2:11am May 22 2010
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(( the beggining was sarcasm. had to put this cuz sarcasm doesnt travel well when typing.))
2:18am May 22 2010
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(( I gotta go. way past my bedtime, i gotta stay up this long cuz I watched the season finale of Greys Anatomy or antomy or however you spell that word. ))
2:20am May 22 2010
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((I usually dont like 'em but finales are always good.))
2:21am May 22 2010
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((bye ash))

7:11am May 22 2010
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((spirit pack?! i wanna be in it!)) Name: Rin Gender:male Age: teen Looks: a pure black wolf with a white chest and shoulders, white also lines half his face Rank: i dunno.... Personality: can be kind, but also protective of his pack Power: umm idk, let me think of somethin xD
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
12:29pm May 22 2010
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(( back. and bump. ))
12:50pm May 22 2010
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((Bumpzilla Strikes Again))
1:08pm May 22 2010
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Gem picked p the plant she picked earilier for poison. It might work for venom, but the chances of that arent good... she thought, chewing the plant and putting on Lunas paw and lunas wound.
1:33pm May 22 2010
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((Luna is still paused))

1:47pm May 22 2010
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(( I know that! XD Gems a pup, shes not as smart as A adult, so she wouldnt know. XD lol I try to play my characries with the IQ they should have for they're age and experiance! lol ))
1:49pm May 22 2010
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((oh i was not saying that to you i was just saying that))

2:13pm May 22 2010
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(( Oh, okies. XD ))
2:16pm May 22 2010
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((bumpzilla is here and so is king bump))

2:24pm May 22 2010
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(( Bumpzilla.))
3:49pm May 22 2010
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((umm can dusk awaken from venom yet? has it been 45 min wolf time? and can i start controlling Rin?))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
3:55pm May 22 2010
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(( Yes, And I think imma make an Betess Spirit Wolf ))
Name- Akai Age- Adult Gender- Female Looks- white with blue eyes, a black star on her right shoulder, cream paws, light blue stripe down back that goes down to he tail, cold stare Personality- Modest, Goes with the flow. She does not like to be mad, n'or to happy. She stays in the balance of Good & evil, yet sometimes she snaps. Power: Can control the Spirit's of others, can sometimes tell them what to do.
3:58pm May 22 2010 (last edited on 3:59pm May 22 2010)
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(( laur, can my charrie be alpha female of spirit pack? if not, thats fine. ))
3:59pm May 22 2010
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Dusk slowly felt the venom drain... she stood up and then sat back down...she was tired after the fight, she thought it best to drift into a deep sleep. Rin wandered amoungst Spirit pack territory -fail
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
4:06pm May 22 2010
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(( Yes. ))
Taiyre tended to her pup.
Vayne wondered where his mate had gone, along with his son.
Khais finally came to, "Wha- What happened?' He muttered, slowly standing to his feet.
Akai wondered around the top of the mountain, snow covered ground chilling her paws. She yawned, her meek fangs being shown. She swiveled her ears, picking up sounds from beneath the ice. She reared up, pouncing down and bringing up her kill, a snow hare. She shook the life clear out of it, smiling.
4:13pm May 22 2010 (last edited on 4:14pm May 22 2010)
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"You knocked yourself out, I think," Gem said, standing in front of the forzen-in-time Luna. Ash stood in front of Luna too. "are you Okay?" She asked Khaos Sol ran accross a snow covered feild, looking for prey, before stopping for no apparent reason.