6:22pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 7:26pm May 19 2010)
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((I hope zozane gets here soon... Its hard to roleplay with the absence of Kohanu and Nyght. XD )) Ash continued, then paused again. She was half concerned about Dusk, half unsure of what to do. I don't know! she screamed at herself, unsure of what to do. You know what you want to do... a small, wicked, part of her said, you know you want to fight to the death again... and win... it persuaded, you know the one you want to fight again is Dusk... She almost klled Nyght... It seemed to grow like a poisonous weed in her mind, spreading faster, and faster. But I promised,she thought to herself. Then attack Vayne, he thinks hes worthless, he attacked him for no reason... It persuaded. It won. She howled a howl that could strike fears into hearts. It was a battle cry. anyone could look at her and know this wasnt the same wolf as just a few minutes ago. Her eyes darkened. It filled her mind. It took over. She ran to Vayne. Her old violent self was back. Possibly to stay.
6:39pm May 19 2010
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7:28pm May 19 2010
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7:55pm May 19 2010
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8:10pm May 19 2010
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Dusk rose her head and was distracted for the haeven members..."Well what do you know, venom vs venom." she grinned wickedly... and turned to the Haevens..."What are you doing in Blood territory?" she snarled
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8:15pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 8:34pm May 19 2010)
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"I was trying to get back as soon as I realized where I was," Gem said honestly, "but I don't know the way," then, she shrank back, waiting for Dusk to attack. Ash soon found Vayne. her eyes were menacing, it was very clear she wasnt the same as before, but back to the way she was as a lone. She smiled wickedly, stepping into the shadows. Her dark fur helped conceal her, and as she ran she was quiet, enough that Vayne couldnt possibly hear. It took a long time as a lone wolf for her to learn how to do this. But, after thinking for about a second, she decided to go after Dusk. she started running in her direction.
8:22pm May 19 2010
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8:32pm May 19 2010
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8:50pm May 19 2010
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9:05pm May 19 2010
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(( I have to add something...)) As soon as Ash found Dusk, she lunged. but before hitting her, she stopped. She was her old self again, but not for long. "Kill me, Dusk." she said urgently, before darkening again. She lunged at Dusk, biting her back.
3:04pm May 20 2010
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Dusk snarled and clawed Ash across the face, knocking her to the ground... "Back out of attacking Vayne..." she snickered wickedly. Dusk lunged and used her speed, she collided with Ash and sent her several meters away, rebounding with a bite to the neck, she heard the bone crack as she tore the flesh down to the bone...she jumped back for she knew Ash was in pain... Ash's blood dyed Dusk's teeth as she gave a low growl... and lunged again, sending Ash to the hard tree, she heard the bark creak and snap under the pressure in which she tossed Ash. She grabbed Ash by the hind legs and shook hard, snapping the back leg in a second or so... the mutt was disabled and wouldnt be able to escape she knew but then her eyes softened, as she debated... if i let her live, the i will give mercy, but if i kill her i will give her what she wants. Dusk snarled evily and attacked again, this time going for Ash's side... she repeated what she did to Nyght and snapped several ribs... Her teeth left large gashes on Ash that bled deeply as it soaked the soft earth floor. Dusk began to circle, her cold green eyes angry...Ash attacked AGAIN...this angered her, but she tried to calm herself, she snarled and bit Ash hard again, tasting the blood drip onto her jaws... she released and turned... she would spare Ash, for giving her what she wants was not an option... if ash attacked she would simply dodge... her back stung from where Ash attacked but it didnt phase her, the damage was done...and she would return to kill later...
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3:05pm May 20 2010
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((i don't know what to post))

3:19pm May 20 2010
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(( Wait.. Is Ash with Vayne or Dusk? e.e And I know Ash is going to try and kill Khaos. x3 ))
Vayne cuddled around his pup, licking him gently around Khaos's crown of his head. "If anything tries to hurt you, I will snap they're neck's in a haf of a second." He as sured, him.
Khaos licked his father, "I love you, Daddeh." He said, rubbing his head on Vayne. A rainbow flash of color beamed through his fur, followed by a crack. Khaos's legs grew a bit, then his front legs did. Followed by a crack in his head, bringing his neck up forward and his snout farther out.
Vayne smiled. His child was growing every day, Soon he could stand at Vayne's side, once he Dies, he could run the pack. Vayne looked into Khaos's eyes, he was soon to be a very strong wolf.
(( Oh, And zoz is grounded for another week. She got an F on a math test.. :c ))
3:21pm May 20 2010
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Crystal came over to the venom area to see khaos and vayne. "Hello." She said respectfully.

3:26pm May 20 2010
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Khaos got up to his now much longer teenage legs. She flashed his tail into the air, snarling furiously.
"KHAOS!" Vayne screamed. "Calm down!" He growled. "Oh, hey Crystal." He added.
Khaos lowered his tail, still growling low.
3:29pm May 20 2010
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"Don't worry khaos im a good guy." Crystal said giggling. "How are you vayne?" she asked.

3:35pm May 20 2010
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((um ash was with dusk, but dusk...well...you know dusk lol xD, and idk how ash will react to the damage, but i think she became a rogue again to protect nyght... and was debating on attacking vayne.)) Dusk snickered at the damage she had caused to Ash, the mutt had failed again...and had no pack to return to...this thought danced in her mind as she crawled into her den and relaxed on the earth floor. She smiled to herself and dreamed of her past. -mega fail-
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3:36pm May 20 2010
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((awww poor zozo :( ))
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4:59pm May 20 2010
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"I am good, The only thing is that I heard a battle cry, not of any normal wolf, It came from Ash. I am worried for her. I am afraid that filthy Bloodpack pup of her's has corrupted her mind." He said, sighing. "I have a feeling Khaos is going to be the next Venom pack champion." He said, smiling a little. ((  That is Khaos, Sometimes his markings glow rainbow. They are under his fur. :D I made that picture with this: http://fav.me/d2npdh0 :3 ))
5:11pm May 20 2010
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"that might be true khaos seems strong." Crystal said happily
