4:59pm May 9 2010
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Dusk grimaced..."then lives would have been lost for NOTHING." she anwsered a bit harsher then she implied to the pup. "from both packs," she added. "you are young and dont understand enemy lines at the moment...but there is time..." she said seriously
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5:07pm May 9 2010
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"Dusks right. It may seem wrong, but it has to be this way. The treaty would probably cause more bloodshed, since lots of wolves would be angered by it."
5:15pm May 9 2010
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Nyght nodded. we're screwed either way....he thought.
5:31pm May 9 2010
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"We should go, Nyght. Dusk, ill see what Vayne thinks if I see him" Ash said, starting to walk.
5:34pm May 9 2010
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Nyght followed Ash. -FAIL-
5:40pm May 9 2010 (last edited on 5:40pm May 9 2010)
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Dusk nodded and turned back to her own homeland...that was the first time she had encountered members of the venom pack and managed to cause no bloodshed...the pup is young and dosnt understand, she knew, and Ash will tell Vayne...now it was her job to tell Kohanu, but she will be expressionless, and explain the plan as she would if she were a normal beta talking to her alpha, as if they were not friends... ((and sorry, we went to get some cooking supplies :3))
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5:42pm May 9 2010
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(( teehee..i gots nothen D: u post again ))
5:53pm May 9 2010
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((oh gosh...ok zozo)) Dusk trotted back to Kohanu's home and walked inside. "Kohanu...I must speak with you." she said without emotion. -failure-
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5:56pm May 9 2010
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kohanu raised her head, not turning it over to Dusk. "what is it?" she said with no emothion as she did.She caught her scent.Nyght was all over her.
6:03pm May 9 2010
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"Ive spoken to the venoms, they have decided that you and their alpha, Vayne should chat about the future of Nyght." she anwsered as a normal beta would. She then caught her own scent and shook off the venom's scents, rolling in the dirt a few times and shaking off the dust. "Forgive me, the pup wanted peace between our packs and I had to explain to him why that wouldnt be so." she said in the same tone.
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6:12pm May 9 2010
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((im going to eat dinner, be back later!))
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6:15pm May 9 2010
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"Vayne" Ash said, running up to him, "I have to tell you something. ((and now I wait...))
6:20pm May 9 2010
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((back)) Kohanu nodded, and turned around. " Im afraid Vayne will go balistic, and put both our packs at war."she said coldly. Nyght nodded.
7:17pm May 9 2010
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(( BUMP! Beat this ZO! ))
8:02pm May 9 2010
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(( OK )) MUAHAHAHAHAH (( omg taste the RAINDOW xD ))
8:02pm May 9 2010
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(( ill beat yew tommorrow xD GTG BAI ))
8:13pm May 9 2010
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((bye zo))
8:53pm May 9 2010
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((i quit))

9:28pm May 9 2010
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(( Fine. )) "What." Vayne asked.
9:53pm May 9 2010
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"Dusk," She said, "Asked me to ask you to Discuss the future of Nyght with Kohanu." Ash said, pausing to see his reaction.