1:29am Jul 17 2011
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Lucius sprang forward, and before he knew it, smacked Draco for the first time in years. "Listen to me you fool. You will not talk to me like that, understood? You cannot comprehend this situation." He stepped back, regaining his composure. "I see now that I have spoiled you rotten. Such a shame. This Mudblood is exactly what we need." So why did the word taste like tin in his mouth? Lucius for the life of him, could not answer why.
1:34am Jul 17 2011
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Draco’s head hurt. A lot. But he wouldn’t let his Father have the last word. “Exactly what we need? We could do whatever it is you plan to do without her! I could do whatever it is you need to do!”
1:37am Jul 17 2011
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"No you can't!" Lucius said, his voice low with danger. "You can't befriend Harry. You can't tell me what he talks about, can you? We need her, Draco." Lucius could see Draco's pale cheek start to redden. Maybe that would teach the boy not to mistake his kindness as weakness.
1:39am Jul 17 2011
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“Whatever,” Draco muttered. He took his wand out, countered all the security spells on the door, and with one last glare at his Father, he stormed out.
1:41am Jul 17 2011
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Lucius returned the glare. That child was getting wildly out of control. After a couple of seconds, he followed, taking his seat at the High Table again. Once again, Draco has completely destroyed his mood. Maybe he did need a mother figure. "Severus, care to be a mother figure to my spoiled brat of a child?" "You couldn't pay me enough, Lucius. I already have to teach the idiot."
2:01am Jul 17 2011
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((OMG, that made me laugh so hard. xD)) Seeing the part of the Slytherin table that he usually occupied vacant, Draco walked out of the Great Hall, still fuming. Sometimes he really hated his father. As he walked down the empty halls, he thought. He was doing a lot of that lately. Why was Granger so important? His Father could use the girl Weasley…at least she was a Pureblood. And she was close enough to Potter. She wasn’t stupid either. Turning a corner, he stopped when he heard Potter’s, Weasley’s and Granger’s voices. “Where were you at dinner, Harry?” he heard Granger ask, and there was a bit of a silence. “I was in my room. I needed a nap.” Even Draco could recognise that lie. “Don’t lie to me, Harry James Potter,” Granger snapped. “Where were you?” “Ginny was looking for you,” cut in Ron’s voice. “I was…trying to see into Voldemort’s mind,” Harry said nervously. “To find out when he was planning the next Death Eater meeting. I’m getting impatient, and I’m still suspicious of Malfoy.” Suspicious of me? Draco thought. Or Father? “How could you be so stupid, Harry!” Hermione cried shrilly. “He could have…don’t you remember what happened last year?” “Yes, I do,” Harry replied icily. “You don’t need to remind me. But I want Malfoy out of here as soon as possible. You don’t know what he could be teaching the younger students, who are more gullible than us.” They were talking about his father, then. “Look, Harry…” Ron sounded uneasy. “I don’t think Malfoy’s here to do anything bad… I mean, we’ve been having decent lessons, and nothing’s happened so far… He would have done something, even something small, if he was here for Voldemort.” “I’m not going to ask you guys to come with me,” Harry said, “I just thought you should know. The Cloak’s getting too big for the three of us, anyway.” What cloak? “Oh, Harry, we’re all in this together,” Hermione sighed. “Always. Even if I think your suspicions are totally unfounded, I’ll come along. If only to tell you I told you so.” Their voices got softer and softer as they walked away. Draco smirked. His Father didn’t think he could get information from Potter? Well, he was wrong. Draco rushed back to the Great Hall to tell his Father what had just occurred.
2:04am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Lucius' cane hit the stone floors of the Great Hall angrily as he stood. "Calm down, Lucius." Severus growled, shooting him a wary look. Lucius glared at him. He had no idea what he was going through. "Shut up, Severus. Go play with your chemistry set."
2:05am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((Chemistry set. XD lurv it chance! I stop now. :3 *poofs*))
2:06am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 2,131
((I now stalk this thread. I want to join, but I feel like I will ruin it. XD))
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
2:06am Jul 17 2011 (last edited on 2:09am Jul 17 2011)
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Posts: 2,184
((Chanceh, can I get the context for that last RP post? Is it when Draco goes back to the Hall, or after the talk, or ...?))
2:08am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 15,067
((Pere, I don't understand the question xD.))
2:12am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 2,184
Draco banged the doors of the Great Hall open, earning him wary looks from his schoolmates. He only smirked at them, still very pleased with himself. “I’d like to talk to you, Father,” he said smugly, reaching the man. “Before you leave the Great Hall.”
2:16am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Lucius glared down at his son. "About what, might I ask." He said, his tone implying that it was more of a statement than a question. Dropping the grip he held on his cane, he used the snake head to drag Draco into a deserted corner. "What?"
2:21am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 2,184
“I was just going down to the Slytherin Common Room, but I stumbled across Potter, Weasley and Granger. I listened to what they were saying, and I found out that Potter was trying to see into Voldemort’s mind, to find out when the next meeting is. He’s suspicious of you, and he’s looking for ways to kick you out,” Draco recounted proudly. He frowned. “Although he did say something about a Cloak, something of which I know nothing about,” he grudgingly admitted. “Anyway, I can do what you want Granger for! You don’t need that Mudblood at all!”
2:28am Jul 17 2011
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"Draco..." Lucius' voice softened. His boy was trying. "Thank you for the imformatiom. Harry will not be able to see into the Dark Lord's mind, no matter how hard he tried. You overheard this, correct? Granger can tell me things that happen when you can't eavesdrop." He said, his voice low. "And stop calling anyone a Mudblood. Unless they're a Hufflepuff."
2:41am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Lucius, you big softie.)) Draco reluctantly accepted what his father was telling him. “Whatever,” Draco muttered, echoing what he had said earlier. He felt like he had let down his Father, his anger from before having somewhat diminished when he had heard the trio talking. “I’ll go now. Don’t expect me to come back with anymore information.” He turned on his heel and walked away from Lucius.
2:42am Jul 17 2011
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Lucius used his cane to pull Draco back to him. From there, his wrapped his large form around his son. "I'm proud of you, Draco."
2:49am Jul 17 2011
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Draco awkwardly returned the hug. "Er, thanks...Father. You can let go of me now."
2:51am Jul 17 2011
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Lucius let go, his cheeks a light pink. "Er, yeah." ((Damn, I was hoping for a sentimental father/son moment xD))
2:58am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 2,184
"A touching display, Lucius," Dumbledore said, smiling as Draco walked stiffly out of the Great Hall. "I'm sure the number of admirers you have obtained since arriving at Hogwarts will grow remarkably once the news reaches the rest of the student population." He gestured to a small group of Third Year girls at the Ravenclaw table, who were all watching and giggling. They were the only students still there.