3:35am Jul 18 2011
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"Interesting..." Lucius replied smoothly, twiling his cane in his hand unconsciously. "Well, it is to my attention that I am the one calling the shots here, Mr. Potter. So if you please~"
3:38am Jul 18 2011
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"We were talking about - uh - house elf enslavement!" Hermione cut in, thinking quickly. "Yes, because we had recently heard that a friend of ours, who happens to be a house elf, was recruited to work in the Hogwarts kitchens." She gave him a weak smile. Ron gave her a bewildered look, as if to say 'is that the best you could do?' She returned it with a look of her own, saying 'shut up or you'll have the same fate as that closet'.
3:43am Jul 18 2011
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Lucius smirked softly. "Ah, Miss Granger, I never pegged you to be a liar. A blind man could have seen through that sorry excuse of an attempt to lie to me. Ten points from Gryffindor and I will see you in detention." He said, ignoring the snickers of the Slytherins around the room.
3:53am Jul 18 2011
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Hermione dearly wanted to argue, but she knew she wouldn't win this fight. Really, though. Detention? She hadn't gotten a single detention in the six years she had been here! She moaned. And Ron wasn't even going to have detention either, because Neville had gotten the Gryffindors free. "Yes, Professor," she mumbled. ~ A few hours later, in the Gryffindor Common Room, Hermione was still cursing Lucius Malfoy's name. "Not a speck of dirt on my clean record until he showed up!" she shrieked. "Not a speck! And now what?" "What?" Ginny asked dully. "I'll tell you what! My record is being dragged through the mud!" "C'mon, Hermione, it's not that bad," Ron soothed. "Really. It's only one small record. And you don't even have to do much." "Yeah," Harry said. "You'll only have to go through old records and stuff, or clean some floors." Hermione let out a cry of rage, and threw a book at a wall. "Jeez Hermione," Ron said, looking scared, "what'd that book ever do to you?" Hermione turned around, and now she looked perfectly calm. "Nothing. It's time for me to take my detention. I'll see you guys when I get back." And she left through the portrait hole. "Blimey," Ron muttered, "I love her and all, but she can be damn right scary sometimes."
3:58am Jul 18 2011
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((Damn, it's only page ten and I feel like making Lucius grab her and kiss her senseless xD)) Now, Lucius was a fair man, and he found himself feeling guilty about giving Hermione detention. It was to his knowledge that she had a clean record. Well, it could stay that way. He shook his thoughts away, admiring his work. He had lined up around fifteen items, the each one double the size of the one before it, ending in the closet. He was going to turn his "detention" into a study session, so to speak.
4:01am Jul 18 2011
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((Me tooooo. D: Lol, I'm such a slow RPer)) Hermione knocked on the door of the DADA classroom. "Professor, I'm here to take my...detention." The word left a bad taste in her mouth.
4:03am Jul 18 2011
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((Naw, it's not about being slow, it's about the angst and storyline behind it xD. Mel and Sev didn't kiss until the 31st page.)) Lucius pulled the door open with his cane, moving aside. "You may come in."
4:07am Jul 18 2011
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Hermione silently stepped through the threshold. Looking around in confusion, she wondered what she was going to have to do. "Sir, what am I going to be doing tonight?"
4:14am Jul 18 2011
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Lucius closed the door behind her softly. "It is to my attention that you have never been issued a detention before. Now, I don't find it fair, to tarnish that record because of a little white lie. And I wouldn't you to resent me. So, instead of a 'normal' detention, I thought we could turn this into more of a... one on one practice session." He walked up, stopping behind her and placing both hands on her shoulders.
4:25am Jul 18 2011
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Hermione felt a bit awkward with her teacher touching her, but she didn’t want to embarrass him, so she ignored it. “Really, sir?” she asked, feeling relieved. “Thank you so much!” She stopped, letting his words sink in. “What kind of practice session did you have in mind?” She looked around at the setup of the classroom. ((I’m getting off for the night, and school is starting tomorrow. xD It’s been a weekend, so I could mainly be on whenever, but now I’ll be away for most of the day tomorrow. You get on at near the same times I do when I’m back from school anyway, so. <3 Night.))
4:28am Jul 18 2011
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((♥ No problem~)) "Well, since you made the closet explode..." Lucius chuckled deeply. "I decided to make things a bit easier. I thought that if you started small, then perhaps you could achieve your goal."
1:33am Jul 19 2011
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"Yes, sir, about earlier...when I was trying to lift the closet, I...I felt really weird. Like, this tingle running up and down my body, and filling me up...as if I would explode. Is there...something wrong with me?" Hermione asked worriedly, looking abashed.
1:39am Jul 19 2011
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"No, there is nothing wrong. See, you're used to channeling magic through your wand. It slipped my mind at the time, but it is wise to gradually build up the amount of magic used before attempting something as large as the closet." Lucius replied smoothly, moving to sit where she usually sat.
1:45am Jul 19 2011
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"Of course, Professor," Hermione replied. "So, what would you like me to start with?"
1:52am Jul 19 2011
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"Start whever you feel comfertable, Miss Granger." Lucius drawled, spinning his cane. He began to notice that this act was becoming a habit, and he couldn't help it.
1:57am Jul 19 2011
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"Oh, ok." Hermione hesitantly made her way to the first item lined up, a leaf of parchment. Wingardium leviosa! The parchment immediately floated into the air, and she looked to her Professor for approval.
2:00am Jul 19 2011
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Lucius nodded, offering her a soft smile. That was easy enough, and this was kinda fun to watch.
2:08am Jul 19 2011
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Hermione offered a shy smile in return, and then quickly moved to the next item, a peacock quill. She silently giggled. Typical Malfoy, always using the most ostentatious and best-quality items he could get. Wingardium leviosa! The quill danced elegantly through the air to land on her waiting hand. Without turning to her Professor, she carefully put the qull down and moved to the third item, a heavy looking book. Accio textbook! The textbook zoomed into her hand, and she fumbled with it for a bit as it decided to fall out of her hand. She gave a triumphant grin when she managed to levitate it just before it had hit the ground, without uttering a word. The next item...a vase. She looked at Professor Malfoy, arching an eyebrow. "How much is this vase worth?"
2:11am Jul 19 2011
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"Let me just warn you, if you break it I might kill you." Lucius replied, obviously joking. "But you seem to be doing well so far, so I have faith in you." He looked at the items she had already cleared. She was moving quite quickly.
2:13am Jul 19 2011
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"Well, sir, I was planning to reduce it to dust," Hermione smirked. "On purpose, this time. I want to try a different spell."