4:36pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((We can start now, if you really want.))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
4:39pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay, cool! NOT IT!xD))
4:41pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((Not me. Pengui can start~))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
4:50pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
((Aw... why me? D:)) Aura's eyes fluttered open. Hello, my child. You have finally awoken. Aura looked around for the owner of the voice, but saw no one. I am your mother, and you are my child. Together we will live in happiness and smiles here, where no one can hurt us. Aura didn't seem sure she liked this mysterious person. They wouldn't even show themself. She looked around to find a door, floating in the middle of the room. She ran for it. Stop! Aura! STOP!! Aura ran through the door, completely terrified. But just as she reached outside, she found herself in a field filled with thorns and monsterous things. I shall give you a guardian to protect you, since you do not want to stay with us... A monster appeared. It was a golden color, and it looked like a dumbell. It had a ring in the middle with just one word on it: FRAGMENT The vines around her grabbed her arms and legs, so she couldn't escape from the mysterious voice. She struggled and pulled, but it was no use.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
4:55pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aloe watched a girl strugle. She was hidden in the shadows her dark hair flowing around her. She shot a ball of magic at the vines and root and watched as they slithered away. Great, now I have given up my hiding place and used some of my magic. She thought. She turned around and saw a giant monster running towards her. She dodged it gracefully sending it flying head first into a tree.
4:59pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"Weak," Sarra sighed swinging her staff and knocking a small, serpent-like thing that had tried to crawl up her leg. "I sometimes wonder I'm even here." Of course, she knew the answer. While the Hyclax Jungle looked scarier than it was, it was moments of the time she was a newbie- the times where things were simple. Defeating hard bosses and watching all-powerful AIs fall down in sparks after being defeated didn't give her as much pleasure as it had been. Her cloak whisking around her legs with almost no sound, she skipped over the pitfall traps she had come to know so well. A few vines lashed out, but she closed her eyes and allowed a glowing, light blue field to surround herself, smiling. Yes, it did do well to be a mage, it did do well...
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
5:00pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
((Is the giant monster my guardian? :O)) Aura walked over to the girl, and looked up at her. "Thank you..." she whispered softly. Aura's purple eyes turned a light brown. You... you have taken my Aura from me! The guardian shot a long rope of gold colored goo towards the girl who saved Aura.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
5:02pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
A commotion sounded, and Sarra paused, distracted for a brief moment. Her foot stepped on a trap, and her force field faltered as she was struck, though she only lost a few hundred HP. Grumbling to herself and cursing slightly, she conjured up another forcefield, drank a power potion, and slammed trees out of her way with her staff. Though she may have acted annoyed, she truly wanted to see what was going on. The Jungle was only known to have clueless newbs begging for someone to give them cool equips so they wouldn't have to train themselves strong enough to fight themselves out. She stopped when she saw a golden, bell like THING attacking another girl. A child with pale hair stood nearby.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
5:03pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aloe leaped out of the and shot some dark shadows at the monster. They grabbed at the monsters feet pulling it down towards the ground. A dark pool appeared below it and slowly swallowed the monster up. Aloe sighed,"Great, I just used up some more magic." She said her voice sounding gloomy.
5:06pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
Sarra stared at the gloop that swallowed the monster before turning her eyes back to the two figures in the clearing. The pale one, who didn't look all that normal, she had to admit she had never seen before, and she wandered these woods quite often. Usually she spotted a newbie while in the process of signing up, but at this point, she hadn't. Glancing at Aloe, she nodded her head in greeting- they weren't friends, but Sarra respected her.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
5:08pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
"NO! Don't hurt him!" Aura cried, pulling her guardian our of the dark pool. "He's just trying to protect me." She pulled the guardian all the way out of the pool, and it took the form of a small cat made out of golden goo. The kitten cuddled up to her and purred, and she stroked him back. Good... all is fine now. Do not try to take my Aura away from me! She is mine, she is our hope! Aura shivered. The voice boomed from the sky. It was so creepy, but yet it was trying to protect her. She wished it would show it's face. "Mother?" she called up to the sky.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
5:12pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"Mother?" Sarra repeated, staring at the child. "Um, unless your 'mother' is playing this game with you and somehow hacked the game and got some fly move, I don't know why she'd be up there." She obviously hadn't heard the voice yet.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
5:14pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aloe hissed,"Fine,but if that thing attacks me again dark magic will swallow you both." She spat out the last word dusting off her cloths,"You can't go pulling things out of darkness, you could get hurt." She hissed. She was one of the best known to use dark magic. It was her best weapon and she was the most skilled of all with it.
5:16pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
"Can't you hear her? She doesn't want you to take me away..." A dark cloud of black smoke that resembled a face appeared in front of the two people. AURA IS MINE! YOU MUST NOT TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME! YOU WILL PERISH IF YOU TRY! The dark cloud vanished. Aura hugged her guardian. "Mother... you scared me. Please don't hurt them..."
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
5:17pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"What happened, Aloe?" Sarra asked, turning to the girl with interest. "I heard a commotion...what happened? Do you need some power potions?" She withdrew a few vials of the blueish liquid from her knapsack.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
5:21pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"I was walking around and I saw this girl being attacked by vines and different things so I helped save her life...Then that thing attack me with some gree goo stuff." Aloe said. She looked down at the power potion,"I guess one wouldn't hurt." She said taking one.
5:24pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"Oh...what thing...the kitten?" Sarra looked at it. "Wasn't that a bell before? And what the heck is up with the random face?" Her nose wrinkled. "If that's some accidentally unreleased enemy that they've meant to put in a later plot, it sure is weird." ((I have to go...don't go too far without me. ;_;))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
5:24pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 5:27pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,094
"That was mother," Aura said quietly, "She doesn't like you..." Aura's eyes turned purple again. Aura... don't trust that girl. She wants to destroy you, she doesn't like what you are! "And you..." Aura said pointing to Sarra, "Mother says you want to destroy me, and you don't like what I am. Why?" Her eyes where frightened at the thought of death.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
5:30pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aloe rolled her eyes,"We don't even KNOW you! Why would we want to kill you?" She asked. Her hair flowed around her looking like it was made from black magic herself.
5:35pm Mar 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,094
"Mother never said anything bad about you. Maybe she likes you!" The gold-goo kitten purred, and licked Aloe on the leg, leaving gold goo on it. "It's very good if mother likes you, if she doesn't...well... I won't say." Aura eyes turned grey. "Let's just say it's not very nice... Aura held her hand out, and magically, a bowl of milk appeared in it. She gave it to the kitten, and giggled. Her eyes turned blue.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3