8:16pm Apr 3 2010
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Luna jumped out of the way and neared ash.

8:18pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 516
When the other She wolf appeared,thats when the mutations began.His wings started to get bigger.His fur was replaced by hard shell.His eyes rolled into his head,then turned black.He suddenly froze.Then,what seemed to be a chrysalist,formed around him.Inside,he was taking on new adaptations.
8:20pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"your friend? The alpha of the pack that hurt Vayne? and is trying to push the venom pack out of territory? wow. what a good friend" Ash said sarcastically, angry and confused "Not trying to be rude but wow." Ash growled at skorge, but made no moe to hurt him. (( wow this is like a soap, lol ))
8:21pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 8:30pm Apr 3 2010)
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name-StarFrost gender-female age-adult looks- pure white wolf with beautiful blue eyes. has a scar under her eyes and wears blue and silver armor on back front legs back legs neck and some times on her face has twin tails, and large blue bladed wings. personality- loving caring powerful and fast. rank- alpha female? venom element-darkness mate/crush/pups- none had pups but were all killed. other- is looking for a mate. name-Calyx gender-female age-young adult looks- pure black with metalic blue on tips of ears tail all paws and muzzle. and small wings, top set is black and bottom set is hite. personality- nice sweet caring powerful and loving. rank- venom element- light mate/crush/pups-none other- nothen name-Cinder gender-male age-adut looks-black with red marks across left eye, back paw and leg. has a bit ear and has a longish tail with a few spikes. has lage fangs and claws, can hide them if wanted to. personality- nice dangerous fun to talk to protective of loved ones, and dosent like to be around others. rank- venom element-fire mate/crush/pups- none had a mate and pups but were killed by brother. other-nothen
8:22pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Zozo, No. :c Ame is alpha female. Hrm... Maybe alpha female of blood pack. ;D ))
Vayne stopped he growled. "Get the f*****g pup out of here." He raised a paw and snorted. "What the he||!?" He barked, looking at the changing wolf.
8:25pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( ok :D ))
8:27pm Apr 3 2010
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"vayne, How bout I help you with that?" Ash asked right before jumping and bighting Skorge. She sunk her fang deep into skorges neck and realesed a bunch of immobolizing venom into him, and took her teeth out. "Run!" she cried at luna.
8:27pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 516
Suddenly,everything around Skorge blew into peices.He now looked more reptilian than anything.White substance was flowing out of his mouth.He took to the air,as one,single blue orb formed at his mouth. ((Megaflare time.May want to get all the wolves out of the aera.))
8:30pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Crud. Ash thought, watching Skorge mutate. Double crud. "Run, Luna, Run!" She yelled, looking at luna.
8:31pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 8:32pm Apr 3 2010)
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(( O.O Battle of the epic forces. 8D Time to break out Venom Beast. o3o )) Vayne held his head low. "I will not go down without a fight." He lowered his body, as every thing about him seemed to melt into a pool of black and green acid.
8:31pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( where ish mehh gonna jump in ?? xD :D ))
8:33pm Apr 3 2010
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(( IDK o_o ))
8:33pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((Why is scorge still Lunas friend?))

8:36pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 516
As the orb got bigger,He took to the sky.He spread his wings.They glew blue.The orb got bigger.As it grew,he did with it.Now,just a speck in the sky,he watched the wolf melt.
8:36pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
(( Hey luaren, why doesnt zozane find the scent of Vayne follow, it, see Skorge fightin them, and join the fight?))
8:39pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 8:40pm Apr 3 2010)
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(( ummmm....)) Calyx sniffed the air and froze. she turned to StarFrost then spoke, " there is a battle going on..." she lowered her head and continued to pad along the path. " this should be intresting.." StarFrost heard Cinder. " just stay out of there way its not our fight." StarFrost hissed and ran up to Calyx and padded along side her. " i caught a wolfs scent....a very powerful wolf..." with that she darted after the scent curious.
8:39pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,748
Luna was frozen looking at the big wolf in the sky "Scorge Stop it!" she called.

8:41pm Apr 3 2010
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" get over here you mangy mutt! " Cinder yelled following her. " oh great..." StarFrost hissed and jumped up in the air after the two.
8:42pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"Skorge! Hey over here! Are you truly lunas friend if your trying to Kill her?" Ash shouted at Skorge "I mean, do you truly want for her to die? Ash yelled at the top of her lungs. Any minute now, my venom was going to take its toll on skorge, Ash thought, but it could be dangerous if it did too, if his wings immoblized, sending him falling to the ground, he could crush us!
8:45pm Apr 3 2010
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Calyx spotted the wolf in the sky. her ears perked down and she backed away wishing she haddent followed the scent. Cinder, spotted Calyx but was running to fast, bumped into her and sent her flying into the stranger wolves.