7:14am Jul 31 2011
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Hermione was mortified. Ron thought she had a crush on Professor Malfoy...and so did the school's nurse! What was the world coming to? She groaned. At least Professor Malfoy would never know. If he did...she'd dig a hole and bury herself in it. Or maybe just off herself. Either one. She glanced at Ron's bed, and saw he wasn't there. He had left without her, the prat. Calling for Madam Pomfrey, she informed the woman of her departure, got all the necessary tests done, and left the Hospital Wing. Making her way to the Great Hall, she only just realised it was only breakfast. Damn. She'd be seeing Professor Malfoy, and she knew she wouldn't be able to even think about him without blushing. Bracing herself, she pushed open the doors of the Great Hall, and made a beeline for the Gryffindor table, where Ron and Harry were chatting animatedly about Quidditch. "Good morning," she said as brightly as she could. Harry replied with a greeting as bright as her's had been, hoping she'd forgotten about yesterday. She hadn't, but there were more pressing matters at hand. Like the way Ron was looking at her, as if he could see right through her. "Ron?" she asked hesitantly. "I still need an answer," he said flatly, turning back to his food and not looking at her. Hermione felt pressured. Picking between her boyfriend and the man who was fast becoming her favourite Professor? Totally unfair. Sighing, she knew her mind was already made. She sat down beside Ron. "Pass me the marmalade, will you, Ron?" she asked. When the boy handed her the jar, stilll not looking at her, she made sure to close her hand around his. She squeezed gently, and when he gave her a questioning look, she smiled at him and gave him a peck on the cheek, before spreading the marmalade on her toast. She didn't once look up at the High Table.
7:23am Jul 31 2011
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((Ohnoes.)) Lucius drummed his fingers on the table, the food on his plate barely touched. "Something on your mind, Lucius?" Severus asked idly, not really caring. "Oh, you have no idea..." Lucius muttered.
7:25am Jul 31 2011
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"You seem troubled," Dumbledore pitched in, jumping into the conversation. "And I notice you have been throwing more glances at the Gryffindor table than usual. Is something the matter?" And his eyes twinkled.
7:31am Jul 31 2011
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Lucius looked over at Dumbledore, shaking his head. "Nothing, really. Just something I overheard."
7:37am Jul 31 2011
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"Ah, ignorance is bliss, I daresay?" He gave Lucius an amused glance. "Teenage girls are remarkably complicated." And he turned back to his food, humming and acting as if he hadn't said a word to either of them.
7:38am Jul 31 2011
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"Ah, um..." Lucius toward Severus. "What is he talking about?" "I stopped caring a long time ag." Severus replied, standing wit the rest of the Table. Time for classes.
7:44am Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 2,184
"Time for classes," Hermione announced brightly. She took Ron's hand and pulled him up. "We have Charms first." "Brilliant," Harry said enthusiastically. "We haven't got Potions or DADA today!" "Yeah," Ron agreed, glowering at the High Table. "It's great." Hermione ignored them. They arrived at the Charms classroom that was already filling with students. As Hermione, Harry and Ron took their seats, Flitwick climbed onto a pile of books so that he could be seen. "Class, I have a rather exciting lesson for you today," he squeaked. "Today, we will be learning the spell form of Veritaserum, a Truth Spell of sorts. Not as strong, but effective in some scenarios, nonetheless." Damn. There would be a lot of embarrassing confessions today. Hermione wanted to die. ((Chanceh, would you mind RPing either Harry or Ron for this lesson? <3 Seeing as I don't think Lucius will be appearing much here. xD And I'd like some classes other than DADA to be in detail.))
4:09pm Jul 31 2011
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Harry groaned. Great, truth spells. "This isn't going to end well..." He sighed. "I can feel it."
3:46am Aug 1 2011
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"Please assign yourself partners," Flitwick commanded, although it didn't sound at all demanding seeing his size. However, the class complied. "Yes, of course you three may partner," he said, nodding at Hermione, Ron and Harry, who had been looking at him in question. They smiled. "Now, before we begin, I would like to remind you all that you will not under any circumstances be asking any deeply personal questions. I will limit you all to favourite colour, favourite food and favourite subject." Several students looked slightly disappointed, but they knew that even if they couldn't ask these types of questions in front of a Professor, they'd be doing it later that day on unsuspecting friends. "Now, I'd like you all to flick your wands slightly upwards, and the sideways to your left. The incantation is nullus mendacium. Emphasis on the 'nu' of the first word and 'da' of the second." ((Sorry if my latin is not up to par. D: Online translators aren't too reliable. It's loosely 'no lie'.))
5:01am Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Bump. o3o))
5:22pm Aug 2 2011
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((Bump. o3o))
7:37pm Aug 2 2011
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Harry nodded, smiling. Good, so he wouldn't be saying anything embarassing. "So who wants to go first?"
2:50am Aug 3 2011
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Hermione and Ron exchanged glances. “Uhm…” Neither of them looked like they particularly wanted to be the test subject. “Wand, cloak, stone?” Ron asked, holding his hands out. “Loser is first test subject.” “That’s a rather childish game,” Hermione said, laughing. “But ok. On three.” She counted, and then simultaneously, they both showed their hands. Hermione’s hand was in the shape of a cloak, and Ron’s was in the shape of a stone. “Cloak covers stone,” Hermione said matter-of-factly, “which means you lose, Ronald.” They both turned to see what Harry’s hand was depicting. ((Scissors, paper, rock. xD))
2:56am Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 15,067
((Rock, paper, scissors xD)) Wand beat cloak, 'Moine." Harry grinned.
3:04am Aug 3 2011
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Hermione pouted. “I wanted to try first.” She reluctantly stepped away from Ron, though. “He’s all yours, Harry.” Ron sent a mock-glare at her. “Some girlfriend you are, leaving your man to die.” “Some boyfriend you are, needing your girl to protect you.” “Ok, that was a low blow.” Ron grimaced. “Let’s get this over and done with. Hit me with your best shot, mate.”
10:32am Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Harry laughed. Watching them quarrel was hilarious. "Just get married already." He grinned. "Favorite subject, Ron? Nullus Mandacium."
3:53am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 2,184
“Hopefully soon,” Ron said in reply to Harry’s comment about marriage. Hermione raised her eyebrow at this assumption, but let it slide, conjuring a glass of water to enjoy the show. Ron waited for Harry’s magic to wash over him, before his eyes went suspiciously glassy. In a monotone, he replied, “Divination.” Hermione choked on her water. “What?” She took out her wand and used a Finite Incantatem to counter the spell. “Please tell me the spell didn’t work and you were lying.” Ron went red. “It’s an easy class to pass!”
12:04pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 15,067
"'Mione!" Harry laughed. "Leave him be. It's his favorite, not yours."
4:09am Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 2,184
"Mmph." Hermione made a disapproving sound. She sent him a challenging look. "Ready to reveal your deepest darkest secrets?" She raised an eyebrow.
4:19am Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((pere, sorry to interrupt. But chance got banned and will be back in 3 days. Just letting you know since you rp with her))