1:52pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Im gonna have Nyght kill off Kohanu...and Dusk become alpha female :D))
2:14pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Ash followed Nyght, to find him and Koda p*censored*ed out. "Are you okay?" she asked them. She nudged Nyght and Koda, to try to get them to wake up.
2:22pm May 28 2010
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Koda blinked. Huh....? What happened....She told everyone telepathicaly. She slowly rose, so did Nyght. Shestared at Nyght, who was staring right back at her. "Who-You?" all Nyght could get out as he crepted over to Ash.
2:31pm May 28 2010
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"you two look so much alike," Ash said, stating the obvious, "are you okay, Nyght?"
2:42pm May 28 2010
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" She is VERY familiar....." He said as he hid behind Ash. He lowered hsi head. Koda trotted over to Nyght, and stared at him. You do too.
2:59pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Khaos slowly rose, his neon green eyes scanning many around him. "Get the he|| away from me.. ALL of you.." He said, gritting his teeth as he forced himself up.
"Khaos? This isn't you. You wouldn't.." Vayne said, looking down at Khaos.
"This is my true colors, I don't give a s**t about your dumb weak pack.. I'm going to Bloodpack.. At least they have some common sense!!" He snapped, looking at all the others with eyes that could make the bravest heart melt in fear. (( Imma make Khaos join BP O: ))
3:05pm May 28 2010
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"And somehow you both grew up really fast... Im going to see if Khaos is alright, ill be right back," Ash said, beore trotting to Khaos and Vayne. "are you alright, Khaos?" She asked.
3:05pm May 28 2010
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(( OMG O.O.....Koga might follow him......xD )) B-but......Koda whimpered. She lowered her head, and layed down. I will follow him whereever he goes, i dont care.She stood up proudly. " come on...lets go.." Nyght nudged Ash to leave, and he followed her. Khaos....Do you mind.....If i follow you?She asked him.
3:09pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( ima kill off Kohanu and make Koda alpha female kk? :D )) Kohanu lay down in her den. " Im sick....I dont...have....enought power....to be leader......" She said gasping for air. " I see Koda might join...bloodpack...she will be...." she stopped talking. she sent a vision to Koda telling her to be alpha female, if she wanted too and to meet her.
3:11pm May 28 2010
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Sol limped a few steps. She had to warn them. Not Vayne, his temper was too big. Not Kohanu, she'd probably attack with no questions asked and no heeding of the warning. Maybe Sierra. Who?... She wondered, many possibilities ran through her mind.
3:19pm May 28 2010
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(( *waits for lauren *))
3:20pm May 28 2010
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"Okay..." Ash said, in shock from Khaos's desicion. Gem followed after Khaos, "No... don't go..." she whimpered. Her eyes started glowing.
3:22pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( *still waits* did she poof?))
3:30pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 12,384
3:31pm May 28 2010
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((awwwww D: grrrrr.......now what? ))
3:32pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( umm...... wanna join mai rp? its on the first page :D its something like...The banes revenge....somehting like tat ^^))
4:56pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 6,590
Dusk heard the commotion and emerged from the brush... her eyes cold as she looked at Khaos. "Khaos. You are feeling better?" she asked emotionlessly. She turned her gaze to Skin. Who nodded at her. Dusk was in shock, Khaos, the son of the great leader of venoms...is betraying his family to join the bloods? It couldnt be... but she gulped and held her tongue... she would fight if the venoms attacked, her teeth grinded as she stared at Skin... Skin knew that Dusk would fight....he sighed and looked at Vayne...saying nothing, wondering his reaction. Dusk suddenly stopped...she senced Kohanu's weakness... no. they couldnt lose their leader, wether they get new members or not. She grimaced debating whether to go back.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:01pm May 28 2010
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Kohanu layed down in an unconfortable position, dying and she knew it. " If Koda dose not take the alpha female spot.....Dusk will......" she said. -fail-
5:07pm May 28 2010
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Ash went to Dusk, in shock. "id thought id never see the day..." She murmured, "and I think Koda is following. Plus she looks similar to Nyght, I dont know why, though." Her yellow eyes were wide in shock and disbelief.
5:12pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Nyght quickly turned to Ash. " she is my sister." he hissed. " we are very different, seeing she wants to follow with Khaos to bloodpack." he hissed. Leave me alone brother. She hissed. watch out what you say. oh yea why dont you make me?" he snapped. Your making the WRONG choice. she snapped back. " Bring it." a battle has begun. (( O.O Koda ish not evil...))