5:27am Jul 31 2011
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Hermione smiled. Even if he hadn't said it outright, the fact that he wanted to continue to associate her meant that...he cared for her on some level. Even if it was just because, really, he couldn't bear to leave Severus in her hands without checking in on him once in a while. She snorted at that. Yeah, that was likely to be the reason. Instead of saying this out loud, she just continued to smile, not saying anything and waiting for him to continue the conversation, terminate it, or address Ron, who she had forgotten was there and who was watching the interaction quietly, but suspiciously.
5:31am Jul 31 2011
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((...The poor forgotten Ginger xD.)) "But please change the Puff's name?" Lucius asked.
5:37am Jul 31 2011
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(( xD)) "Definitely not," Hermione snorted. "It's a cute little furball, and he needs a decent name that doesn't have anything to do with Ferrets, which would be my alternative." She smirked. "It's actually not too different from your son. Both are white and furry."
5:39am Jul 31 2011
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"I don't know whether to be offended or not." Lucius replied. "Did you just call my son a ferret?"
5:41am Jul 31 2011
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"Not in so many words," Hermione smirked. "But in essence, I suppose that's a yes."
5:42am Jul 31 2011
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"...Why?" Lucius chuckled.
5:48am Jul 31 2011
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Hermione shrugged. "Why would I call your son a Ferret? He's a pest, for one. And it's such a delight to bring back memories from Fourth Year."
5:54am Jul 31 2011
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"That's the year he was turned into a ferret and bounced off the walls, right?" Lucius asked, smiling softly.
5:56am Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 5:57am Jul 31 2011)
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"Mhmm." Hermione smiled as well at the memories. "But you. Why are you participating in the horrible mocking of your only son?" she asked, laughing.
5:58am Jul 31 2011
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"Because my son is a spoiled brat who doesn't like to remember his manners." Lucius replied.
6:03am Jul 31 2011
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"Nice to know you think the same way I do," Hermione replied cheekily. "Why aren't you over there checking his injuries and threatening to sue the school and Harry, then? If he's such a spoiled brat. Because I know that's what he wants you to do." She grinned.
6:06am Jul 31 2011
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"Draco wants me to do a lot of things..." Lucius muttered, looking like he forgot his son was there. And he wasn't. "I think he left." He said, shrugging. "And me being a teacher, suing Hogwarts would get me nowhere. And you sue for money. I don't need money."
6:12am Jul 31 2011
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"You're so modest," Hermione rolled her eyes. She focussed on something behind him, and reluctantly told him, "Apparently, by order of the iron matron of Hogwarts, your visit is over. Pomfrey wants me to go to bed." She poked her tongue out at the older woman.
6:14am Jul 31 2011
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Lucius turned, sighing to himself when he saw Madam Pomfrey shooting daggers at him. "Very well, I'll take my leave. I hope you feel better, Miss Granger." He said, offering her a smile before turning on his heel and leaving the Hospital Wing.
6:41am Jul 31 2011
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Hermione didn't know why that smile made her feel giddy like it did. "Thank you, Professor," she said sincerely, and she watched him leave, beaming. She settled back into her bed, feeling exhilarated, before she remembered that Ron was still there. "Finally remembered I'm here, have you?" he asked irritably when he saw her looking at him guiltily. "Nice to know that you'd rather talk to a Professor than your own boyfriend." He turned so that his back was facing her. "No Ron, I didn't-" "You two are a little too comfortable, in my opinion," Ron said icily. "I know Harry tried this last night, and it didn't work, but I'm sure this time it will. You will not be friendly with Lucius Malfoy again, you hear me? He is your Professor. You two should have a strictly teacher-student relationship, meaning you only talk to him during class, and all conversations must pertain to the class topic." "Ron! You're being totally unreasonable-" "Unreasonable, am I?" Ron snarled. "You two are practically flirting in front of me! It disgusts me, because not only is he an ex-Death Eater, or even a fully fledged Death Eater, he's your Professor and he's a Malfoy. And I am your boyfriend. You will not talk to him, or our relationship is over." Ron wasn't the only angry one by this time. "You have no right to dictate my life like that," she said, just as frostily as he had. "How dare you insinuate that Professor Malfoy's relationship with me is more than friendly?" "I stand by what I said," Ron growled, and he turned and didn't talk to her again. Hermione didn't know what to think, so she bitterly fluffed her pillow and let her tears lull her to sleep.
6:46am Jul 31 2011
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((Omg Ron really you bum.)) "What was that?" Draco asked, glaring up at his father. "You were so wrapped up in the little Mudblood, you didn't even notice I was gone." "Yes I did, Draco." Lucius said dismissively. "You're too comfortable with her, father!" The boy hissed. "You're her teacher!" "Oh quiet down, boy." Lucius growled. "I am her teacher, she is my student. That's the end of that. Are you mad at me for being friendly?" "Friendly? You were practically flirting with her!"
6:57am Jul 31 2011
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((Omg, Ron and Draco think alike. o_o It's scary.)) Hermione woke up with a headache. She really hated crying before she fell asleep. Sighing, she signalled Madam Pomfrey over. "Do you have anything for headaches?" she asked wearily. "Yes, of course," Madam Pomfrey replied sympathetically. Seemingly from the air, she conjured a vial of Headache-Reliever and passed it to Hermione. "Down it goes." Hermione gulped it down and was relieved when her headache faded rapidly. "Thank you," she said gratefully. "Don't worry, dear. I know how you feel. I had a crush on a Professor too, once upon a time." Hermione choked on her potion. "What?" "It's painfully obvious," Madam Pomfrey said gently, "but it will fade in time. I just hope that you'll do good by your current boyfriend. Consider his feelings and forgive him for what he said yesterday." "You heard-" she spluttered, but she was unable to get the sentence out. Madam Pomfrey just looked at her pityingly, which compelled her to continue. "I'm sorry, Madam, but you have it wrong. I do not have a crush on Professor Malfoy, and I never will," she said firmly. "That's what they all say," the matron said, sounding wistful. "I said it too. But it's not true. You're just in deep denial." She smiled at her motherly. "I'll be off to my office, now." And Hermione watched her go, feeling confused about not only that encounter, but her feelings towards her DADA Professor. ((Just a filler. <3))
7:00am Jul 31 2011
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((Dah. Dah. DAAAAAAAAAH.)) ((I have no idea what to post.))
7:01am Jul 31 2011
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((Lolol, sorry for putting you at a dead end... ...wouldn't it be funny if Lucius heard that conversation? xD))
7:04am Jul 31 2011
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((Omg, good idea.)) Lucius stilled, his hand hovering inches from the door. Hermione, have a crush on him? Impossible. Or was it? Lucius found himself blushing as he turned away from her door. He didn't know how he felt about this new discovery; aside from flattered.