6:08pm May 25 2010
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6:24pm May 25 2010
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Sol rammed him, and bit his legs. She was satisfied when one of them cracked. "I will go when you give me a straight answer," she growled, "Why'd you attack a defensless pup?" her anger flared, it was easy to see on her face.
6:40pm May 25 2010
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6:46pm May 25 2010
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Gem could hear the fighting, and smelt Khaos. She ran to the scene, hoping Khaos wasnt still crazy.
6:48pm May 25 2010
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"Gem?" lin asked as she came up.

6:50pm May 25 2010
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"It's me," Gem said cautiosly, "are you okay?" she could see Lin was hurt.
6:50pm May 25 2010
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Khaos howled as his leg broke, he turned, fury in his eyes. He bit down HARD on sol's snout, until he felt nothing but broken bones. He punched Sol away, biting into her ear and ramming her into a tree. "BECAUSE PUP'S ARE FILTHY SH¡TS!! I CAME OUT HERE FOR SOME PEACE, NOT SOME HORMONE DIRVEN MOMMY!!" He snarled.
6:56pm May 25 2010
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"im fine." lin smiled

6:58pm May 25 2010
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Sols snout hurt. It was obviously broken. She tried to speak, but some of it came out jumbled. "Khas, you ma be a dult on te outside, but youre sill a pup on te inide" she growled through a broken jaw, before slashing at him, "and don't think vayn wont heer bout this." She slashed at his face, and tried to bite and break another leg. She couldnt bite that well though, so she could only break it slightly. She howled, hoping for someone to come help. once again, she concentrated on controlling him. Stop attacking me, she thought towards him soothingly. ((I spelt what she said wrong, becuase it was coming out jumbled.))
7:00pm May 25 2010 (last edited on 7:01pm May 25 2010)
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Skin heard the commotion and approached, he came from behind Khaos, "You are still a pup young one, it is best not to mock oneself." he smiled calmly towards Khaos. "The mother is simply trying to protect her offspring like Ame or Vayne would do for you..." he sat on his hind legs his eyes calm and unafraid... he knew he wasnt going to fight...and was unsure if Khaos would. He came to Sol's side... and helped her to her feet. "Are you ok?" he asked worried. -fail-
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
7:02pm May 25 2010
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"mommy!" Lin said crying "are you ok?" she whined

7:04pm May 25 2010
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Ash started pacing in circles, seriously confused now. Is Dusk my friend or my enemy, how did Skin know who I was, How did Nyght grow up so fast?... she wondered. Her head hurt from all the confusion; it felt as if she knew nothing for sure anymore.
7:05pm May 25 2010
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Hell was set loose. The sky parted black, a swirling orb of dark aura came down, erupting into black flames and a fury fire of time. Khaos roared, going back and forth through his dragon form and wolf form, he was glitching.
7:08pm May 25 2010
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"Ahhh" Lin was scared she hid behind gem

7:11pm May 25 2010
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Sol concentrated as hard as she could with the mind-control thing. Stop it! she thought towards him, trying to get whatever he was doing to stop, Stop it now! "sop it yo evil pup. i sur vayn an ame will love to heer bout how his son attacked a defenless pup." she growled.
7:13pm May 25 2010
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The sky parted to the line of space and time, a powerful aura sphere coming down. He hurled it into Sol, sending her flying. Another came down, he saved it for the pathetic pup.
7:13pm May 25 2010
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Gem stood infront of Lin for a moment, then walked up to Khaos, with sadness in her eyes. "Please stop," she whimpered, "please, Khaos," She looked up at the flame engorged Khaos.
7:17pm May 25 2010
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Ash could hear the comotion. "Stay here," she whispered to them, before running to Khaos and the others. "Oh my god..." she said, stunned. She stood in front of Lin, in case. She didnt know her, but she didnt want a pup to lose their life today.
7:30pm May 25 2010
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((did everyone dissappear at once? 0_0))
7:53pm May 25 2010
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