Verloren -Diary/Survival RP- Island

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9:47pm Nov 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 827

May 11th, 1940

Dear diary, we are on our way to the Americas from our beloved home in Europe. Wealthy families, like my own, from all over Europe have been planning a secret escape for their children and pitching in money for a private plane that will take us to America. You see, a war has broken out between the countries and my mother insisted that her soul will be at ease once I have been sent away to safety. I begged her to let me stay, that I will be safe in the reaches of her arm, but her only response was that she is looking towards the worst in this war. I could no longer argue with her after that, and that's why I am now in the plane, looking out onto a vast blue world that I haven't had the chance to know, nor want to. And as I finish my thoughts now, I can't help but sob quietly in my seat while the twenty other strangers go about their business and chatter as we all wait for our new lives in America to yet begin. 

~ Sincerely Rue


These kids come from a wealthy background. Their parents are wealthy or they have relatives that are wealthy. A secret organization had spread around Europe shortly after the war begun. Wealthy families all pitched in to pay for a private plane that would ensure their children safe passage to America where they would be welcomed to a safe and new life with relatives or family friends. The children are all from different countries and all are stranger to one another. Their families thought they were sending their children to safety, but a few hours into the air, while the plane was taking course over the Atlantic ocean, a war patrol plane from an unknown county, shot the small private plane down. The plane spiraled out of the sky as the war plane took off without coming back. The private plane would have crashed into the ocean, if not for the pilot that attempted to take control of the plane. By some miracle, he got the plane to drift a little further out into the ocean before the huge beast shuttered out of his limited control and crashed onto a sandy white beach. The plane practically exploded on the beach, nose first. Bodies dotted the beach, unconscious, dead or critically injured as the plane laid in pieces. The pilot is dead, and the kids will wake up to find themselves on a strange island. The island is as big as a small town and 80% of the island is made up of forest/jungle. The other 20% is flat lands, or bodies of fresh water.


1. No pp,gm,gary/mary sue's, etc. 

2. Follow Res rules

3. This is a semi literate to literate RP meaning; correct grammar, spelling, punctuation marks and write at least a paragraph (4+ sentences).

4. Since this is a semi literate+ RP, I may ask you for a sample of your work if I am not familiar with you, so please, don't be offended. Just know I will probably be lenient with the semi-lit requirement for this Rp.

5. This is a Diary RP, so I require everyone to write in 1st person.

6. Use some form of Ooc; when talking out of character.

7. Keep this in mind; if you have a young character, it is okay to use wrong grammar or incorrect spelling because, this is a diary RP, it will reflect the child's age. Just don't make it too extreme. Not to the point where it gets annoying to read.

7.1. This is not required, but if you want to have your character write with an accent because that's how they would normally talk, that is fine. Just don't go too over the top with it.

8. If you have any questions about this Rp, please r-mail me about it.

More will be added if necessary.



Age: [10-19 *R-mail me if you want younger or older]


County from:


History: [Optional]




10:03pm Nov 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
May I join?


10:58pm Nov 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Can you please use a form of Ooc when talking out of character as the rules have said. And do you mind r-mailing me a piece of your role playing works?]]


8:33am Nov 4 2012 (last edited on 8:34am Nov 4 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
((Oh, my gosh. I have been waiting for a rp like this to get me back into the swing of things for a while now. Might I join? <3))

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:41am Nov 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Awesome! Glad this RP could do that for you! You may join Paige]]


12:41pm Nov 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
((sorry! And I would be happy to! Now, I do RPs with many different literacy expectations. I'm guessing you want one of the long literate ones?))


12:53pm Nov 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Not necessarily. I just wanted to make sure you are as literate enough to qualify under rule 3. But if you say you are and will be, then I will just take your word :)]]


1:40pm Nov 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
((aw! Thank you! I will make my bio in a little bit :) ))


1:44pm Nov 4 2012 (last edited on 7:50pm Nov 6 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Sure thing :) I will update this post with my bio as well.]]

Name: Rue Whittier

Age: 16

Gender: Female

County from: France

Personality: There is, but only one word that will ever define Rue completely and that word is reserved. Well that word and all the synonyms that go along with it. She is distant and withdrawn. Though the conclusion that she is shy would be very wrong. She isn't shy, but more harsh and cold (another synonym). At parties or get together's, she would simply excuse herself from the room without a word to anyone. When greeted, especially from the opposite sex, her face would turn bright red as she refused to speak, being inclined to silence. Also known as taciturn (yet another synonym). No one really knows why Rue acts like this, not even her mother that she, so greatly admires. But if there is one thing that really shines out through Rue's personality is her issue with trusting people.

History: Rue had lived with her mother all her life. Her father died in a war when she was younger, so she never really knew him. In Rue's house, her aunts and uncles and multiple cousins live her and her mother. When her grandmother died, her mom inherited the house, along with her grandparent's life savings. Once her father died, Rue's mom thought the house should be filled with people to drown out her sorrows. However, when the war started the whole house was filled with sorrow. Rue's mother gave most of the savings to Rue to start her new life in America.

Appearances: Raven-black hair falls all about her face, but never lower. The black hair that fr[injection]ames her snowy-white face, makes her look more pale, along with her big black owl eyes. Rue wears a pure white bow around her neck. Her wool jacket is a shade darker than scarlet, and her charcoal black dress is a thin material, a bit heavier than silk. The white bows that run up her dress is the same material as the white ribbon that run up her black boots.


Name: Aaron Achen

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Country From: Germany

Personality: Aaron is an out going guy. He loves to talk and find new trouble to get into. The ex[injection]pression "curiosity killed the cat" defines Aaron perfectly. If there is something he wants to know he goes and lets curiosity get the best of him. He doesn't really think of the consequences, he just wings life. He also has a refractory bluntness and doesn't sugar coat his opinions and feelings. People usually aren't strong enough to handle this part of Aaron, leaving him disliked. And even though it may seem like Aaron doesn't care what people think of him, he tries to take the lead in tough situations to make him seem smart and tough when he really isn't. You see nothing that comes out of his mouth is smart or useful and you will also hardly ever find him with out a smile or his lack of seriousness. When he is serious, you probably want to listen and pay attention because its usually im[injection]portant. Although it may seem like Aaron has a rude personality, he actually has a ton of manners and class, and he has a kind heart. 

History: Aaron has lived with his grandmother since he was 10. He likes to think his parents abandoned him, but his grandma insists that they disappeared. His grandma is very wealthy and lives in a huge mansion alone with Aaron. Aaron is overly protective of his grandmother and makes sure she has everything she needs. His gentle and kind side comes out when he is around her. He begged her to let him stay with her during the war, to protect her. She insisted that he go and live the life that he hasn't yet started. Aaron can never deny his grandmothers wishes.



2:53pm Nov 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
Name: Joseph Rey
Age: 14
Gender: male
Country: England
Personality: Sarcastic, rude, and is easily annoyed and bored. RP rest out. ((If thats alright.))
History: Was very rich and lived in a large mansion with many butlers. Most people couldn't stand him.
Appearances: images 
Other: He has a hard time making friends.


7:23pm Nov 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
(I love you charrie ^.^ ))


3:55pm Nov 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Thank you! 


4:56pm Nov 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 10,925

Name: Shannon O'Neill

Age: Fifteen

Gender: Female

Country from: Ireland

Personality: Shannon O'Neill is the pure definition of a "fiery redhead-" on the outside. Strong, self-centered and clever, Shannon seems to be the type of girl that would challenge the boys in arm wrestling in elementary school; the type that you'd see hanging upside-down off the monkey bars just to show off. Now that she's older, though, Shannon sometimes comes off as arrogant- which isn't her intention, really. Somewhere deep down, she has severe self-image issues, and cares almost too much of what others think of her, which is why you'll always find her attempting to one-up someone or answering in a sarcastic tone as if she were their superior. She hides her extreme self-consciousness by putting up the wall she has created.

History: Shannon didn't have the perfect childhood growing up. Her father was, as her mother says, a deadbeat. While he never left the family (Shannon, her mother and her two older brothers, Michael and Dean), Shannon's dad was an alcoholic who never admitted to having a problem. Almost every night he would stumble through the door during the early hours of the morning, the stench of whiskey heavy on his breath. And Shannon, craving the father figure that a little girl needed, would wait for him to get home- even the nights where her father would shove her against the wall and both physically and verbally abuse her. Somehow, in her adolescent mind, Shannon didn't see anything wrong with the way he treated her on those drunken nights and kept it to herself. This continued for several years and it became almost a normality for Shannon, until the one day her mother went to help zip up her school jumper and she noticed a large bruise at the small of her daughter's back. Not realizing how serious the situation was, Shannon told her mother the truth when she asked. The next day the family, minus Shannon's father, packed all of their things under their mother's directions and left the house, traveling to a city far away to spend the rest of their days. 

When Shannon grew older and began to understand better, her father's words often would play over and over again in her mind until it made her feel terrible about herself. She blames her father for her self-image problems.


tle="" target="">[x]

Credit to tle="" target="">Fuytski on DeviantArt

Other: Has quite a thick Irish accent, in case you couldn't figure.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


7:18pm Nov 6 2012 (last edited on 7:51pm Nov 6 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Awesome! I like your character, Paige! 
It would be nice if we could have a few more people, or a few more characters, join. But if no one does by tomorrow afternoon, we can start. How does that sound?

EDIT: I also edited my characters personality, Last name, and Country from]]


7:39pm Nov 7 2012 (last edited on 7:40pm Nov 7 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Bump! Blech, I am too lazy to start. (plus I am hoping to snag in a few more people?)]]


8:25pm Nov 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
((Bump! Hope that more people decide to join! <3))

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


9:16pm Nov 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( I'll join ^^ you know my work, I believe, but I am Lit if you don't remember me. Bio will be up in a few ))


9:27pm Nov 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754

Name: Kyle Jason

Age: 17

Gender: Male

County from: ... He traveled his entire life to different countries. He spent the most time in Ukraine (where he was born), but he also spent years in Scotland.

Personality: He is extremely arrogant, and in his own eyes, he can do no wrong. He is extremely intelligent, and you can tell he is very proud of it. He can't stand it when people correct him. He has anger issues occasionally, and can get extremely angry when people commit what he sees as injustice.

History: His parents were traveling merchants, and they were extremely wealthy. He grew up with anything he could possibly want, and his parents were never short on money. They spent time in Ukraine, Scotland, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, and England. He had a pet tiger that traveled everywhere with them.


Other: He is deadly afraid of spiders, and he loves big cats.


10:26pm Nov 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( Oh Oh i want to join! ^0^ Ill have everything up in a few minitues or so))


10:59pm Nov 7 2012 (last edited on 11:38pm Nov 10 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
Name: Capri Venice
Country: Italy
Personality: She is very beautiful though she doesnt see it, tomboy, strong, usually underestimated, protective, very brave, puts others in front of her, fast, athletic

History: Her family was very close and would always play jokes and wrestle with each other. When she was around 9 her father left for war and she so badly wanted to go with him but he said she was too small for now. After a few years her family had gotten news that he was killed by enimies and that they may return and come after thier family so she was sent over here of course


Other: Capri was never popular and had only 2 close friends yet they were boys , she has an accent everynow and then, she also loves all animals and is terrified of big spiders

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