8:00pm May 25 2010
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((sorry i poofed...)) Skin was worried for the others... he took a step towards the angered Khaos. Stepping in front of the others. "Khaos...this isnt you...fight it, I know your strong enough." with that he lowered his head...knowing that if Khaos decided to strike, he would be lifeless in a matter of seconds. Dusk perked her ears and lept from the den, racing towards the others.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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8:01pm May 25 2010
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8:42pm May 25 2010
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Khaos fought it, His eye's forcefully turning black, while he tried to force them back to neon green. His fur burs out into scales, then fur again. His markings glowed at they're highest point. He strained every inch of his body, as her fell to the ground lifeless, soon after. As soon as he fell, the sky returned to normal in a milo-second. Everything was back to normal except for Khaos.
3:53pm May 26 2010
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((im sooo far behind 0.o))
4:14pm May 26 2010
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Skin raced over to the fallen wolf... he sighed heavily. "Dear Khaos... you are still strong, dont give up the fight yet..." he said worried... the sincerness and grief in his eyes. He sat and bowed his head... showing respect for the young wolf...although younger then he, Khaos still had a whole life to go...he did indeed show promise. He nudged Khaos...and sat...and waited. Dusk was nearing the others ((rin, i gots nothin xD...and snowy i just randomly jump in xD))
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4:25pm May 26 2010
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7:38pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 2:41pm May 27 2010)
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(( snuck on again)) Koda leapt up in the air, and mouthed the word 'Walk!'. After and motioned for Taiyre to follow. she ran, soon to find Khaos. She tilted her head, and calmly walked over to the handsome young pup (in her opinion xD). Who is he.....?She thought. She smiled and sat confortably before staring at him for a few minutes. She then turned to Taiyre, She tilte her head again as if saying: Who is he?
8:16pm May 26 2010
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Is Funneh online?: why NO
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8:33pm May 26 2010
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2:27pm May 27 2010
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(( snuck on again *waits for some one to respond to charrys*))
2:35pm May 27 2010
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(( Khaos is fainted. not awake. x3 ))
2:39pm May 27 2010
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(( Lauren! *huggles* kk *goes to edit*))
2:44pm May 27 2010
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"He's Vayne's son, Koda. You'd best stay away, He's a vicious one." She said, looking at Taiyre. ~
Vayne followed Skin, finding his pup. "OH MY GOD!" He yelped. "Once I find the bastard that did this,.. OH. IT AIN'T GONNA BE PRETTY!" He snarled.
Akai yawned, licking her toothpick like legs and swishing her tail. She got up from the snow and let out a long stretch, waling on with her ice blue eyes.
2:47pm May 27 2010
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Koda nodded, and turned to Vayne. Altho she hasent learned to talk yet, she could telepathicaly, a little. She sent a message to Vayne: Is he your son? You must be proud..... After she turned to Taiyre, nudging her and smiling. You could tell she had a crush on him. (lolz) (( got less that 7 mins left post fast! xD))
2:49pm May 27 2010
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Vayne scoffed. "Sure he is." He said, proudly.
2:51pm May 27 2010
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(( gtg!)) Koda nodded and smiled. Hes not so bad...she thought.
4:02pm May 27 2010
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Skin smiled kindly at father and son, turning away with pain. He gulped and tried to hide his grief..."Khaos inflicted the pain himself... the boy is at war with himself, Vayne... as I said, mind control is a possibility." Skin said. Dusk could hear voices she was almost there... the scent of the venoms mixed with her father made her growl lightly but she was determined to find what was wrong.
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6:12pm May 27 2010
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6:17pm May 27 2010
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((I got grounded. can you catch me up on the more recent stuff? i have 1 hour on computer.))
6:21pm May 27 2010
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((nevermind Lol XD)) "Actually, Vayne, no one did anything to him; he did this himself." Ash said, "I think it might be the same thing that happened to me. My eyes turned black too." Ash frowned. Sol tried to get up but couldnt. She barked loudly, trying to get Vaynes attention.