8:26pm May 22 2010
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"I'm not on you. Dammit." He barked, looking at Luna with a hint of disgust in his eye. "Now get out of here, your a bloodpack anyway." He said.
(( lol. >_> ))
8:30pm May 22 2010
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"fine i will." luna said getting up but falling. "oww." she cried

8:49pm May 22 2010
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"Need help Luna?" Ash asked, getting some more of the pain lessening plant, and chewing it to put on her wound.
8:55pm May 22 2010
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Khaos swiped the pain lessening leaves out of Gem's mouth. "Let her heal herself." He said, smashing the leaves into the ground.
9:03pm May 22 2010
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"im fine gem" luna said getting up and limping away

9:08pm May 22 2010
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(( you mean ash right? and i dont know what to post. ))
9:15pm May 22 2010
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9:18pm May 22 2010
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Dusk heard traces of the conversation between the venoms and Luna..."I see that Khaos dosnt have control and has two personalities...not a good quality in a soon to be leader..." she whispered to herself. Then a thought occured in her mind, why is Luna as.sociating herself with VENOMS, our packs are supposed to be ENEMIES. The thought made her stiffen angrilly, a low growl echoing through her throat as she sat alone in her den.
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9:21pm May 22 2010
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Khaos's tail rose. A FINAL warning for Luna to leave. "Next time you are dead." He said, calmly.
9:31pm May 22 2010
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Dusk rolled her eyes..."On palease... dont flatter yourself little Khaos..." she grumbled before laying in the back of her den and making an attempt to sleep
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9:37pm May 22 2010
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For some reason, Khaos heard Dusk. "Oh C'mon you spoiled rotten sh¡t." he said, "It's wolf nature to do that." He added, not even know where the demon was.
(( lawl ))
9:42pm May 22 2010
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"You know, I still have unfinished buisness with Dusk, and this time I dont think ill get freezed..." Ash trailed off, Considering going over there.
9:43pm May 22 2010 (last edited on 9:44pm May 22 2010)
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"I would like to strip that b¡tch of her soul." Khaos said.
(( LOL b¡tch is the name for a female wolf. |D ))
9:49pm May 22 2010
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((lauren, ik! i was wondering if that was an insult to dusk for a minute...lol)) The rude comments the venoms made to Dusk made her smile, "Oh stop, your making me blush." she said sarcastically, trying to hold back laughter..."oh and Ash, glad to hear your still standing, say hows the reject you call a pup doing, fine I hope?" she smirked, still lying in her cave... she was debating on going out to start a fight, but she thought it wasnt best, as long as she didnt attack them and remained in her own territory, they had no right to attack... for once in her life, she was tired of fighting...and wanted more then anything to remember her past
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9:55pm May 22 2010
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"Yes, Nyghts doing fine you senseless little... " Ash trailed off, but whispered to Khaos so low noone that far away had a hope of hearing, "This ends here!" Then, ran in the direction of Dusk.
10:02pm May 22 2010 (last edited on 10:04pm May 22 2010)
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Dusk heard Ash coming, but suddenly lost her will to fight... her memory was slowly coming back as she sat in her den... she remembered, howls of pain and panting of her mother...telling her to run.... "Dusk my young pup! Run, dont stop until you cant smell smoke..." her mother screamed as the snarls of attackers drew nearer from their hiding place... The young Dusk whimpered, "Come with me m-mama" she whined, tears building up in her eyes... "Dusk... turn and run...now!" she screamed tossing Dusk away... Dusk ran, only a few days...or was it weeks...old. She panted as the tears welded up in her eyes, She heard her mother..."No it was just me here...there is no one else..." Crunch... the dying groans of her mother..."NO!" Dusk screamed. The memory faded... what happened?! Dusk thought, angry with herself...."Why did i RUN...like a coward...she died to save me." she snarled with herself, the coldness in her eyes fading for a second...Dusk had always tried to grasp her mind around the small possibility her mother could be alive somewhere, searching for her lost pup...the only survivor.
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10:02pm May 22 2010
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"Agreed." Khaos whispered back. He burst into the air, his wolf form peeling away to- Scales!? "What the he-" He said, before his body was engulfed in the draconic form. "BRING IT ON!" He said, happy with his new looks.
(( Remember? ;D Select Venom pack Wolves can turn into dragons. ))
10:08pm May 22 2010
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((woah...nice addition... can any other pack do that or no? and i have to think of some more memorys.))
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10:10pm May 22 2010
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Ash ran to Dusk, soon coming to her den. She growled, obviously angry.
10:10pm May 22 2010
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(( Err... I suppose Blood's could do it too. Because if only Venom Wolves could do that it would be unfair. C: ))