3:05am Jul 17 2011
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Lucius fought the urge to glare at them all. "Actually, I'd like to keep this ordeal under wraps." He said, speaking to the girls only. ((Omg the embarassment I feel for Lucius is too much right now xD))
3:10am Jul 17 2011
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"Of course, Professor Malfoy," a blonde girl said, a sugary smile on her face. She wasn't so intimidated now that she had seen that. "No one will ever know this happened." Her friends giggled. They knew Genevieve was a master liar.
3:15am Jul 17 2011
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Lucius growled, not speaking until Dumbledore had left the Great Hall. "I teach you students. I will make your lives hell if this gets out, understood? How would your parents feel if they knew their children all recieved Ts?"
3:23am Jul 17 2011
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Posts: 2,184
Their faces were instantly stricken with horror. "Uh, of course, Professor Malfoy, sir," said a mousy girl with brown hair and glasses. "We won't tell anyone. We promise." "Blackmail is frowned upon," another girl with black hair said, not in an accusing way, but more as a statement.
3:28am Jul 17 2011
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"Well, I don't take well to being lied to." Lucius straightened himself up. "But you all are good students. So let's try not to tarnish that, okay?"
3:32am Jul 17 2011
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The girls nodded silently.
3:35am Jul 17 2011 (last edited on 3:45am Jul 17 2011)
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Lucius spun, his cane hitting the stone floors sharply as he walked away. Damnit, that's what he got for trying to be a good father. ((LOL LOOK http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/memes-you-know-its-true.jpg ))
3:46am Jul 17 2011 (last edited on 3:54am Jul 17 2011)
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"Are you serious?" "I don't believe that..." "Did he really-?" "I heard that she heard it from someone who heard it from Dumbledore!" Draco frowned at the gleeful looks he was getting from everyone. When one boy asked him if he was giving free hugs out to everyone, his return look was so murderous and enraged that the boy ran away, shouting 'I'm sorry! I'm sorry!' Needless to say, by the time he sat down at the Slytherin table at breakfast, he was in a foul mood. "What. Is. Everyone's. Problem," he ground out, slamming his mug down. He saw Pansy looking at him funnily. "WHAT?" The people around them stopped talking, and he glared at them. "What are you looking at?" "Draco..." Pansy said in a soothing tone. "Ignore them, they're just-" "They're just what, Pansy?" Draco hissed. "What?" "There's a rumour, see..." "And?" "Some girls saw your father, uh, hugging you last night," Pansy said quietly. Draco's face contorted angrily, and he looked up at the High Table to where his Father was. The Headmaster was looking amusedly back at him. Draco's grip on his fork tightened until his knuckles went white. ((I'm sorry, I had to! D: I think I'll be going to bed soon, so I can probably only do a few more posts...))
3:51am Jul 17 2011
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((You can go now xD. I'm tired, too. And I kill you now.)) Lucius caught the students staring at him, his knuckles growing paler as his grip on his cane became bone-crushing. He snapped his head over to Dumbledore. "You didn't." He growled out. He was going to go on a rampage.
3:59am Jul 17 2011
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((One more because I had to xD)) "Oh, Merlin," Ron said, roaring with laughter at the sight of Malfoy Jnr. "This. Is. The best moment of my life. Malfoy hugging his son! Who knew?" "I think it's kind of sweet," Hermione said, frowning at her boyfriend. "At least we know he isn't a cold-hearted Muggle-killing machine." Harry cracked a grin. "I guess it's a bit more hard to believe that he's a Death Eater now. Only a bit, though." At the front of the Hall, Dumbledore was very happy with what had happened. "I did," Dumbledore said jollily in answer to Lucius' question. He ignored the angry look. "Why, your popularity is soaring through the roof now!" He gestured to all the students who were smiling (or smirking) at Lucius. "Why would you want to hide who you truly are?"
4:04am Jul 17 2011
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"Truly are?" Lucius hissed. Oh, people were going to pay for this, and he had a feeling that it would end up being the students. "This is rediculous, Albus. I was popular before. Now... UGH!" Severus bit back a laugh from next to him.
6:44pm Jul 17 2011
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"It might do you well to follow Lucius' example, Severus," Dumbledore said good-naturedly, turning to the Potions Master. "After all, you aren't quite as popular as Lucius here."
7:17pm Jul 17 2011
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"I don't strive for popularity, professor." Severus answered smoothly. "I could care less about what these students thought about me." Lucius growled again, looking like a child who had been scorned. But his wraith was greater than that, and the school was about to find out how much greater.
7:23pm Jul 17 2011
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"We don't have DADA again?" Ron whined as they stood outside the classroom, several students already lined up waiting for Professor Malfoy. "Is there a day we don't have it?" "Tuesdays and Wednesdays," Hermione replied automatically. In her mind, she was going over the list the Professor had given her, all of which she had practised overnight, and she wondered what it would be today. "Malfoy, wanna give me a cuddle?" Ron jeered as he saw the pale boy approach, flanked by his two bodyguards. Malfoy immediately took his wand out, anger flaring in his eyes. "Just say another word, Weasel. Just say another word." "Ron," Harry murmured warningly. "Don't start something today. You might land us in detention, and...I think today's the day." Ron's eyes widened, and he lowered his wand. "Lucky Harry's here to save you, aren't you, Ferret?" he sneered.
7:32pm Jul 17 2011
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Lucius stalked towards his classroom, his anger evident in how hard his cane hit the floor. He turned his head, glaring at some students who had the audacity to giggle as he passed. "Ten points from Hufflepuff." He loomed behind his students, brushing passed them to open the door. "Twenty points from Gryffindor and I'll see you in detention, Mr. Weasley." He sneered as he heard the boy.
7:38pm Jul 17 2011
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"But I didn't even-!" "Don't make it worse, Ron," Hermione whispered. The class was strangely quiet as they entered the classroom. Harry, Ron and Hermione took their usual seats at the front of the room. Hermione chanced a glance at Draco, and saw him glaring at his Father with such an intensity that she had to look away.
7:40pm Jul 17 2011
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Lucius returned the look his son gave him, turning towards Hermione. "Miss Granger, did you complete the assignment you owe me?" He asked, his tone half a growl, though it wasn't aimed at her.
7:43pm Jul 17 2011
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"Y-yes, of course, Professor." She handed a sheet of parchment to him. "I'm sorry it's not as long as I hoped, I couldn't think of what to write." She blushed red. That was the first time in her whole life at Hogwarts that she had had to say that to a teacher.
7:45pm Jul 17 2011
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"It's fine." Lucius assured her, placing the parchment on his desk where the others sat. He turned back to his students, trying to hide his glare. "Who of you actually practiced?"
7:49pm Jul 17 2011
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The turn out for this assignment was not as impressive as yesterday's. Only Hermione, Ron, Harry, Neville and a couple of Slytherins raised their hands.