10:13pm May 22 2010 (last edited on 10:14pm May 22 2010)
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Dusk simply turned and gazed into Ash's eyes... the coldness gone, her will to fight faded... she turned back and stared at the ground... her mother's dying words echoing in her head, "She'll never find me." Dusk whispered to herself. Her muscles were relaxed, she wasnt in a defencive or attacking position, it was as if she didnt even notice or care for Ash's precense... Khaos would soon follow, and she would be able to see her mother once more, and apologize for the lives she destroyed. ((yay, cool lauren :) and im still debating but if i was allowed could dusk have the power but not yet know it?))
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10:16pm May 22 2010
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(( Khaos's dragon form. C:  ))
10:18pm May 22 2010
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"Whats that supposed to mean?" Ash whispered, still angry but not as much. She could see Dusk was upset about something. "Whats wrong?" she whispered to her before Khaos got there.
10:21pm May 22 2010
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((lauren, i think I saw that in another rp i did with you, lol sorry brought back memorys xD)) "Like you would care." Dusk stated, not as an insult but simply acknowledging the facts she thought she knew. "It means nothing...sorry to offend you." she said through gritted teeth, she wasnt sure if she would be able to hold back the tears, Dusk realized it was the first time in a long time that she had apologized sincerly in no sarcastic manner. She didnt glance at Ash, and just wanted Ash to kill her if she was going to.
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10:24pm May 22 2010
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"Dusk, I can see your upset about something..." she whispered, a little concerned, but still angry.
10:27pm May 22 2010
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"What would give you that idea?" Dusk stated expressionlessly. She senced Ash's tension and wondered why she was stalling with questions before she killed her. The thought of her mother still wrang in her mind... what about her father? or brothers? had she left them to? this thought tortured her already broken heart.
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10:28pm May 22 2010
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((yep, antis animal rp. laurs charrie's name was Feral, i think, and it had that picture ))
10:29pm May 22 2010
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"first, its as plain as the nose on your face, second, ive gone through that pain before." Ash said, 50% concerned, and 50% angry.
10:30pm May 22 2010
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((yes...that was it :) nice memory ash :)))
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10:32pm May 22 2010
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Dusk thought it was time to confess, "Do you know why I've killed innocent lives? Destroyed so many? Almost taking away yours and Nyghts?" she breathed, not meeting Ash's gaze. She had to tell somebody...and maybe her enemy may become a friend, Dusk doubted this but decided she would tell... it was time to break down her dark personality.
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10:36pm May 22 2010
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Khaos came barreling down, crashing through the roof of Dusk's cave. He slapped Dusk with his new whip like tail, ramming her soon after. "It's the END of you." He said, through snarling teeth.
10:37pm May 22 2010
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Youve lost someone, havent you?" Ash said.
10:41pm May 22 2010
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"I suppose it is..." Dusk stated not looking at Khaos, no longer caring her fate. She stared at Ash and nodded slowly, a tear glistened in her usually cold green eyes. Im coming mother and father...and brothers. she thought, the pain that carried her heart apparent on her face. ((lauren could I bring Dusk's father in for a few posts? or no...))
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10:44pm May 22 2010 (last edited on 10:45pm May 22 2010)
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Ash didnt know what to do. she was stunned. How many similarities can you have with someone else?... she wondered.
10:53pm May 22 2010
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11:00pm May 22 2010
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Dusk didnt bother in getting up...she had no care towards Khaos anymore... She knew, kill me when I do not fight back, or have threatened you in any way... you will bring shame to your family, and no one will look up to you for it... you worthless, inexperienced- she stopped her thought, Dusk knew that thinking it would do nothing, Khaos was "nothing..." she breathed without noticing. and she glimpsed again at Ash almost hearing her thoughts, her gaze was not a cry for help, but almost a question suggesting, do you want to hear my story? or is it not important... Dusk felt she knew the anwser... the secrecy and deciet was kept buried inside her for to long.
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11:01pm May 22 2010
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((is lauren still on?))
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11:07pm May 22 2010
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"Yes, I do want to hear it..." She whispered, answering Dusks silent question.
11:11pm May 22 2010
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11:19pm May 22 2010
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Dusk nodded and forced herself up... glaring at Khaos as she went, not in surrender but not in an attack stance as she went...as if she didnt care, and didnt want to waste her time with Khaos. She sat several paces from Ash, her back towards Khaos. "When I was a small pup a pack attacked my homeland..." images of the fire and bloodshed made Dusk shutter. "My father and brothers were seperated from my mother and myself... when we all ran, there were to many, to powerful... my mother and I hid in a small outcrop hidden from sight...she told me to run. I was confused and small...I didnt understand that my life...or her life were in danger." Dusk gritted her teeth..."I was so stupid!" she growled at herself... "I then heard the snarls from the enemy...I ran...like a coward. My mother's life ended then to protect me, if I was just smarter or stronger, she could still be alive." Dusk realized the harsh reality...she had failed her family. She couldnt remember anything else..."To this day I dont remember anything from my past until I was at least 16. I have never heard from my father or my brothers, Im alone, I never grew up with love...I had to fight for my right to live...every second of every day... the blood members are all I have." she stated almost expressionlessly, a tear returning to her eyes. She looked at the ground, trying to force herself to remember.
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