9:46pm May 10 2010
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((when I say, ripped in half, I dont mean it litterally. ))
10:41pm May 10 2010
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((bump. I gotta go. Ill be back tomorrow.))
10:44pm May 10 2010
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(( Cya. =_= ))
2:45pm May 11 2010
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Dusk's sences perked up as she senced Ash and Nyght near the border...she growled angrilly and took off running in that direction..."Hey venom!" she snarled..."Just because I was merciful and kind in our last meeting dosnt mean I'll spare you again!" she hissed coldly but then she stopped and saw the injured Nyght. Her threatening personality and coldness was still revealed in her eyes... -i need to stop failing posts...-
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be back tonight
3:53pm May 11 2010
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(( oh kill mai charry when im not here eh? *mad* >:/ )) Nyghts leg twitched.his symbols started to glow, and healed him. "what was that for?!?!" he snapped, eyes red with anger. "what did i do to him?!?" his symbols diddent stop glowing. "ow my back!" he hissed as he turned to his back......two wings started to form. "what is THAT?" he growled flapping them.
4:40pm May 11 2010
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Dusk snarled..."pup Im warning you, I will finish what ever Vayne started and show no more mercy if you and Ash dont explain why your near the border..." she snarled aggresively. "I will personally rip the wings of your back, and allow you to bleed to death, and you and your 'mother' *made motion toward Ash* can be with each other in the fiery pits of he!! where you both belong..." she growled again, the hairs on her neck on end, her green eyes squinted with threat. "Explain...." she hissed
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4:42pm May 11 2010
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Nyght whimpered. " i was following mommy......were confused....."Nyght answered. "why Vayne attacked me." he make a sad face.
4:55pm May 11 2010
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Dusk cocked her head... an evil glint in her dark green eyes. She didnt say anything, just stared down the pair of venoms, ready to make a move if they attacked again.
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4:56pm May 11 2010
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(( i gots nothen xD))
5:01pm May 11 2010
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((we need ash, laurnen, anti, nono, and the others xD))
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5:08pm May 11 2010
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6:02pm May 11 2010
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"I did what you asked and it didnt go well" ash explained, cautious.
6:20pm May 11 2010
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6:33pm May 11 2010
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((hai ash! ))
7:37pm May 11 2010
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(( hai zo!)) "We had gone to hunt when we saw Luna, we asked her to tell you that talking with Vayne isnt possible. and when we got back, Vayne was mad at Nyght for some reason and attacked him. So I bit him lightly on the leg..." Ash paused for a second, "and after a while, backed off and started walking down the border line. Vayne also called Nyght quite a few names. Now, im not sure what to do." she paused again, then whispered the rest in Dusks ear, too low for Nyght to hear, "He cant go back to venom without a risk of attack from Vayne, and I cant leave him in bloodpack. Not only would I miss him too much, but Kohanu might decide to kill him, or drain him." Then, ash went back to Nyght, and tried to slow the bleeding, by putting her paw over the wound. Must've been long enough by now... Gem thought, getting up, Yup, works fine now... She then walked out of Ablazes Den, and went walking in the forest. Again. She started running, then ran into dusks leg, becuase she wasnt paying attention. Again.
7:39pm May 11 2010
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((fill me in))

7:40pm May 11 2010
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((uhh... yeah zozane fill her in! *points to zo* ))
7:46pm May 11 2010
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(( umm......Vayne attacked Nyght D: and Nyghts not bleeding no more....))
7:47pm May 11 2010
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((ok did ash talk to luna?))

7:50pm May 11 2010
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((yes ^^))