7:13pm Mar 24 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:18pm Mar 24 2010
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((o_O Uh... Post please ))
8:39pm Mar 24 2010
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Ame stood a short distance from Vayne, eyes ever watchful. Her wings twitched, but she tucked them to her sides and let her fur lie flat. She could smell no Moose and growled softly. An Elk would be easier prey, and they were more plentiful. But she kept her mouth shut. Her ears pinned themselves flat to her skull and she lashed her tail back and forth in anticipation. ___ Hast trotted at a brisk pace, at the back of the pack. Her muscles were'nt sore yet, but she had begun to pant. She didnt let it slow her pace. Hast had a smile on her face.((Fail...by the way, her name was Has.st, which means Hate in german, but, i write it Hast because of the censor thing, Hast means have))
8:53pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Vayne could feel the doubt enslaving Ame. He kept his head straight and his eyes steady. "We can take it down, Ame. Our pack has many members. A moose is good food." He said. "Don't forget about the pups..." He had a shimmer of thought in his eyes, that was cut quickly short.
(( Okay, So what do you say that Ame is expectant? And ok about all Has.st's name. I hate those dumb filters. >n> ))
8:55pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((that works for meh :D)) Ame shook her head, "I'm just thinking that Elk are easier." she said simply, with a twitch of her ear, "and they are lazier, which means their meat is more tender." The thought made her mouth water and she licked hep lips with a wolfish grin.
8:58pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Dawn heard the arguement between the two. "Which ever one is fine" She said, and kept walking. She didnt meen to be rude, but it was a little annoying. She ran into the woods with out the pack, she might get in trouble..... ---------- Dusk followed the pack quickly ((FAILZ, Have to go in a lil)))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
9:28pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Vayne heard Dawn leave without the pack. However, he didn't chase her. He just spoke. "Hmf, Someone is not eating tonight." A menacing grin crept upon his face followed by a internal snicker. His trotting came to a end a halting stop. He kept his head close to the ground, Sniffing furiously. "It's close, but not what we need." Said Vayne. As the scent of a juvenile elk crossed his scents. "But wherever there is young, there is prey." He picked up his head and went in that direction.
9:34pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Ame almost barked for joy. It had been a few days since she had eaten, as she prefered the pack be full before she ate anything. She trotted up to Vayne, walking at his side. ((FAIL x.x im sorry, i g2g!!))
9:41pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( D: Ok. ))
10:32pm Mar 24 2010
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Name: Ash Age: 30 yrs. Gender: female Looks: a Wolf whos fur is a deep shade of Ash, With feirce Silver eyes that strike fear into the heart of enimies, an ear chewed off, Personality: feirce on the outside, but loyal to other wolves of the same packk. Rank: Can be a alpha female? if not a beta? Venom Element(Only ONE): The fangs drip with a sea-green venom that immobilizes enemies. Mate/Crush/Pups: none! Other: Nope.
10:35pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,719
((*doesn't know what to post* o.x ))
2:55am Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Oh noez... we are out of spots... D: Sorry ash ))
3:46pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Kalima whoofed in delight as a butterfly zipped past her nose, eyes watching the insect intently. Bunching her muscles, she pretended the small creature was another wolf, a rouge, and she was going to chase it out of her territory of even better to kill it. Leaping, one of her back paws slipped on the ground and her leap was short, paws narrowly missing her prey but thumped into the ground at a odd angle. Nose hitting the ground, she glared hatfully the the butterfly who seemed to be mocking her.
Getting to her small paws, she cursed her clumseyness once again. She was not sure she would ever become a decent hunter like the other wolves. Stomach growling in hunger, she wondered if anyone around had any meat left or if some of the others were hunting.
((Does Kilama have parents that are alive or in the pack? Or should she just be a rouges pup.))
3:57pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,748
Luna was Playing around in the feild what she she saw the butterfy p*censored* he and she chased after it. "Where are you going mister butterfly?" she asked happily. The butterfly disappeared and Luna went to find her pack.

3:58pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 3:59pm Mar 25 2010)
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Dawn kept walking off, her hunger made her act like this. If she had ate more food the last time, she would be joyful and happy. "Hmmph" She said to herself, and ran off as she smelled a small moose lingering on the territory of their pack. She ran with incredible speed, and looked around. Her eyes turned deep grey, and her fur shot up with skinny bolts of wonderful lightning. She bit the moose's neck, her jaws snapping the bone of it's neck. Her mouth held the weak moose tightly in her jaw. She dropped it down, and ate some of the skinny meat that was one the old looking moose. --------------------------- Dusk stayed with the pack, waiting to see if his sister would come back. "Oh Dawn, you will get in trouble and Im not going to help you." He said to himself. He walked quickly along staying next to the members that he loved. He would never risk getting kicked out, and being a loner.He would probably get killed by them. He chased after Vayne, happy to get some food. His paws thudded on the ground, and he went on.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:26pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,748
On the way back Luna ran in to Dawn. "Dawn whats wrong?" the little pup asked. " can you help me find the pick cause i think im lost."

4:33pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Dawn turned away from her kill. She looked at the young wolf. "Sure...I'll need to do some sniffing, though." She rose her nose into the air and sniffed. after a few seconds she had it. She lifted the wolf pup in her jaws, and ran off. She moved quickly, and almost silently through the twigs, and leaves. She ran back, tore off a peice of meat, and carried the flesh, and pup in her mouth. She stopped when she found the pack going on a hunt. She set down the pup, gave her the meat, and said. "Go on. Now." Then she turned and ran.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:36pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"Vayne i have been looking all over for you why did you leve me behind?" Luna asked shyly.

5:08pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Avestral swooped down from the skies above the pack, quickly falling in stride with the alpha, his long fur settling around his thin, but muscled frame. Heshook his head slightly to clear some of the fur from his eyes, turning them to his alpha afterwards. He had been scouting around the area to make sure there was no trouble in the area. _________ Ice followed dutifully behind the pack, her wings folded neatly against her sides as the snow that always seemed to falle around her gathered on them. She paused only a moment to shake herself off and removed the snow, which melted once it was out of the veil of falling snow around her.
5:15pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 7:59pm Mar 25 2010)
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Posts: 12,384
(( can i be a rouge then? that knows how to live near a dangerous pack, without being keeled?)) EDIT: ((NVM ill just be a normal wolf pack member,who joined by chance))