10:24pm Jul 22 2011
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"You're done?" Lucius asked. "And no, now you can't have him."
10:26pm Jul 22 2011
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“Yes, I’m done. I Accio’ed the cane, didn’t I? And there aren’t anymore items,” Hermione said impatiently. “Please? I can tell he doesn’t like you.”
10:27pm Jul 22 2011
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"So? I'll feed him to that cat." Lucius shrugged nonchalantly. "Or you can pick a normal name."
10:30pm Jul 22 2011
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“You’re so mean!” Hermione whined. “Fine. Is Harry a better name?”
10:32pm Jul 22 2011
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Lucius scoffed. "No."
10:34pm Jul 22 2011
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“What about, um, Severus?”
10:37pm Jul 22 2011
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"But... it's pink." Lucius said, wide eyed. "That's actually a good idea. I can't wait to see the look on his face." He held the small animal out to her.
10:40pm Jul 22 2011
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Hermione burst out laughing at the thought. “I’ll be sure to bring him to breakfast tomorrow morning,” she giggled. “Thank you, sir.” She scooped up Severus from her Professor’s hand and hugged him. “I’ll be getting you some friends. Maybe I’ll name them Ron and Harry.” She turned to her Professor. “Is my…detention...finished? May I go back to the Gryffindor Common Room now?”
10:45pm Jul 22 2011
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Lucius waved her off. "This was never detention... technically. But yeah, you can go."
10:49pm Jul 22 2011
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“Thanks sir!” Hermione pranced off, out the door. That practice session had been better than she had hoped. “Oh, I nearly forgot!” She poked her head back in the doorway. “Professor Malfoy, would we be able to have more of these sessions anytime soon? I still have that list of things you were going to teach us, and I’m having a bit of trouble with some of them.” She felt the tiniest bit bitter about that, but she had accepted it, knowing DADA was her worst subject aside from Divination. She had gotten only an E on it in her OWLs, after all.
10:53pm Jul 22 2011
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Lucius though about it, standing. "If the oppotunity presents itself, then yes, I have no problem teaching you. But I'm not bringing in anymore Pygmy Puffs."
10:56pm Jul 22 2011
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Hermione sighed in relief. “Thanks sir. And you won’t need to bring any, I’ll bring my boys over to watch.” She grinned. “Thanks again!” And then she left for the Gryffindor Common Room.
10:59pm Jul 22 2011
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((What now.)) "Hey 'Mione!" Harry said, taking in her appearance. "How'd detention go?"
11:03pm Jul 22 2011
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((Lolol, I don’t know. Just let it play out, I guess… o.o)) “Hey, Harry,” Hermione replied. “And Ron,” she smiled as she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. “It was fun. You’ll never guess what I did.” “What’d you do?” Ron asked, his face buried in her hair. “Stop that!” she scolded with a laugh, “it feels creepy! But Professor Malfoy, he told me he didn’t want to tarnish my clean record, so we had a practice session instead on wordless magic! Can you believe it?”
11:05pm Jul 22 2011
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"Um no, I can't." Harry replied. "He didn't ask you about us, did he? I don't trust him. Annd where did the Pygmy Puff come from."
11:07pm Jul 22 2011
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Hermione frowned, her good mood receding slightly. “Um, well, no, he didn’t. He just gave me some items to work on, and I got them all to float and stuff.” She smiled again. “This is Severus. Professor Malfoy gave him to me.”
11:12pm Jul 22 2011
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"It's not gonna explode, right?" Harry asked, looking at it suspiciously.
11:18pm Jul 22 2011
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“Er, no,” she said, “I don’t think so…” She gave him a look. “Why are you suspicious?” “What I wanna know,” Ron exploded, “is why it’s named after Snape?” “Well, Professor Malfoy didn’t like any of the names I chose. I wanted to name him Arthur, and then, Ron, and then Harry, but-” “So you named him Severus?” Ron asked, incredulous. He stared at her, and then he stared laughing. “Oh, Merlin, that’s hilarious!” He slapped his knee in mirth. Hermione's mouth quirked slightly, but she was still looking at her other best friend. "Harry?"
11:20pm Jul 22 2011
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"Because this is Malfoy we're talking about, Hermione. He's a Death Eater." Harry growled.
11:26pm Jul 22 2011
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“Harry!” Hermione said, trying to keep her voice calm, but she was getting angry. “Would a Death Eater teach us how to use wordless spells, when we could easily use them against Voldemort? Would a Death Eater not give me detention, just because I wanted to keep my record clean? Would a Death Eater be as nice as Professor Malfoy has been these past few days?” She said this as quietly as she could, because as much as she’d like it to be true, they weren’t the only ones in the Common Room. But her voice could not hide her anger. “Give him a chance, Harry! He hasn’t done anything wrong since he’s been here!” Ron stood quietly out of the argument, not wanting to have to choose between his best friend and his girlfriend. Personally, he didn’t know what to think.