4:34am Aug 8 2011
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"I KNEW IT!" Harry exclaimed triumphantly, before glaring at the people around them. "Shove off, all of you."
4:43am Aug 8 2011
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Hermione cowered slightly when she saw Ron's angry face. "Ron, I-" "You told me that you were only friendly with Professor Malfoy!" he roared. "Ron, you're overreacting-" "Overreacting, am I?" he growled. "You lied to me!" Hermione's eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry, Ron! I only said I didn't because I knew I wouldn't pursue that...infatuation. Please, listen to me." Suddenly, Flitwick broke in. "I told you that the questions were restricted to favourite colour, food and subject! 20 points from each of you and detention tonight! I'm ashamed!" He gave them all a glare and walked away, daring them to contradict him. Hermione lowered her head. She didn't want to see Ron's angry face, or Flitwick's disappointed one. Conjuring a chair, she sighed and lowered herself into it.
4:45am Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 15,067
"Finite Incantatem." Harry whispered, lifting the spell from her. "I'm sorry, 'Mione. I shouldn't have done that. But, if it's any consolation, I'm okay with it. "
4:49am Aug 8 2011
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Hermione watched Ron stalk off to join Lavender and Parvati. Even without him saying it, she knew their relationship was over. They hadn't even been together that long. "It's ok, Harry," she sniffed, wiping her tears. "I deserved it, I guess. I shouldn't have lied to him.By dinner, Professor Malfoy and the whole school will know. How can I bear going into the Great Hall?"
4:51am Aug 8 2011
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"Hold your head up high like the Gryffindor you are." Harry replied sternly. "Big deal, you have a crush on a teacher. It happens. It's not your fault SOME PEOPLE in this class can't keep their mouths shut." He added loudly.
4:55am Aug 8 2011
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"That's right," Hermione said, making a sad attempt at a grin, "I forgot you were the model Gryffindor." She gave another great sniff. "I'll try, but it won't be easy. I'm just glad that no one heard about your crush on...that other person besides Ginny. At least Professor Malfoy and I are on good terms. He hopefully won't be glaring at me with murder in his eyes when he finds out." She grimaced. "Although I'm going to guess he'll be far from pleased, and he won't hesitate int telling me so."
4:57am Aug 8 2011
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"He's been nice, though. I mean, he did offer you the extra lessons. I don't he would've if he didn't think highly of you." Harry offered. ((I'm just like, 'KISS ALREADY!!!' lol.))
5:02am Aug 8 2011
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"Thanks for trying to comfort me, Harry," Hermione said softly. She gave him a friendly peck on the cheek. "I guess I'm inconsolable at the moment, though. I'll be fine by dinner." She wiped her face and glared at Lavender and Parvati, who were whispering behind hands and pointing at her. She heard Flitwick give them homework (to practise the spell) and left the classroom before anyone else. She needed to get to the Great Hall. She was hungry, and she wanted to eat before the whole school found out and would be staring at her while she had her lunch.
5:04am Aug 8 2011
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((Should we skip?)) Harry nodded, sighing. "At least I gave it a shot. And I'll try to talk to him." He said, gesturing to Ron.
6:00am Aug 8 2011
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((Sure. ^^)) Hermione burst through the doors of the Great Hall, rather dramatically. When she saw Dumbledore and the few students who were there look at her curiously, she blushed slightly and hurried to the Gryffindor Table. Sitting in her usual spot, she quickly grabbed a plate and piled it with sandwiches. As she munched on them, she glanced around furtively. She was hoping to have finished in five minutes, but it seemed her stomach insisted on being filled with as many sandwiches as were in reach. "Feeling extra hungry, Miss. Granger?" Hermione jumped and spun around to see Professor Dumbledore twinkling at her. She went red. "Um, yes, sir," she mumbled, looking down. He chuckled. "Gossip and the confession of infatuations does take much out of one's hunger, does it not?" She froze. "Sir, how did you-" "The walls have eyes," Dumbledore winked. "Or rather, I have many spies." And he walked off, humming softly to himself. Hermione shook her head, feeling bemused. That was a rather unexpected conversation she had not foreseen. Suddenly, the Great Hall started filling with students, and she groaned when she saw many of them watching her more than usual. Great. She hadn't beaten the masses.
5:25pm Aug 8 2011
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6:46pm Aug 8 2011
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"So, Hermione, is it true?" Fred asked, sliding in across from her. "You like Malfoy?"
2:08am Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 2:27am Aug 10 2011)
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Hermione froze, her half bitten sandwich falling onto her plate. "Who told you that?" She decided playing dumb was the best way to deal with this, especially when it came to the Weasley twins. And when she found out, she'd bloody kill them.
2:27am Aug 10 2011
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10:01pm Aug 11 2011
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Posts: 12
((Right, so, I have some explaining to do. This is me, Chance. I got banned permanently for something I had no control over, but the staff aren't budging. So I don't know if you'd like to continue the roleplay or not...))
2:30am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Of course I do! :o If you still want to do it, I mean.))
3:17am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 12
((I'd love to, because I love this pairing. I don't think I'm going to be on the site anymore though... Do you have an email or a Tumblr? That's what I'm doing with Paige.))