9:31am Apr 8 2010
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"Well.. He does have a point. You should leave now. If you like Skorge so much, ask him to accept you. Hell if I know~" She sighed and wandered off. She bent down to the pup. "okay... I'm going to be right back. STAY THERE!" She began digging furiously in the soft ground. She made a shallow tunnel, with a wide ending. She placed Koda inside. She should be safe there... She thought. She darted off and stood on the edge of the hunting grounds. The blast made it east to see, since there where no tree's.
9:37am Apr 8 2010
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"what is she doing" Luna whispered to koda

9:40am Apr 8 2010
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(( Koda is a few hours old pup. ;P )) Taiyre smelled Luna close to her pup. She returned to her and snarled. "Get the hell away you outsider!!" She barked. Grabbing Koda back, she shifted into her black and green acid form. She placed Koda in her kangaroo like pouch.
9:44am Apr 8 2010
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"Fine." She again ran away crying.

9:48am Apr 8 2010
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Taiyre snorted and returned to her spot. She looked for a good sized elk. She found a weak female, flew down and snapped it's neck. She chewed the meat, but saved some for Koda.
9:50am Apr 8 2010
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Luna was then alone looking for scorge she found him alone and she ran up to him. "Hi scorge" she said with tears down her face.

3:53pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Ame stared at Vayne in shock, "you-your alive!" she yelped happily, licking his muzzle, "I thought you were dead! along with the rest of my pups." she whined low in her throat and lay back down by Khaos, "he survived, I dont know how, but here he is, out last pup." She nosed the furry little black pup, who let out a squeak of protest before going back to sleep.
10:04pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" no one wants me! my momma left me to die!" Nyght cryed. he crawsled up to Ame. "do you want me?" Nyght asked looking up to her. Koda looked at the meat and made a whats that? face at her. she sniffed it and cuddled back up to Tairye and fell asleep hungry.
10:08pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 10:10pm Apr 8 2010)
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Calyx woke up to smell another wolf. a few pups and some adults. she stood up and looked around. somehow she was very fond of Vaynes scent and unwillingly followed it.when they came in sight she looked at the crying pup. she sighed and walked up to the other wolves, not to close but she was in running distance. Cinder was back draging a huge bull elk. he left the rest of the elk back where he found them he only wanted the herd leader. he dropped it and Calyx jumped. she stared at the huge beast and sniffed it.she made a weird look and turned to Cinder covered in many hoof marks. " dang how long did it take to take him dow? you look exhausted."she said trying not to look at the thing.
8:08am Apr 9 2010
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Luna started crying so hard that the wolves where she left heard her. A bright light swarmed luna and she grew older and stronger. she then ran to the wolves and started bubbling.

6:03pm Apr 9 2010
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Ame looked down at Nyght, eyes wide with suprise, "um..." she glanced at the pup with a confused ex pression, she looked to Vayne with a helpless look.
6:24pm Apr 9 2010
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"Im baaack." luna said happily. "I couldn't find Scorge and i was so mad my full strength cam in so i am stronger and im not afraid to fight." she said proudly.

7:11pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Anti, Your god-monding. Luna could not magically turn from a pup into a adult. It isn't this fantasy. ))
7:15pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((aww but its her power!))

7:16pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( If you stated it in her Power Option, than sure. ))
7:22pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 12,384
7:24pm Apr 9 2010
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(( We're having a bit of an issue with antinamine. As soon as we get this settled, we can continue RPGing. ^-^ ))
7:35pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((ok luaren))
7:51pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((ok i will change it then but her power is shadow or illusions so i think this couls be an ilusion))

7:58pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((anti, i looked and it said shadow.)) ((luaren, can i make a new character?))