9:15pm May 20 2010
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Ash stepped into the shadows, and ran around, quick and silent, so he couldnt hear. but, as she ran, she tripped over Dusk. She jumped to her feet, and bit Dusk in the neck, releasing enough venom to make it so she wouldnt move for at Least 45 minutes, and it would work in a couple seconds. She bit Dusk in the leg and swung her into a tree, hearing her leg crack. she crushed her ribs, then backed off. she howled in riumph. ((gtg, bye guyz))
9:17pm May 20 2010
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Khaos had enough of watching and growling. He lunged from the top of Dusks' cave, landing not on Ash, but next to her. He sunk his fangs into her flesh, his Venom seeping into her. Within minutes, Ash was frozen. "I can't believe it worked.." he said to himself, watching the Ash, frozen in time.
9:20pm May 20 2010
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((wait, actually I have a little time. ))
9:23pm May 20 2010
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((aunts here, NOW I gotta go.))
9:24pm May 20 2010
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(( Ok.. >_< ))
9:27pm May 20 2010 (last edited on 9:29pm May 20 2010)
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Dusk whimpered in pain but her eyes went cold she silently called for help... suddenly stregth returned to her limbs as she forced herself up...her strength was fading but she forced a lunge... and while Ash was distracted, she charged tearing flesh from bone in one bite of her teeth... instead of using force, she used her body weight and grabbed Ash's neck... she gripped hard and cracked the bones...her body was failing but she gripped tighter and tighter, hearing the breath being forced from Ash's lungs... then all was silent... she heard the neck crack and felt pieces of bone hit her tongue, it was harder the when she attacked Nyght... it was then she released.... she watched Ash collapse to the ground as she snickered... but her strength was failing and she knew she had to run...she stumbled but approached the unmoving Ash with the last of her strength. She gave a smug grin and even with her broken limbs...she shattered Ash's back... smiling as she heard the bones crunch underneath her body... blood oozed from Ash's reopened wounds. "And Blood triumphs once again..." she choked...the pain returning to her as her front limbs made her stumble. She was no longer into mercy. She snarled and forced a run tackling the already unmoving Ash, and biting and clawing...striping more flesh to the bone... blood oozed everywhere, Dusk's vision was blurring but she didnt care, she no longer cared she slashed Ash again with her claws and nearly tore her side out... revealing one of the rib bones... she grabed her limbs and broke them all...spitting out the remaining fragments of bone and blood. It was a hideous scene, blood everywhere..Ash was nearly a carcas.s...bits of flesh lay amoungst the leaves. But Dusk's thought victory was coming at a price. The impact Ash had caused stung her body as her limbs began to twitch she snarled at Ash "I will no longer spare your worthless reject of a pup...Nyght" she whispered coldly before running off at full speed, sliding into her den and feeling the full impact of venom hit as she twitched in her dark den. It began to drizzle and she knew the rain would wash away the blood that Dusk and Ash spilled. She whispered in her mind..."Khaos...the condition you find Ash will not make you intrigued...but you saw herself, the dog was crazed..." with that she fell into a deep sleep
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:30pm May 20 2010
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((is there any room in blood as a fighter or something? cause it dosnt seem like there are a lot of wolves))
9:32pm May 20 2010
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((*yawns... i think its just about bed time for me... please dont kill dusk while im gone xD and btw anything that dusk does in this rp is just her personality, i dont have anything against anyone... so i hope dusk's actions dont make you think im against u! :D))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:41pm May 20 2010
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(( Death, There are many other's in this RP, they come on at different times. Several are grounded from the computer. Also, I believe we are full. Sorry. ))
10:08pm May 20 2010
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(( Uh oh, is my charrie dead? D: ))
10:12pm May 20 2010
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(( Idk D: ))
10:19pm May 20 2010
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Ash could barely breath... she knew she was dying. but Khaos venom stopped her from moving; it felt abot 20 times as powerful as her own venom. Her eyes lightened slowly,and a newfound strength was found in her limbs. She would not let Dusk harm Nyght. "frick..." she uttered when she saw her own ribs. she could see she was bleeding, and without a doubt she knew she would die. She was too far into blood territory. "Khaos... Don't let her kill Nyght... I beleive these will be my last words, Dont let her kill Nyght... tell Dusk what happened... Dont let Nyght kill her either... He has good in him, a pure heart of gold... all he wanted was peace... I was a lone once, I used to be violent, and I guess a small part grew and corrupted me, don't let Nyght die!" she yelled to him, forcing out the last of her energy.
10:23pm May 20 2010
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Khaos nodded, listening to what could well be Ash's last words.
10:32pm May 20 2010
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Ash cried, knowing what this would put Nyght through. She knew she was dying, she could feel herself start to slip away. No, I can't! she yelled at herself, I cant! She tried to get up, but fell down. She tried over and over. No, I cant, not yet, im not giving up. she thought to herself, and tried to get up again. This time, she was able to limp for a while before falling. She did this over and over, determined to at least die on venom territory.
10:43pm May 20 2010
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Gem raced along, again. She could smell Ash and Khaos, and ran to them. As soon as she got there she stared horrified at the wounds. She hoowled in dismay and disgust. "Who did this?" she wondered out loud.
10:51pm May 20 2010
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11:02pm May 20 2010
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11:16pm May 20 2010
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"Im gonna get Vayne or someone to help!" Gem yelped, trying to be helpful. She darted off in Venom territorys general direction, careful not to get lost this time. Soon she came upon him. "Vayne, Ash is dyeing!" she cried, starting to sob from the horror she had just seen. Ash continued to limp along, soon she came to the border of the territorys. She lied down, exhausted, and bleeding from pretty much every direction.
11:23pm May 20 2010
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(bye gotta go. ))
5:17am May 21 2010
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Dusk shivered in her den as she felt the venom fade... it was still there but she could at least move her head now. She turned and faced the outdoors...she thought of Ash, and Nyght. How could Ash risk so much for a pup that wasnt hers? This question puzzled her, as she grumbled in pain.
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