behind her about 30 yards away.then she thought about Nyght. (( ash help Dawn xD ))
3:40pm May 9 2010 (last edited on 3:40pm May 9 2010)
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Dusk was feeling better, Dawn may have attacked her but not badly and she was all healed up and ready to go. She knew that the pup, Nyght, must still be in some serious pain. She chuckled at the thought and followed Kohanu out of the cave...the first thing she smelled... Ash she growled dangerously "back for more?" she snarled ((mega fail))
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3:44pm May 9 2010
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Kohanu sighed. " no more fighting." she hissed. " i want some time to relax, ignore them." she said calmly. -le phail xD-
3:48pm May 9 2010
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Dusk hated backing down, but her respect for her alpha was strong...she sighed and nodded her head slowly...
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3:52pm May 9 2010
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"neh break over, kill the female, spare the pup..."she said coldly. "i have special needs for him...."she smiled. "do what ever you want with the female, il be in my cave." she said. " oh dont forget to NOT die please, and have fun!" she said before trotting off to her cave.
3:56pm May 9 2010
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Dusk smiled to herself, and went off acting as if she were just patrolling the territory. Then she stopped... special plans? spare the pup? its time i got some anwsers.. she thought, as badly as she wanted to kill the female, she turned and ran back to Kohanu.. "im so going to regret this later," she whispered to herself because she knew she was forgetting the promise she made to herself and gave mercy...again. She stopped outside Kohanu's cave and sat outside. "Kohanu!" she called into the cave
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3:58pm May 9 2010
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"what is it?" she snapped. She sighed. "you let them get away dient you." she hissed. Then she saw the Dusks face. "is it about the pup...?" she asked.
4:00pm May 9 2010
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Dusk had had enough..."Yes, I broke the promise I made myself and the pack," she growled angry with herself. "But I want anwsers...NOW." she hissed back. Dusk looked up at Kohanu, "partly." she stated
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4:04pm May 9 2010
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Kohanu sighed. "The pup is mine." she hissed. " i had twins, and left thm to DIE, but they diddent."she hissed. " Nyght, the pup, is VERY powerful, well not now. when he grows up, he will." she said. " i want him back.....so i may drain him." (( DUN DUN DUN DAAAAAAAAA.)))
4:10pm May 9 2010 (last edited on 4:23pm May 9 2010)
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"Nyght, go to Vayne and Sierra NOW! HURRY, run faster than you ever have before! I need to go help Dawn. Bloodpack!" She hissed. She heard what they said, but only barley. she saw Dawn, and ran to her. "I heard it all. " she whispered.
4:10pm May 9 2010 (last edited on 4:13pm May 9 2010)
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Dusk couldnt believe her ears. She was angry, confused, saddened...all emotions mixed in one. "You.hid.this.from.me? the pack?" she growled angrilly. But then it backfired, the confused emotion was kicking in..."Oh, sh!t, I almost killed your pup..." Dusk said in a confused tone... she looked at her alpha..."now he's with the venoms," she snarled..."if he was powerful, why did you leave him! Do you know how many of our members could still be alive if we had that power!" she spat turning around. She had survived his venom, and knew the pain that it could inflict, Kohanu was right, the pup had to be drained, or die. "He betrayed us, you know the consiquence for treason!" Dusk hissed... even though she needed the whole story.."how?when?why?" was all she could say, she wanted the truth...no more lies She didnt look at Ash, with her back to her she replied "back for more?" she snarled... she stared at Kohanu, "Ash can you get your pack here, now tricks, no fighting...we need to work this out." her eyes were cold and angry and she stalked out of the cave, awaiting the guests.
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4:15pm May 9 2010
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"I thought he would DIE! he jumped off a fuc.king cliff!!!!!" SHe barked." dont you think that i wold of cept this power?! If he got out of control he could of KILLED THE WHOLE PACK!!!" she yelled. Nyght started to cry, then ran the other way. "Sh!t he knows! " Kohanu hissed.
4:19pm May 9 2010 (last edited on 4:21pm May 9 2010)
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"Nyght! Dusk I can tell you why he jumped off a cliff. Kohanu said she hated him, becuase of his symbols. Now you know. She abandoned him." Ash said, then followed after Nyght.
4:22pm May 9 2010
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Dusk glared at Kohanu..."I trusted you, I had respect for YOU, and in return...you LIED to me... you could have killed him alone, or at least gotton ME to do it for you..." she snarled turning her back towards Kohanu, she was hurt and felt betrayed. Dusk watched Ash and Nyght go, showing mercy for the third time since her promise.
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4:25pm May 9 2010
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" i diddent lie." she hissed. "i just diddent tell you." she said turning the other way. "i thought he was already was dead...after i found out he was alive, when he came running back to me, i rejected him and before i could go get him, he jumped off a cliff." she admitted.