2:58pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 2:59pm May 30 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
I'm looking for a Warrior Cats RP but there are a few things to get cleared before you ask to join. 1. I am going to Sweden tomorrow and I may have crappy/no internet connection, which means that this RP must be slow. 2. Try to be at least partially literate, and make sure you try and get all proper spellings for words etc. If you know you're a terrible speller, use Microsof Word then copy and paste it into this.
3:00pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
I'll do one with you. :) Do you have a plot in mind? If not, I might be able to get one.
3:04pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 9,641
I was sort of thinking of normal clan life, with whoever playing the Med. Cat/Leade throwing in a random prophecy xD But a p[lot to start is fine :p
3:05pm May 30 2010
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:05pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
I think that's a good idea. :) How many clans? Just the originals or something different?
3:07pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 9,641
@Dragon: Dragon can join :) @What: Hmm....we could have three or four clans. I find it easy to make four, than play only one. It saves me the pain of editing the charry list. xD My clans I've used so far are SnowClan (The one I play), DuskClan and MarshClan.
3:09pm May 30 2010
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:10pm May 30 2010
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Oh yeah, let me find the deions I typed up for them. :)
3:11pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
So far I've used Cloudclan, Darkclan, Hailclan, Stormclan, Bloodclan, Rockclan, Sunclan... well, I've used a lot. XDDD We'll just go with your three.
3:12pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 934
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
3:14pm May 30 2010
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SnowClan: SnowClan lives on a medium sized, snow-swept mountain in the north. It is freezing cold in SnowClan, so all the cats have thick and warm coats, as well as a slow metabolism so they don’t have to hunt as much. They mainly hunt hawks, eagles and the occasional vole or rabbit. (We'll be playing this Clan)
DuskClan: DuskClan has the only forest to the east, which is very dark and usually filled with a thick fog. DuskClan cats have a superior sense of smell to the other Clans, as they must rely on scent rather then sight to hunt their wary prey. They typically hunt rabbits, squirrels and small birds.
MarshClan: MarshClan lives in a large swamp to the west, which gets the most rain out of all the territories. This swamp can be dangerous, sucking unaware cats down into the sludge, so all MarshClan cats have webbed paws and are excellent swimmers, having strong legs. They hunt frogs, mice, rabbits and the few hawks that pas.s through.
3:14pm May 30 2010
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Sure Morgain :)
3:14pm May 30 2010
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Should we just use this thread?
3:15pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 3:17pm May 30 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
I use BoneClan as the bad/invading clan >3 We could have a prophecy with that CLan in it. They could inhabit the south, where no-cat has gone. EDIT: If this gets to cluttered, then I'll make a new one. If not, we'll use this. If you have anymore suggestions, just edit your latest post. ♥ EDIT: Bio format guys :D Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Fur Color: Body Shape: Eye Color: Best Ability: Mate: Crush: Kits: History: Other:
3:24pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 3:35pm May 30 2010)
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Name: Applesong Age:12 moons Gender: Female Rank: Med Cat? :D Fur Color: Tortoiseshell with white splotches Body Shape: Slim *wink* Eye Color: Green Best Ability: Herbs :P Mate: Nope Crush: Nope Kits: NOPE History: As a kit she was kidnapped by twolegs. They pierced her left ear three times, and it is now weighed down with three gold rings, each with a herb on it. Other: Nopers. ~ Name: Rocketrage/Owlcomet/Lightwave/Featherstorm Age: 19 moons Gender: Male/Male/Female/Female Rank: Warriors Fur Color: Drak tabby/ Lighter tabby/ Pale brown/ Long haired silver tabby Body Shape: Muscular/ Thin/ Lithe/ Bulky Eye Color: Brown/ Green/ Amber/ Blue Best Ability: Fighting/Logic/Hunting/Stealth Mate:No Crush: No Kits:No History: They are all siblings. Their parents are a pair of rogues. The father died by the great black paw of a monster and their mother died kitting. They were found by their clan and taken in to be good warriors. Other: Rocketrage is the moodiest and darkest of the four, Owlcomet is the smartest, Lightwave is the most sarcastic and Featherstorm is shy.

3:24pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 3:35pm May 30 2010)
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Body Shape = Slim, lithe, chunky, muscular etc. xD Name: Robinwing // Ghostkit //Leopardkit // Heronkit Age: 24 moons // 5 moons // 5 moons Gender: She-cat // She-cat // Tom // She-cat Rank: Warrior // Kit-Apprentice // Kit-Apprentice // Kit-Med. Cat Apprentice Fur Color: Russet with black stripes on her paws, flanks and tail // Pale gray with white chest and tail tip // Golden with black spots // Blue-grey with silver paws, ear tips and tail tip. Body Shape: Slim // Slim and very small // Muscular and thickset // Lithe and athletic Eye Color: Brown // Ice blue-blind // Brown // Green Best Ability: Hunting // Hunting // Fighting // Healing Mate: Stormheart-deceased // No // No // No Crush: Open // Open // Open // Not Allowed Kits: Ghostkit, Leopardkit and Heronkit // No // No // Not Allowed History: Not Clan-born // Nothing // Nothing // Nothing Other:
3:29pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 3:39pm May 30 2010)
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Posts: 5,310
Name: Dragoncrest || Phoenixcry || Wyvernsong Age: 30 Moons Gender: Tom || She-Cat || Tom Rank: Deputy || Warrior || Warrior Fur Color: Long black fur with a white belly, tail tip, paws, and left ear. || Red-brown with strange black steaks around her tail. || Deep brown Body Shape: Muscular and lithe || Sleek || Agile and sleek Eye Color: A strange blue that can turn to ice whenever he glares at somebody. || Golden-yellow || One eye is green the other is a cloudy blue. Best Ability: Fighting || Hunting || Fighting Mate: None Crush: None Kits: None History: Clanborn; not much to say about that. Other: Has two siblings; Phoenixcry and Wyvernsong. || Has two siblings; Wyvernsong and Dragoncrest || Has two siblings; Dragoncrest and Phoenixcry.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:31pm May 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 9,641
Sure guys. Can Dragoncrest mentor one of my kits? (Excluding Heronkit) And Applesong is Heronkit's mentor by default. My kits are just about to apprenticed, so we need a leader.
3:35pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OOC:// He'll mentor Leopardkit. And I'm going to add in Phoenixcry and Wyvernsong.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:36pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((I added three more warriors if that helps any))