2:41pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Taito was watching Animal Planet, which was currently showing a lion pride descending on a gazelle, followed by a crocodile getting a young gazelle by the water, throwing itself into the deathspin to kill the baby gazelle. That's what Taito watches. Oh, yeaaaahhh~ ((Or he'll go start watching PPG when he's not all Yandere. xD))
2:47pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,065
Len was watching as well but also had a blank ex pression. He was probably also getting the feeling like he didn't feel like eating breakfast either. ((Poor Len XD))
 Beyond Birthday <3
3:07pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
After a little while, Taito blinked and groped for the remote and switched the channel, turning it to something more cheerful. Like PowerPuff Girls. ((...xDDDDD I lov Taito. He has such mood swings and goes form violent to sweet so suddenly. P:))
3:10pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,065
((LoL)) Len had just about finished his breakfast and went to go put his plate in the sink. "Have you seen Miku lately?" He asked Taito while he was washing his plate. ((Sharpay needs to jump in D:))
 Beyond Birthday <3
3:52pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Taito blinked and looked back at Len. "No...." he answered, voice strangely soft and high for someone with his appearance. ((Yes. Taito has a voice higher-pitced than Kaito's normally, but it's lower when he's in Yandere mode. P:))
4:02pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,065
"Well, I'm gonna go to the store to buy more juice," Len said as he pulled out an empty juice carton. "Would you like to go with me?" Len asked Taito.
 Beyond Birthday <3
4:14pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Taito stood up, wiping the blood off of his icepick and hiding it within his coat before padding towards Len, blissfully unaware he was still covered in blood."I would, actually," he said with a small smile. ((When not psychotic and murderous, Taito is all warm and loving. :D))
4:19pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,065
Len quickly got some money and headed twoard the door. As both Taito and Len left to the store, Len left a note for Miku.
 Beyond Birthday <3
4:36pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Taito padded alongside his blond friend, getting a few horrified stares from people around them, though, him being all oblivious, didn't know why.
4:42pm Mar 27 2010
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As they got to the store Len asked "Would you like to get anything?" he asked Taito.
 Beyond Birthday <3
4:44pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Taito blinked, then paused a moment to think. "...Do we still have those berry popsicles...?" he asked, looking down at Len curiously, tilting his head a little. He loved those things. ((They are WONDERFUL. And purple. xDD))
4:54pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,065
"Yeah they do," Len said as he happly gave Taito some money to buy himself some berry popsicles. Then went looking for some of his favorite bannana and strawberry juice.
 Beyond Birthday <3
5:10pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Taito smiled and headed off to the frozen section to search for his favorite popsicles.
6:04pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,065
Len had just about finished getting the juice he needed and headed off to the cash register.
 Beyond Birthday <3
7:30pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Taito has grabbed a box of his favorite popsicles and happily headed for the register, smiling wide, though the look was kind of creepy on his still-bloody face.
11:53pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,065
Len put all three items on the counter and payed the cashier the money. "We better get back home before the popsicles melt," Len told Taito while grabbing the bag filled with groceries.
 Beyond Birthday <3
8:42pm Mar 28 2010
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 Beyond Birthday <3
8:44pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Taito nodded, then trotted towards the door, smiling lightly.
9:51pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 2,065
((Sharpayfan will jump in on Wednesday))
 Beyond Birthday <3
11:24am Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 2,065
Len and Taito both headed home. When they got back Len asked,"do you want a popsicle Taito?"
 Beyond Birthday <3