8:46pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Sure~ )) Vayne, the now pool of acid began to form a a shape, now having scales, fangs, and every thing else of a beast. 
8:47pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 17,364
8:49pm Apr 3 2010
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(( BAHAAAHAA!! DIe ookoo. >:3 And don't worry- Vayne is on the good side. ^^' ))
8:50pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" whoops..." Cinder muttered as StarFrost flew over behind him. she smacked the back of his head and walked over to join the battle. knowing she was the one who had said 'its not our fight stay out of there way' she diddent care she was looking into a good battle.
8:50pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"Hey!" ash barked at the wolf that bumped into her, then caught scent that she was a bloodpack member. Ash growled at the wolf, trying to decide wether to teach her a lesson or not. "Your lucky im busy right now," Ash turned towards skorge, and ignored the wolf.
8:52pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"Vayne...?" Ash said startled by his new form "should I get luna out of here? or do you need some help?" ash asked Vayne.
8:53pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 9:08pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
(( im not sure what pack calyx starfrost and cinder are in....mehh dont know....what pack do u want them to be in lauren? :D ))
8:53pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 516
((Hey,is it okay if i turn him into a Dragon like,right as he shoot down the mega flare?))
8:54pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"Scorge wont hurt me ash he is my friend" the pup said to ash.

8:54pm Apr 3 2010
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Calyx tilted her head at ash. she tucked her tail between her legs and her ears stayed down. she started to shake and pink orbs started forming on all of her paws.
8:54pm Apr 3 2010
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Vayne roared, then flapped his wings that where now smothered in a sticky acid that was burning the ground as he stood. Raising up into the air, he shot across the sky. He parted his maw, fangs glowing green. A green beam began to fizz at the back of his mouth. Quickly forming into a steady beam. It fired straight at Skorge, sending him flying through the sky.
8:56pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( And yeah. Lets just watch the god-mondy-ness in here. ;3 ))
8:57pm Apr 3 2010
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StarFrost watched Vayne, and dicited if it was time for her to get into the battle yet. she dicited it was and her fangs and claws grew big and she started forming a black violet orb in her mouth. she dug her claws into the earth and got into her fighting stance.
8:59pm Apr 3 2010
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"Luna, hes about to kill us both, He probably WAS you friend before, but right now, hes going to hurt all of us." Ash said then, Jumped onto vayne, trying to get within biting range of Skorge. "Sorry if this is annoying but that guy is really... I dont know would the word 'Evil' fit?"
9:02pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Ash saw starfrost and jumped off of vayne, and tackled SatFrost, seeing her trying to hurt Vayne. She sunk her teeth into her shoulder, and put her immobilizing venom in. As soo as she released she saw the effects of her venom making Starfrost slowly unable to move herself.
9:03pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 9:06pm Apr 3 2010)
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StarFrost hissed and blood started to pour out of her mouth. she stood up and pushed the wolf off, tackled it and started to bite furously her power weakened but she ignored it and cept going. she dug her claws into the wolfs stomach and bit its neck. she released her grip and fell against a tree she coughed up more blood and fell to the floor.
9:03pm Apr 3 2010
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Vayne shot another bright green beam at Skorge. "Yeah, Evil IS the word." He turned around in mid flight. "HOLD ON!!" He folded his wings down and came down faster than a jet plane. With his talons out, he snatched up StarFrost and slung her into the air high above. While She was in the air he fired the beam at her, knocking her into the same distance in the woods her pack leader had been launched.
9:06pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
(( stop ignoreing meh! :( I bit starfrost and released immobilizing venom! Which slowly makes her Immobolized! Its not really hard to take into account ):< im really getting into my character huh? lol))
9:07pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( starfrost was trying to help xD lolz ))
9:07pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Vayne shot down after the attack of StarFrost. He snatched up Luna, his sharp claws digging into her soft flesh. "You like Skorge so much? Let's use you as bait!" He slung the pup into the air and whipped her with his tail. He shot a protective beam around her, protecting her.