2:23am Jul 19 2011
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Lucius groaned, running a hand over his face. He sighed, waving it off. "Do what you must, then."
2:30am Jul 19 2011
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"Thanks, sir," Hermione chirped. She turned to the vase, and thought she might try a different technique. Imagining Malfoy Jnr's face sneering at her, she thought viciously: Bombarda! The spell was thought with such force that the vase disintegrated into nothing.
2:35am Jul 19 2011
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Luciud found himself chuckling. "Angry, I see." He commented.
2:45am Jul 19 2011
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Lucius found himself chuckling. "Angry, I see." He commented.
2:47am Jul 19 2011
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“Angry at what, sir?” Hermione asked innocently. “I’m merely trying a new tactic.”
2:49am Jul 19 2011
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"Uh-huh, sure. I felt the force of that spell from over here, Hermione." Lucius replied, unconciously liking the way her name rolled off of his tongue.
2:59am Jul 19 2011
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“Mhmm, well, I have a lot to be angry for,” Hermione replied vaguely, turning back, not noticing the familiarity with which her Professor said her name. The next item, one she hadn’t noticed before, resembled a pink fluffy ball with eyes. This time, Hermione could not hold in her amusement. “A Pygmy Puff?” she squealed, giggling. “Really?” A tear trailed down her cheek, and her sides hurt from the intense laughter.
3:03am Jul 19 2011
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((Omg xD)) "Well I knew you were bound to blow something up so I figured the Pygmy Puff would cool you down. I really hoped you would make it explode. That would be such a pain to clean up, even with magic. Not to mention that you'd probsbly be scarred for life." Lucius chuckled.
3:11am Jul 19 2011
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“Are you sure you don’t have some kind of Pygmy fetish?” Hermione giggled. “If you do, I’ll just say this. Even in the Wizarding World, I don’t think it’s considered normal.” She smiled, and turned to the Pygmy Puff. “You’re a little cutie, aren’t you?” she cooed. “I’m not going to blow you up, like the bad man over there wants me to.” She looked into the eyes of the fluff ball, and thought Rictusempra. Immediately, the ball started squeaking and rolling around. For a moment, Hermione thought she had done something wrong, before she realised that it was laughing, and she began to laugh along with it. In between laughs, she wordlessly cast Wingardium leviosa to levitate it onto the desk Professor Malfoy occupied, so as not to hit it with any debris that might come its way when Hermione began blowing up bigger things.
3:15am Jul 19 2011
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Lucius reached out to pet the Pygmy Puff. "Oh, you're hilarious." He said sarcastically.
3:34am Jul 19 2011
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“I try,” Hermione threw casually over her shoulder. She moved up the line to the sixth ob ject, which was a large stone. She considered the spells she knew, and decided on a harder Transfiguration spell. She imagined that the rock was Crabbe, dumb and not able to form a coherent thought, and then pictured him as something that actually had a brain. The rock transformed into a brown mouse, which she immediately hovered over to join the Pygmy Puff. She noticed that the spell had wavered for a little bit, resulting in a rock that had been half mouse for a few seconds. She frowned and vowed to try harder on a Transfiguration spell on the next item. Moving quickly along the row of items that Professor Malfoy had set up, she finally reached the fifteenth, her teacher’s cane. This was the most difficult one to cast a spell on, because it was a magical item and had magical properties. Frowning in concentration, she willed it to float, knowing Malfoy would never forgive her if she snapped it or blew it up. However, it didn’t move at all. She realised she was exhausted from all the wordless magic. “May I have a small rest, sir?” she asked.
3:36am Jul 19 2011
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"Ew a mouse!" Lucius squeaked, pushing his chair back as far as it would go. "You may. Come, sit." He said, his voice still high as he glared at the rodent. "Get this thing away from me please, before I start blowing things up."
3:39am Jul 19 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((OH. MY. GOD. … I’m dying here. xD)) “Scared of a mouse, sir?” Hermione grinned. “And here I thought you were scary. Why, I think he’s the cutest thing. Won’t you let him stay for a while?”
3:47am Jul 19 2011 (last edited on 4:11am Jul 19 2011)
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"No no no no, I swear to god, Hermione, get. Rid. Of. It." Lucius pleaded, poking at it with the end of his cane. "It's so nasty."
3:51am Jul 19 2011
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Posts: 2,184
“Fine,” Hermione sighed dramatically. “If you insist.” With a wordless spell and a well-aimed thought, the mouse disappeared into thin air. “So…the great Lord Malfoy has musophobia?” A cunning smile worthy of a Slytherin graced her face.
4:02am Jul 19 2011
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Lucius glared at her. "No, I just don't like rodents."
4:04am Jul 19 2011
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“That must be a hassle, then, having one as your son…”
4:11am Jul 19 2011
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"I don't know whether to be offended or laugh..." Lucius smiled, taking the Pygmy Puff into his hand ashe put his feet up on the desk. "So what made you stop?"
4:18am Jul 19 2011
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“Well, I felt a bit drained. This type of magic really takes it out of you,” Hermione said, yawning. “And I’m not as magically powerful as I’d like to be. What, enjoying watching me blast things to bits?” Normally, Hermione wouldn’t be talking so casually to a teacher, but, well…she was tired, and Professor Malfoy wasn’t helping by making her feel comfortable. ((Getting off now, Chanceh. <3 Night.))
4:19am Jul 19 2011
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Lucius nodded, remembering when he had to learn. "Well, if it helps, you're doing incredibly well for someone who's new at this. And yes, because shrapnel that could kill you or me is enjoyable." He said sarcastically.