11:30pm Jul 22 2011
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"Ron, tell her she's wrong." Harry insisted, also angry. "Why are you trusting him so easily?"
11:34pm Jul 22 2011
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“Don’t get me involved in this, Harry,” Ron pleaded. “I won’t choose between you two.” He shot them both a look, then turned and walked away to talk quietly to Lavender. Hermione watched Ron go sadly. She turned to Harry and faltered. “I…I don’t know why, ok? I don’t, but I trust him.”
11:37pm Jul 22 2011
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Harry shook his head, turning and disappearing up the stairs.
11:40pm Jul 22 2011
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“No, Harry, don’t go-” Hermione grabbed his arm before he could fully disappear. “I don’t want him to come between us,” Hermione said quietly. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll stay away from him. You’re more important to me than the new teacher on the block.”
11:44pm Jul 22 2011
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"I'm just worried." Harry said, turning to her. "I don't want anyone to get hurt. But you're right, he hasn't been anything but nice to us."
11:49pm Jul 22 2011
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Hermione pulled her best friend toward her into a hug. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt either. Especially you. I should tell you…” She hesitated. “I had arranged for the Professor and me to have more practice sessions, to work on my DADA. Is that…okay? Or would you rather I stay away from him altogether?”
11:55pm Jul 22 2011
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"Just, be careful, kay?" Harry replied, hugging her back tightly.
11:59pm Jul 22 2011
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“I will,” Hermione whispered back. She straightened up. “I’m going to go to bed now. It’s a Hogsmeade weekend, isn’t it?” She called Ron over. “What do you guys want to do in Hogsmeade tomorrow?”
12:02am Jul 23 2011
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"Yep, it is!" Ron piped up. "We could visit Fred and George's shop." Harry offered. "I wonder who's going to chaperone."
12:06am Jul 23 2011
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"Good idea, Harry, I need more Pygmy Puffs," Hermione giggled. "Knowing our luck, it'll be Malfoy who'll chaperone us," Ron said sourly. He didn't really have anything more against the man, but he thought that seeing him might trigger another argument. "I need to visit the Quill Shop," Hermione said, ignoring Ron. "Oh! How about we go with Ginny?" She sent a sly look towards Harry.
12:13am Jul 23 2011
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Harry blushed. "Hope so. And I have that feeling, too, Ron."
2:28am Jul 23 2011
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Hermione laughed at Harry's redness. "I'll ask her when I go up. I'm going to go to bed now, guys, so goodnight." She kissed Ron on the cheek and hugged Harry, and then climbed the stairs, humming to herself. "You guys ok now?" Ron asked Harry, a bit worriedly.
2:33am Jul 23 2011
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Harry nodded. "Yes, Ron, we are. But can you blame me for being concerned?"
2:34am Jul 23 2011
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"No, I don't blame you..." Ron trailed off, shaking his head. "Just, I hate how Malfoy's getting between us, you know? He isn't worth it."
7:24pm Jul 23 2011
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((Bump :D))
11:19pm Jul 23 2011
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Harry nodded. "He isn't. But Hermione's right. He's been friendly enough."
3:57am Jul 25 2011
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Unbeknownst to them, Hermione had heard what they had been saying after she had 'left'. Grinning a small, triumphant grin, she crept up the stairs to the Fifth Year Dorms. ~ The next day, Hermione and Ginny sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, waiting anxiously for Harry and Ron. Professor Malfoy was sitting at the High Table, and she tried to catch his eye. She had Severus sitting in front of her plate, squeaking and rolling and nibbling on toast. Ginny giggled in delight at the little ball of fluff, and when Hermione told her the story of how she had gotten it, she laughed and deviously wrote a small message on a napkin and then levitated it to sit in front of Professor Snape's plate, where he could immediately find it. While they watched for his reaction, Hermione looked at her friend in amused disapproval. "You'll definitely be losing house points for that." "It'll be worth it to see his face," Ginny grinned.
2:23am Jul 26 2011
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Severus frowned, looking down at the paper. He clenched his fists at the words. "Lucius, I hate you. Just thought you should know." Lucus leaned toward him, looking at the napkin. He chuckled softly to himself, though all he wanted to do was roll on the floor laughing. "What? I think it's cute. And with the pink, it deserved your name."
2:46am Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 2:54am Jul 26 2011)
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“Oh Merlin, is Snape going pink?” Ginny gasped. “Just like his Pygmy counterpart,” Hermione giggled, scooping up Severus. “Although that reaction was slightly anticlimactic. Where are Harry and Ron?” Ginny looked around. "I don’t know, but if those bloody gits don't come down in the next-" Ginny checked her watch, "-three minutes, we'll be late for the carriages." "Don't worry, Gin," Hermione said placatingly. "They'll be here." True to her word, the boys burst into the Great Hall dramatically a few seconds after she had said it. "Sory we're late," Harry panted. "We slept in." "We can see that," Ginny said dryly, giving his messy hair an appraising look. Harry blushed scarlet under her eye. "Well, you're just in time, although you did miss Snape reacting to my Severus here," Hermione said brightly. "Here." She shoved a napkin full of toast to each of them. "Filch is letting us out now, so you won't have time to have a big breakfast." "Thanks 'Mione," both boys said gratefully. Hermione smiled at them fondly. "Let's go, shall we?" The four stood in line, waiting for their turn to be marked off by Filch. "The chaperones wait by the carriages, don't they?" Ron asked, craning his head. It was an unusual sight, seeing he was at least half a head taller than the tallest person in front of them. "Mhmm," Hermione murmured non-committally. “Who is it?” Harry asked impatiently, also craning his neck. His efforts were not nearly as effective as Ron’s though, because he was a head shorter than the ginger-haired boy. “Oh no,” Ron said, shaking his head sadly. “We jinxed it last night. It’s Malfoy.” Hermione found herself brightening slightly at that, although she didn’t know why. “I hope he doesn’t try and talk to us in the village to prove his friendliness,” Ron continued, “like Sprout does. I wouldn’t be able to hold in my stomach.” “Don’t talk so rudely about a professor, Ron!” Hermione admonished. “You don’t have much trouble when it’s Snape,” Harry replied, his tone joking, but his eyes narrowing slightly. Hermione blushed under his gaze. “Well, er…that’s different.” “How-” Harry was interrupted by McGonagall rushing them into carriages. “Hurry up, children!” she snapped as she passed them. Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and thanked her Head of House for her timing, and the four of them climbed into a carriage, coincidentally the one behind the chaperon’s one.
3:08am Jul 26 2011
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"I didn't name it!" Lucius growled, raising a gloved hand to rub his temple. "Why do I have to go?" "Because I now have to come up with different ways to kill you." Severus replied simply. "Have fun." He added sarcastically, closing the door to his carriage.