5:53pm Jun 8 2010
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Dusk paced back and forth outside her den... she was confused and still curious of what would become of the ex-venoms... she let out a deep sigh before relaxing under a small tree... ((sorry im just improvising now xD))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
6:14pm Jun 8 2010
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((Bump. I have a feeling my post will be ignored now. 0_0 rofl))
7:40pm Jun 8 2010
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8:03pm Jun 8 2010
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((Bump. If someone is lurking, I posted at the bottem of last page))
8:05pm Jun 8 2010
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"Ash!" Nyght darted to Ash. "are you ok?! Ash! talk to me ok?!"
8:14pm Jun 8 2010
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Ash groaned. She woke up, with one yellow eye and one black eye. Go, kill the traitoor, the violent side said, but she was smart enough to refuse... for now.
3:20pm Jun 9 2010
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((sorry didnt see that one xD)) Dusk forced herself up after hearing the screech. Her heart raced... what was that about? She asked...she wanted to protect her fellow bloods, so she went slowly in the direction of the howl, her eyes narrowed with threat.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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4:42pm Jun 9 2010
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6:18pm Jun 9 2010
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She could smell Dusk, and had to fight the urge to attack her. She growled, not at anyone. Come on... You know you thirst for the blood, for the fight... It tried to persuade. "no," she whispered to herself. She shook her head, as if it could throw out the evil thoughts. Finally, she ended up fighting herself. She bit her own legs, her own back. She knew one of her enimies now. Herself.
6:48pm Jun 9 2010
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Dusk stopped where she saw Ash... her eyes went wide with shock...she was fighting with herself...her eyes, where have I seen them before? she clenched her jaw and gazed at Ash... she could see the drive to attack her, although Dusk didnt want to fight, she didnt want to run either...this choice could seal her fate.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
6:52pm Jun 9 2010
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Her yellow eye started flickering, yellow, black, yellow black."GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, biting herself HARD. She p*censored*ed out again.
6:58pm Jun 9 2010
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7:11pm Jun 9 2010
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Luna ran to ash. "Ash!!" she sceamed

7:13pm Jun 9 2010
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Ash once again wooke up. Both her eyes were black instead of yellow. Growling, she got up. She could smell Dusk.
7:15pm Jun 9 2010
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"Ash are you ok!?" Luna cried.

7:21pm Jun 9 2010
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"Im fine!" She snapped. She looked a little threatining-like. She glared into Lunas eyes. Suddenly,she recalled a part of a old memory, from long ago. Ash looked around, fear and dread clutched at her. She could see some movement, and went to check it out. When she got there, she saw Dusk. that was all she recalled, she walked upto Dusk, her eyes yellow once more. "I know you!" She practically yelled.
7:28pm Jun 9 2010
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7:30pm Jun 9 2010
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7:31pm Jun 9 2010
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7:42pm Jun 9 2010
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Gem ran to Luna, for she heard the scream. "What happened?" She asked.