1:54am May 23 2010
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Sol started running to Akai, soon enough she found her. "Akai," Sol said, "Do you know whos controlling him?" she asked
2:02am May 23 2010
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"I dont remember meeting him before today... Is he phsychic or something?" Ash continued wondering, seriously confused.
2:12am May 23 2010
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(( i got to go... just like last night, but this time we watched The Ghost Whisperer and Medium :D ))
8:31am May 23 2010
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(9recap and can i create a charrie pup in the new pack))

10:48am May 23 2010
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((Bump ))
11:31am May 23 2010
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Dusk gave a slight smile towards Ash, "That psychotic wolf was my father." she stated the confusion still showed on her face. ((anti, nm... dusk started getting flashbacks from her past, and Khaos was controlled by spirit wolves, he attacked dusk and ash and dusk didnt fight back, ash tried to protect her....dusk was runited with ehr father, skin.))
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11:42am May 23 2010
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"I think I firgured that out...?" She said, super confused. ((Failure! XD ))
11:46am May 23 2010
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((haha its cool, i've had my share of fails xD)) Dusk was very confused, and angry dispite the fact that her father had returned for her. She was mad at herself for not even remembering his touch, his eyes, his love. It had been a good 17 years since their last encounter...and she couldnt even remember 15 of her life.
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11:55am May 23 2010
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Ash walked around in circles, confused. (( fa fa fa fail! *sings that with a beetoven song tone.*
11:58am May 23 2010
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((lol ash)) Dusk still wanted to remember, had her brothers survived the raid? Why had her father spared Khaos? Did he know or care for the packs?
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12:20pm May 23 2010
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((I dont know whatta post XD))
12:40pm May 23 2010
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((ik im stalling)) Dusk's usual self was returning, "I had a crazy thought Ash..." she whispered unsure of what she would say would start a fight.
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1:00pm May 23 2010
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"What was it?" Ash asked, still confused.
1:05pm May 23 2010
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1:15pm May 23 2010
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1:26pm May 23 2010
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1:51pm May 23 2010
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2:28pm May 23 2010
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((Bump. ))
3:31pm May 23 2010
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"We have a lot in common... I told you my story, whats yours?" she asked in her usual tone.
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3:40pm May 23 2010
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"I can't remember it that well, ill try to remember it..." She trailed off, trying to remember it. ((I can't think of a flashback that fast XD lol ))