6:28pm Mar 25 2010
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"Hi Ice!" Luna said happily. Luna was trying to talk to Vayne but he ignored her so she went to talk to Ice.

7:54pm Mar 25 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
9:46pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 9:50pm Mar 25 2010)
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Vayne looked at the pup with a slimmer of curiosity in his eyes. "Tell me this Young one, Who brought you here?" He asked. He turned around and glared at the pup with growing curiosity.
Taiyre walked up to her Alpha, her ears pinned against her head, her tail tucked under her thin frame. "What's wrong, Vayne?" She said, looking at Vayne, whom was glaring at the small pup.
Vayne leaned his head down for a good sniff at the pup. He tore his glare from the pup, to Taiyre. "I know who brought her here, Dawn." He said, he curled back his lips to a growing snarl. He trashed his head away from the Taiye and back to the pup. He closed his eyes. "Guards! Go get her." He barked.
Taiyre nodded. She hardly knew this wolf, but she knew what she looked like, and her scent. Even though she was starving, She would take time to go and get the wolf. And with that she galloped with intense speed until she picked up the scent trail. It was Dawn alright. And what is this that trailed along with her? The smell of blood. Soon enough she found her. Dashing over too her and ripping into Dawn's shoulder. "Get your as s back to this pack. I don't want to be Vayne food." She grabbed Dawn by the nappe of her neck and dragged her back to the pack.
A furious Vayne was waiting back at the pack. The arena was set, it was time for blood shed. Vayne waited intently for Taiyre to back off. He had his fill of this wolf. He rised up onto his back leg's, front paws outstretched. He slashed her maw with extreme force. He went back down to four paws, circling her with anger of a beast. "I'm not finished with you." And with that, he lunged at her side, stabbing her with his kill fangs, black venom running down her side. "I am done." Without a moment of sorrow or grief, he returned to his spot in the pack, and continued off for food.
Taiyre snickered. She walked past Dawn, wanting to pierce her flesh with her kill fangs, but she would have to get permission of Vayne first. She trotted along, going right behind her alpha.
(( Vayne is MAD. o__o ))
9:46pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Ash walked through the trees, though she could smell the scent of other wolves. All the years the loner had lived, she hadnt lost a fight. Ever. The scent of wolves was getting stronger, and Ash continued walking towards it, because this wasn't the scent of wolf she was used too, it also smelled of venom. similar to the venom dripping off her fangs right now.
9:54pm Mar 25 2010
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Vayne could smell another wolf near, he just ignored it. As it was normal. Along with the 50 coyote's and 40 lone wolves that follow them every time they go hunting. "Go see." He said to Taiyre."
Taiyre grinned. "Will do~" She stretched and trotted her way to the lone wolf. She sharpened her horns on the way, yawning as she quite frequently does this.
9:59pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Ash heard another wolf approaching, one that had the same venom scent as the others. Ash stopped for a brief moment, and started trotting towards the approaching wolf.
10:00pm Mar 25 2010
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A single drop of acidic venom dropped from her maw. Letting the other wolf know that her element was acid, and it wasn't all fun and games. She trotted through the brush and soon came upon the wolf.
10:04pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 12:05am Mar 26 2010)
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Ash saw the acid drop from her maw, and let her venom drop from her maw too, showing her her element was a immobolizer-thing, just in case she wanted to know. Ash began to be a little more cautios, even if she had ever lost a fight, she could lose one today if it came to it.
12:50pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((uhhhh, recap? xD))
3:47pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Dawn smelled, and heard them coming for her. She wanted to run away, but knew they would punish her.She ate the last parts of the moose, and picked it up with her mouth. She dragged it quickly, and let it fall in a lake. "Ugh." She ran towrds the gaurds, and stopped. Her ears were flat, and her tail was between her legs. She hated this, she didnt likebeing told what to do. Never. ------------------- Dusk waited to see if the gaurds had found her, if she ran away, and what they were going to do to her. Thoughts ran through his mind. Okay calm down. He said in his mind. He sat down, and watched.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:48pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Im going to have to drop out of this RP. Sorry for the inconvienince but you guys are going fast and I have a lot to do ^^. Good luck with the rest of the RP.))
4:29pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Ok, Stray. ^^ No prob. Nono... Vayne has already attacked, Dawn. o_O )) Vayne finally came upon the scent trail, a clearing in the woods. Not many, but enough where there. A male elk, several female's and a young one. "Go for the bull." He said. Crouching down in the lush salt gr*censored*, ears flat on his head, body low and his tail straight. The bull's for eyesight was weak, hence it could not see the large black and wolf rapidly approaching. Vayne was about Four feet away from the elk when he lunged. He latched onto the elk with extreme force, slashing it with his front and back "talons". For the finishing touch, he ripped into it's neck and let the venom flow. The elk soon fell to its death from paralyzation in its wind pipe hence, bringing it to it's death. Vayne being the alpha, gets to eat his fill first. Hovering ove the kill, he rips into it and begins to eat.
4:38pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((IM SO STUPID....*Facepalm*)) Dawn walked with the pack weakly, her whole body hurt. If it didnt hurt this bad then she would have attacked Taiyre. She could have, she was strong, and she could have a chance. She sat knowing she wouldn't get to eat. I already had my own food. Too late to punish me now. She thought she smiled meekly, and flattened her ears. She wanted to whine, to growl, to kill all of them. She waited a little while, hoping the pack would hurry up.She had no inportant role, she wasn't inportant, no one cared. Huff ---------- Dusk wanted to protest, to do something. But he couldn't, he would get hurt. She was the one who was being stupid. He thought he waited for his turn to eat, and gobbled up his share. He licked his fangs grimly, and layed down. He wanted the meat to hurry up and digest. He wanted to get up, he wanted to help Dawn. Too late, just too late.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:11pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Vayne had hi fill, when he backed off for food for his mate. He began to treck off back to camp ground, kicking Dawn on the way.
(( lol fail. And your not stupid! :c ))
5:14pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Yes I am! I only got a 103 on my quiz today!))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:15pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"Vayne, why did you attack Dawn? What did she so?" the little pup asked curiously.

5:17pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( D: Aww Dx Was it math? I fail in math *cry* ))
5:17pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Vayne looked at the pup. "She did something bad, your too young to understand."
5:20pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Lol, gotta go!))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:33pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 5,748
Luna looked up at Vayne, " Did she kill someone?" Luna walked over to Vayne and sat by him. "So i can't talk to dawn anymore?" She whispered?
