Verloren -Diary/Survival RP- Island

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12:58pm Nov 8 2012 (last edited on 1:03pm Nov 8 2012)

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Posts: 827
[[Alright you guys! Looks great! Although, sly, I cannot see your characters picture :( and there are no James Bond movies or hip-hop music. Its the 1940's.
So, who's ready to start?! I will post my intro soon!!]]


2:26pm Nov 8 2012

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Posts: 827
May 12th, 1940 

I woke up to blurred vision. When I blinked all I saw before me was blue and green intermingling with each other. And as I blinked more, the colors started to separate and I could make out my surroundings. There was a huge, dark forest sitting behind me and a vast blue ocean moving in front of me. With a sharp inhale, came the smell of trapped heat in the wilderness and the breeze of the ocean air. The smell was overwhelmingly contradicting, but it defined what I was seeing. However, I was taken aback with the detail my eyes were spotting. On the beach I saw derbies from the crashed plane and bodies that lay limp in the sand or water. My heart aced when I finally realized the situation. 
Before, when I awoke I thought it was all a dream, but reality has been slowly creeping in. I quickly scrambled to my feet, my body aching in spots I don't remember ever hurting. My heart started to beat faster, my breath quickened. I felt faint but I couldn't sit down. Instead I shut my eyes tight and collectively started to breath in and out as my memories started to flood back. I remembered closing my book and looking out the window. The great blue ocean was the only color I remember seeing and then black. I remembered hearing screams as the plane increased it speed. The rest of my memory was blank as if it was too painful to remember. 
After I let myself calm down, I opened my eyes once more. The bodies that laid on the beach were either dead or unconscious. I didn't know them, so I didn't pity them. I felt as if I should have felt sorry for the dead, but I just couldn't mourn. I don't feel bad for feeling this way, but to think that those dead bodies could have been me... It frightens me. I am very scared to see how tomorrow will be.
~Its only morning, Day 1 


May 12th, 1940

In this situation I should have felt sad. My heart should have started to pound in my chest, but when I awoke, those feelings didn't exist. All I could think about was how happy I was that my grandmother didn't come along. Even though I had begged her prior to taking off, she insisted that I go alone. I knew if she would have came, there would have been a pretty slim chance that she was going to live.But I didn't want to think about this junk anymore, because I knew if I did, those feelings I didn't wake up with would stab at me. So instead I figured I would go exploring.

 I was still inside the plane. Or what was left of the plane. I knew what had happened, I was awake for most of it. Up until the impact did I go unconscious. I knew I didn't have too many injuries, just some scratches and bruises. Though I did have a deep gash from my cheek bone to ear lobe. But that had stopped bleed, for the most part. It stung a little in the salty air when I poked my head into the pilot's cabin. The nose of the plane slammed into the ground and crushed half of the cabin (Sadly the pilot was dead). The top of the cabin, however, was split open, as if the impact was so hard that the plane had no other choice than to split like a banana. I thought it was a funny concept.

I grabbed the first aid kit that was laying on the floor by, what was left of the pilots lower half and I climbed out of the cabin from the split at the top. When I climbed all the way out, I had to squint. The morning sun was so bright. When I opened my eyes, my heart nearly stopped. It was beautiful! I felt like I was taking a step into paradise. I could live here my whole life... but on second thought, It seems like I don't have a choice at the moment.

I jumped down from the top of the plane. Half of it was buried in the sand so it wasn't a huge jump. But on impact with the ground, my left knee felt like someone had taken an knife and shoved it in my leg. My scream pierced paradise for a moment before my laughter took over. Don't get me wrong, I was still in a heap of pain, but for some reason I thought that moment was funny.

By the time the pain went away and my laughter had died down, I now had the chance to examine what lay before me. Bodies laid scattered along with parts of the plane. It seemed like no one was awake yet. It was that or everyone was dead. But I didn't believe everyone was dead. So, I got curious. When I took a step forward I stumbled and fell. The pain rushed back, but this time I bit my lip.  When the pain finally settled, I knew my knee was in bad shape. Though I didn't want to look at the damage. Luckily for me there was a beach stick laying a few feet in front of me.  I dragged my body to it and grabbed a hold of it.

I got up again and started to walk, using the stick as a crutch. Pain still shot up my leg, but I wasn't going to let that hold me back. And even though I had the first aid kid in one hand, I know that someone else would probably in worst shape than me. And that's when I started to shift through the bodies. I stood over them and poked them with my stick "Hello?!" I practically yelled at the bodies. I would let the l's hold longer in my mouth. All the bodies I had approached had been dead. Not one survivor  yet. 

I am still searching for survivors, but I have a whole beach to cover


3:54pm Nov 8 2012 (last edited on 9:44pm Nov 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
May 12, 1940

I woke up on a sandy beach. I couldn't see much, as my vision was blurry, but at first I thought we were just taking a vacation to one of our many homes, and I ad fallen asleep. I wondered where Kalla was, until I remembered what had happened.

A crash. Pain flooded through my head as sudden memories came back. After falling asleep, I had woken up to terrified screams that my own soon joined. Down and down we went, falling at faster speeds than I had ever known. I am scared, admittedly, but I suppose I am alive for a reason.

I walked up to one of the bodies on the ground and tapped it with my boots. It was a little girl of about the age of seven, and it was obvious that she was dead. A shame, but not my concern.

I observed the surrounding beach. About three inches from the imprint I left on the sand was a large, sharp rock. I was thankful that I had not landed on it. I continued to survey the beach. A few little crabs were skittering here and there, but among the people there were only a few who stirred, and even fewer who stood up. Most were dead or injured beyond repair.

I walked along the beach to examine some of the remains of the plane. There was a sharp piece of metal with a small bar attached to it. I grabbed it and after finding a piece of cloth from one of the seats to wrap around the bar as a grip, I had myself a handy little knife. Always prepare yourself, no matter what the circumstances.

I looked around for anyone who had survived. It would be nice to see if anyone else was awake enough to have a decent conversation with me.
Let's figure out day 1


7:07pm Nov 8 2012 (last edited on 7:13pm Nov 8 2012)

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Posts: 2,186
May 12, 1940

I awakened to the smell of salty air. The moment I tried to sit up my body forced me back down. The pain was indescribable. Horrific thoughts filled my head as my hands clutched the soft sand. I focused on the sky, wondering if anyone else was here. Was this a dream? No, the pain was far to much for a dream. 

I began to get my vision back and enough strength to sit up. All I saw was water. As far as the eye could see. I looked behind me to see a lush green forest. I knew there was hope, but it wouldn't be like the high maintenance I was used to. 

I slowly got up and tried to see where I was hurt. It wasn't as bad as I thought. There were many scratches and bruises, but nothing life threatening. After wiping the sand off my clothes, I decided to explore the island. It looked large from where I was, so I might as well see if anyone else was here. The last thing I remembered was being on a plane with people from many different places. I didn't particularly like 'hanging' with other people, but this was different. The sight of someone else would give me hope.

Maybe I could find a friend, or someone to be with until this was over. I don't know how to really be nice, but I didn't want anyone to leave me. This wasn't like the people who had used to visit me, the ones that never stayed long because of my personality and behavior. I didn't want to feel alone in this. 

This is only day 1.


3:36pm Nov 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
((This post is saved for my intro ^_^))

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:47pm Nov 10 2012 (last edited on 11:48pm Nov 10 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( gah sorry i took so long!!))

Before the crash all I could remember was everyone screaming and then my vision blurred until it was all black. When I awoke i found myself still strapped into my seat as i looked around. My ears were pumping loudly as my vision came into view.I tried to get out but i was stuck. I then noticed blood dripping from my arm and I saw a little piece of glass in it. I panicked a little and later maneged to get myself free. As i stumbled into the aisles of plane seat all i saw were dead bodies and i finally made my way out.

When i came out more dead bodies layed in front of me and i saw a giant forest ahead. I might as well see what happens.

Day 1- CAPRI


11:55pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Alright, it's fine. 
I will wait till paige posts to continue.]]


11:57pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( ok and im like really excited to get this started up again ^^! Hey i also have a question. Are our charries only gonna go through diaries or can they actually speak too?))


12:48am Nov 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Yes they can still speak. They will just write in their diary what they have spoken.]]


10:25am Nov 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( oh ok lets just wait for everyone else then ^^))


9:44pm Nov 11 2012

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Posts: 2,763


5:58pm Nov 12 2012

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Posts: 827


7:31pm Nov 14 2012

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Posts: 827
[[Bump! Still waiting on you, Paige ^^]]


6:59pm Nov 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
((Bump. I really want to continue this, and I don't think Paige is coming :(. ))


7:41pm Nov 25 2012

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Posts: 2,763
(( yea me either :T))


8:25pm Nov 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Alright, well I will post tomorrow.
And since I like having a even gender ratio, I will be taking Aaron out of the rp]]


8:45pm Nov 25 2012

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Posts: 2,763
(( mkay ))


4:16pm Nov 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
((He could always be gay =3. Just joking XD))


5:44pm Nov 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( XD lol angel got a thing for gays? XD Nah im just kidding brah XP))


5:52pm Nov 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
((Actually, not to be weird but, I LOVE GAYS! Haha I have a lot of guy friends that are gay ^.^))

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