4:00pm May 23 2010
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Ame flicked her ears and turned around, "Vayne!" she barked happily. She ran up to her mate and licked his muizzle affectionately, tail wagging a mile a minute.
4:09pm May 23 2010
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4:37pm May 23 2010
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Dusk was stunned, did Ash lose her memory as well? Skin walked through the venom territory, breathing in the fresh air. "Beautiful, right Khaos?" he smiled
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be back tonight
5:00pm May 23 2010
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Ash tried to remember, but all she could remember was running, and fear. "All I can remember is running, and being afraid of something..." shee admitted.
5:37pm May 23 2010
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Dusk cocked her head...for a while thats all that dusk remembered as well
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:49pm May 23 2010
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(( I don't know what to post XD ))
6:16pm May 23 2010
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6:47pm May 23 2010
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((Bring Up My Post. in other words, BUMP! but its moe like Bring Up Laurens Post, so BULP. ))
7:04pm May 23 2010
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7:05pm May 23 2010
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((recap again?))

7:16pm May 23 2010
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((Khaos and Ash went to fight Dusk, Khaos was controlled by spirit wolves, instead of fighting dusk, Ash listened to one of her memories. Khaos called it blab, still controlled by the spirit wolves, and almost killedDusk. Her father, Skin, saved her though, and now Khaos and skin are heading to go see Vayne and Ame, who have just reunited. ))
7:30pm May 23 2010
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"Who?" Akai said. "I wouldn't know~" She said, turning away and gracefully walking away into the oncoming blizzard mist.
Khaos snarled. "I don't know why you brought me here, treating me like I'm a PUP!!" He spat.
7:31pm May 23 2010
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7:32pm May 23 2010
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((ok can i creat a spirit pup?))

7:32pm May 23 2010
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(( yes ))
7:35pm May 23 2010
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Ash was confused. She walked in circles for a while.
7:38pm May 23 2010
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Skin simply chuckled, "you are a pup young one." he said calmly, approaching the voices of Vayne and Ame...they were a short distance away but he loved the scenery, so took his time. Dusk turned to the back of the cave, she should have showed her father how strong she had become... she should have fought back Rin cocked his head..."Then do you know...who?" he asked. -fail on rin's part-
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
7:43pm May 23 2010
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Sol looked over at Rin. "I just asked her that," she said flatly. Ash sat down. Gem ran towards Skin, Khaos, Vayne and Ame. ((Mega ultra failure. ))
7:43pm May 23 2010
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Akai was already gone.
Khaos's markings glowed VERY bright and his legs grew with a loud pop and snap, his neck bone soon followed, his snout stretched out, his tail grew longer, his wings bulkier. "Oh. Am I a pup now?" He spat, his voice deeper, his venom fangs longer.
7:44pm May 23 2010
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(( Wait, Skin and Khaos are in venom territory, Vayne and Ame in bloodpack forest o.o ))