5:42pm Mar 20 2010
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"I see." Aloe said her voice sounding bored and gloomy. She looked down at the gold goo on her leg and wiped it off,"Yuck." She hissed under her breath.
5:49pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
The goo cat hissed, and transformed into a giant spider, spitting a giant blob of goo at Aloe. It transformed back into a kitten, and drank from the milk bowl Aura had created. And the black cloud face appeared again Do NOT disrespect the guardian! Aura shivered. Her mother scared her sometimes.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
5:51pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aloe looked at the girl,"You are new here, aren't you?" She asked. She had been stuck here for a long time but hadn't waisted that tiem sitting around. She worked on her powers every day making them stronger.
5:55pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
"I don't know..." Aura said, "I just woke up in a strange room with many trees, and a floating teddy bear and bed. Mother was there aswell, but I couldn't see her... I was frightened to hear her voice for the first time, so I ran away..." Aura's eyes turned grey again and she looked at the kitten. "Then mother said she didn't want me to leave, and she strangled me with those vines... it hurt..." ((Aura's the Ultimate AI, so she can feel pain unlike other players, since it's only Virtual Reality.))
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
5:58pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"I see..." Aloe said,"I am Aloe...Most think me as the master of dark magic but I don't like to think of it like that..."
6:01pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
"I'm Aura and..." Aura paused, "I don't know what I am..." The guardian fell asleep in Aura's lap, purring quietly. "Do you know...?"
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
6:10pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"I never said anything, and is it wrong to make as-sumptions? You frightened the child, so you shouldn't be so harsh on me," Sarra growled at where the face originally was. "I never said I was going to destroy ANYONE. Besides, unless she was an AI, which she can't since she can feel pain and talk and whatever of her own will, then I wouldn't try to kill her. Unless you're all part of some new plot I don't know about." She blinked and stared at them both.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
6:15pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aloe looked from Sarra to Aura. She yawned,"Well, i have stuff to do, thing to accomplish." She turned around and walked into the shadows disappearing.
6:19pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
"Bye bye!" Aura waved to Aloe, then turned to Sarra. "What is an AI, and how do you know I am not one?" Aura asked with curious eyes. "Maybe I am one and you just don't know..." she giggled, even though she didn't know what she was. The guardian went up to Sarra, and sniffed her, but then backed away alarmed.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
6:26pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"AIs don't feel, don't do stuf like that withour programming. Besides, I'm still able to talk without selection, so I believe you're a person...if not, you're some odd glitch," Sarra smile, and then looked down at the kitten. "And I've never seen one of these before."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
6:30pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
"It's a guardian! Mother gave him to me, isn't he cute?" Aura giggled. "So you don't like AI's? Well... if your a real hunter don't you have to do a test to see if I'm a rael AI or not?" Aura giggled again. "Can a normal user do this?" She pointed to a tree, and suddenly, a gate appeared in front of it. "That's my secret room, wanna come with me?" Aura asked, tugging on Sarra's sleave.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
6:33pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"I don't like them in general because they don't think for themselves...and if you are an AI, I wouldn't hate you because you seem to have a mind of your own." Sarra analyzed the child with dark eyes for a moment, as if contemplating how innocent she really was, and finally nodded. "Very well. I'll come along."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
6:37pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
"Yay!" Aura said, running to the gate, opening the door and jumping inside. Inside the gate was a small gap in a forest. It had a floating bed in the middle of the clearing. The sky was dark purple and green, and looked as if it was about to rain. There where thorns everywhere. "Wha- what happened? This place used to be so pretty..." I told you not to talk to those humans, escpecially the destroyer... Now this is your punishment! "But... I didn't do anything wrong!"
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
6:39pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"I'm not a destroyer!" Shrieking in surprise, and then anger seeped like poison into her voice. "If you're her mother, aren't you supposed to care? Children make mistakes, and though I don't see how this is one if she just wants to make friends, parents forgive children for doing things they don't want them to do. You're rather heartless forbeing so judgamental and punishing her for my existence!" I glared atthe darkening sky, and tightened my grip around my staff hidden beneath my cloak.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
6:44pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
Aura sat on the ground, crying. Her guardian purred and cuddled up beside her, trying to cheer her up. She must learn that humans like you are dangerous, and she cannot learn without discipline. After all, she is the Ultimate AI, and I was made to watch after her. Many AI hunters would try to destroy a foul creature like her. Together, me and her, will live in happiness and smiles, where no one can hurt us. The sky darkened. Aura fell unconscious as a thorn stabbed her in the back. Poison seeped through her body. Her eyes turned pure black, and one single tear fell down her cheek.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
6:46pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
Blinking up, she said, "You try to punish me for as-suming things, yet you as-sume what I will do. She may be an AI, but at least she has feelings. How will you expect her to live happily if you destroy every chance she ever tries to grasp at making new friends? One person will not be enough to satisfy a person's need for friendship. You may think you're helping her, but you're not."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
6:52pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
How could you know? You barely know this child! The vines around Aura tightened, and she screamed loudly, more tears coming from her cursed eyes. She doesn't need friends! We will live in happiness and smiles WITHOUT YOU! The guardian took the form of the bell again, and shot a rope of gold goo towards Sarra. This child needs no one but me!
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
6:55pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"I don't need to know her," Sarra said calmly, and held up a wall of light that deflected the rope, but hit her with more damage than she expected. She gasped slightly, the wall faltering. "How would YOU know what she needs, though? You know her just as well as I do...you frightened her, and no one can know exactly what one needs. MY mother didn't know everything about me. She sent me off to a tutor because she thought I was stupid for playing games!" Her stare hardening, Sarra took a sip of a power and healing potion, the wall lightening up slightly as she regained some strength. "Look at her crying, and look at her screaming.. If you really loved her, would you do that? Would you? You don't know what she needs, and if you think she needs isolation and pain, then you must be the horrible type of mother that apears in news in the real world for abuse." Sarra stared up defiantly.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
7:07pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,094
I never said I loved her... The guardian attacked again, but this time with a bright shock of electricity. Aura screamed again, and as she screamed, the room filled with the sound of the mother's singing You are here alone again In your sweet insanity All too calm, you hide yourself from reality Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty? When all the world turns away to leave you lonely The fields are filled with desires All voices crying for freedom But all in vain they will fade away There's only you to answer you forever In blinded mind you are singing A glorious hallelujah The distant flutter of angels They're all too far; too far to reach for you I am here alone again In my sweet serenity Hoping you will never find me in any place I will call it solitude When all my songs fade in vain Fly my voice, far away to eternity.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
7:09pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,216
Pain shot through Sarra's body as the woman's voice filled the room. Gritting her teeth, she resisted the urge to join her own scream with Aura's, despite her body wracking with waves of pain. She groaned, and she fell to her knees, still cutching the staff, but not being able to muster up the strength to protect herself from the singing. Gasping and her ears ringing, she choked out. "Mothers...are supposed to love! You want to provide her happiness, this is your way of failing..." Sarra's voice trailed off before she started gritting her teeth again, pressing her head between her arms and desperately trying to block the foul sound out.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ