3:59pm Apr 12 2010
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Hast nodded, "Ash, I hope the best for you're health." she said in an amused voice, "you might want to try a bath, It may help a little!" She said, before turning and walking away.
4:16pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"im leaving but i will be back." Luna said happily laughing

5:38pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Time skip! ))
9:00 AM
6:52pm Apr 13 2010
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((if you time skip, you post first xD))
7:57pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 516
((What happened while i was gone?I was on vacation.))
8:09pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( A lot. o_o )) Vayne was the first to rise. He hopped out of the hole that was freshly dug, shaking the dirt from his pelt. "Come on hun, We got to go." He cooed to his mate. He looked up at the sky. Not the normal sky. Grey with few rays of sunshine. He sighed. Great. Rain. He thought.
8:14pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Ame padded from the den, her black pup dangling from her mouth. She set him down outside the den and he let out a small squeak of protest. Ame shook her fur and glancedaround at the destroyed wilderness, "I can't believe we are leaving..." she said quietly, she didnt remember her life before being hit by a truck, but she had been young. This was the only home she knew, and leaving it, was like leaving [art of herself behind.
8:20pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
"It's for our own good. Another blast like that and we will all be dead." He said, sighing.
8:24pm Apr 13 2010 (last edited on 8:35pm Apr 13 2010)
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Ame nodded, "Yeah, but still, this is the only place I know, and I dont know if Khaos will make it on a long journey." she said, licking the pup once before picking him up again and placing him on her back, where he immeadeately fell asleep.
8:25pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Khaos is so cuuuuteee ^-^ ))
8:31pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 516
Skorge sat at a mouth of a cave.He was safe in the volcanic reigon.His fur had went for black to a beautiful grey color.His body had changed sence he came to the volcanoes.His green blood had became a bright orange.He took off through the sky,flying toard where his blast had hit.
9:06pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 516
9:09pm Apr 13 2010
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Hast watched the sky and snarled savagley when she saw Skorge. She pressed herself low to the ground and launched herself into the air, flapping he wings furiously, as old as she was, she moves fluidly through the air, she flew straight up into the air, then, when she was well above Skorge, she tucked her wings and dove. smacking him full force, "you lowlife scum! You killed three defenseless pups with your stunt earlier!" she clamped her jaws on one of his legs, feeling the bone crunch with satisfaction.
9:15pm Apr 13 2010
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Taiyre saw Hast attacking Skorge from above. "Hast wait!" She darted up to help her. "He'd kill you!" She said. Turning to skorge and biting his ear, thrashing her head and sending him out of the air.
9:18pm Apr 13 2010
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Hast landed nimbly on her feet, "stand Back Taiyre, I can still fight. And I'm not afraid to Die." Her pride glowed in her eyes and felt stronger than she had in years. Her once dull coat seemed to glow again as flames flickered from it. Hast bared her teeth at Skorge, "how dare you kill those who havent yet had the chance to grow old." her ears were flat against her head and her fur stood on end.
9:51am Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 5,748
Luna ran back to find scorge. "I have been looking for you." luna said. luna now looked a little older than last time she saw scorge she was now 1 and a half years and she wanted to join blood pack.

2:57pm Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Taiyre ran to Luna and swiped her with her long claw's. "Get out of our land you little parasite." She spat. Biting luna's muzzle and prying her jaws open in Taiyre's dragon form, just to make sure Vayne has gotten rid of Luna's Venom Fangs.
"ENOUGH!" Vayne shouted. The overwhelming pressure from Skorge, and luna had proven too much. He flared his nostrils, a deep growl bellowing from his throught. He looked at Skorge, having been knocked from the sky.
5:19pm Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Ame bared her fangs, icy venom dripping to the ground, her fur lay flat on her back and her ears were pinned back, much like Hast. her wings shielded her last pup and her eyes burned with a pas.sionate hate.
5:25pm Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 3,662
First to rid of Luna... "We will return next spring, ame. By that time the tree's will have grown, and the land will be much better fitted." He said, to his mate. Swiveling his ears, he growled. "C'mon. I can smell more of Skorge's minions coming." He said.
5:26pm Apr 14 2010 (last edited on 5:27pm Apr 14 2010)
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"Ugg" Luna said in pain. i will get them later, luna thoughtto herself
