12:13am May 23 2010
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((sooo tired *twitches* its 12AM here *twitches* g'night))
12:14am May 23 2010
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"Khaos, thats it. THATS IT!" Ash said, "You're just like Vayne you dont know when to stop." She tackled him, pinning him down. "Are you Vayne, or are you Khaos? Are you going to live your own life, or be like someone else?" She added, growling.
12:15am May 23 2010 (last edited on 12:15am May 23 2010)
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Khaos placed his hand around Dusk's head, crushing the skull, almost to a pulp. "Think again, crusty bastard." He said.
12:21am May 23 2010 (last edited on 12:23am May 23 2010)
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That was it... Skin((dusks daddy)) lunged, and grabbed the large dragon by the head... with strength he didnt know he had, he squeezed until he heard the bones shatter... he used his claws and teeth to make the dragon ooze blood...his tactics were similar to that of Dusks... He stripped scales from the dragon to the bone and cracked a wing, twisting some limbs... and then stopped..."What am I doing...?" he settled down and looked at the dragon "You are confused, your mother, Ame, and father ,Vayne, would be very ashamed to call you their son, their own flesh and blood. You use your abilities for evil...you are nothing, worth nothing to no one." with that he turned and walked over to his unmoving daughter... he whimpered and licked her affectionatly..."It took me years to track you down...and now your gone." he felt tears drip down his face..."Murderer... you are no better then Scorge." he said without turning around. Dusk heard the voices around her... how did this stranger know who any of these wolves were... she forced an eye open and saw Ash, and Khaos, and...."f-father...?" Dusk grumbled weakly before drifting off into a deep sleep.
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12:28am May 23 2010
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(( I said he was being possessed by Spirit wolves... >.> ))
Khaos stood slowly, "No pathetic crusty old turd is going to bring down ME!" He said, before clamping her jaws around the wolf's neck, biting down until he could TASTE the bones in his neck.
12:32am May 23 2010
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"Shes not dead, not yet." Ash said, "And dont mind him hes been acting strange lately... Im not sure why, though..." she trailed off. She went and grabbed plants for pain. she chew them and put them on Dusks head.
12:32am May 23 2010
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((lauren, ik :) i just dont know which one, here let mine come in.)) Rin heard the drama and stalked in... destroying the other Spirit pack member's control. "Thats enough." he snarled. Skin breathed in...the wound fading, "I pity you." was all he said to Khaos before returning to tend to his pup...even though she wasnt much of a pup anymore. He put a paw on her soft tissues and released powerful energy... several bones popping back into place wounds fading..."Im here my love." he whispered in a fatherly tone to Dusk... a tone he missed using. Dusk was still out cold but could feel her father's presence, I knew you wouldnt leave me she thought.
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12:39am May 23 2010
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Khaos fell the ground, sinking into his wolf form, once again. He pas sed out, not coming too for a few minuets. "what.." He said, rubbing his face on his paws.
12:45am May 23 2010
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Sol followed after Rin, wondering what had happened. "what happened?" She asked. "How do you know who Skorge, Vayne, and Ame are anyway?" She asked him.
12:47am May 23 2010 (last edited on 12:48am May 23 2010)
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Skin growled at Khaos... "She did nothing to you...attacking her when she didnt fight back...attacking your own pack mate..." the disappointment was apparent in his voice. He wasnt afraid of Khaos for he didnt really care for packs, wolves were all the same...just different personalities. Dusk forced herself up... and looked at Ash. She nodded towards her, Dusk eyes glistened with gratitude. She knew the friendship may never last but, it felt...good to have a friend her own age. "Hes not worth killing, let him run and live forever with the feeling of failure." Dusk stated expressionlessly towards Khaos. Skin looked up, "Ash, are you ok? Maybe you would want to escort this pup home. You learn things as you wander" he smiled at ash, however his eyes were like poison towards Khaos Rin smiled and didnt know of Khaos's mind control... he stepped into the shadows seeing Sol..."I have no idea, that Khaos pup attacked the blood beta for no reason, didnt even fight back..he even attacked his own pack mate..."
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12:50am May 23 2010 (last edited on 12:53am May 23 2010)
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"This isnt khaos. It cant be. when Dusk almost killed me he hadnt tried to kill her... now when she does nothing he attacks? No... this isnt Khaos." She stated flatly. "I know something had happened..." Sol said, "Someones controlling him, we just have to find out who."
12:53am May 23 2010
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"Probobly inherited his father's idiotic genes." Dusk grumbled under her breath... in her mind Khaos had failed in doing a simple task, killing her without a fight. Skin growled at Dusk..."We do not speak in that manner." he glared walking over to Khaos..."I wish to speak to your mother and father." he stated. He turned to Ash, "Could you do me a favor and make sure that Dusk dosnt wander off..." he winked and started out of the cave. Rin shrugged, "I know..were you playing with our gifts?" he asked.
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12:54am May 23 2010
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Khaos coughed. "Who the f**k are you people!?" He woofed, looking at the rather old wolf in front of him.
12:56am May 23 2010
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Skin nodded, "Come along Khaos...we will speak to Vayne." with that he went into venom territory without a wince. Dusk growled, "Im not a pup anymore"
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12:59am May 23 2010
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"Me? No. It could wreak to much havok," Sol said, "Someone is though..." "Okay... I guess." ash said still confused.
1:02am May 23 2010
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Dusk was just as confused...and it showed on her face, however the cold complexion of her eyes began to reveal..."Amazing how a near death experience could call a small trouse." she stated, watching her father go. Skin walked steadily following Vayne's scent Rin thought..."I know, who though?" the distress showed on his face
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1:12am May 23 2010
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((i must be going... im exhausted...dont go to far without me!))
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1:14am May 23 2010
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"Maybe Akai?..." Sol guessed, unsure, ((i may have misspelled the name. If so, just sorta pretend I spelt it right. -lazy-)) "How did he know who Vayne was?" Ash wondered out loud, one more time.
1:17am May 23 2010
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Vayne walked through the forest until he saw an image.. Ame!?! He thought he was dreaming. "It.. can't be..!!" He barked.
1:19am May 23 2010 (last edited on 1:20am May 23 2010)
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((ok this is my last post...)) Rin shrugged, "Lets find out." and he started to trot in Akai's direction Skin lead Khaos to where he as.sumed Vayne was... he kept walking Dusk cocked her head... "Or Skorge...Ame...Khaos...you? I dont recall seeing him since my mothers death..." she said...but her usual attitude had returned, "Should I have fought back?" Dusk asked, but then she remembered that she was being stupid and wanted to die, her father would be disappointed...however her father abandoned her for years...
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