8:24pm May 30 2010
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Name~ Iceblink/Flarestorm Gender~ Male/Male Age~ 30 moons each Appearance~ Iceblink is a snow white tom with long, but thin, fur. One of his eyes is green and the other is blue, and he is half deaf.// Flarestorm is a dark ginger tom with green eyes and extra fur on his ears, chest and tail, giving him a unique appearance among his clan. Personality [optional]~ Iceblink is quiet, shy and serious, and has virtually no sense of humor. He is not the cat to mess with, as he always has a strait mind and logical thoughts.// Flarestorm is slightly more playful than Iceblink, and is certainly more outgoing. He tries to be like his older brother, always so calm and serious, but can't help but loose his cool sometimes. History [optional]~ Iceblink and Flarestorm are brothers. They were born in a kitty-pet house. Iceblink came to the clan as a kit because his mother saw him as a dud, so she threw his in the forest where the clan found him. Flarestorm came to the clan at more the age of an apprentice when his mother told him he had a brother that she threw away. He ran off into the forest, not wanting to be thrown out (not so smart on his part) and found his brother training to be a warrior. Kin~ They are brothers to each other, and their parents are kitty-pets. Mate::Desired Mate~ None for both Clan :LightClan: Rank~Warriors Other Stuff that I missed~ Nuthin. :) ~ Name~ Applesong Gender~ Female Age~ 12 moons Appearance~ A slim tortoiseshell she cat with white splotches dappling her pelt. Her eyes are indigo, but others argue violet. She has three golden rings through her left ear (explained later) Personality [optional]~ Applesong is calm, sweet and caring. She doesn't understand love and never wants it for herself, she loves her herbs enough for every cat in the clan. History [optional]~ As a kit, Applesong was kidnapped by two-legs, who had her spayed (poor kitty). After remembering her clan mates, she escaped, only to be captured by a twoleg kit who pierced her ears. Now, she keeps nightshade and catmint laced through her earings. Kin~ None Mate:Nope:Desired Mate~Never Clan:Darkclan:Rank~ Med. Cat? Other Stuff that I missed~ Nuthin.

9:22pm May 30 2010
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Name~ Fallenwind // Whispertear Gender~ Tom // She-cat Age~ 39 Moons // 21 Moons Appearance~ Coming // Coming Personality~ Fallenstar is a very conservative cat, preferring to be left to his own thoughts rather then be spoken to. He speaks when his clan needs him to and does what he thinks is best for Shadowclan. He is a very aggressive cat to those he does not know or does not trust, but in truth the loss of his mate has seriously damaged his heart. // She is generally a sweet cat, but only to her own clan and those she knows. Though not the best in battle, she can deliver a good blow if forced to. History~ He was born in Darkclan, and swiftly flew through the ranks because of his cunningness and strength. He later fell in love with Shimmerpool, a beautiful silver tabby during a harsh leaf-bare. They had three kits together, though only one survived while his mate died at his paws. He thought Lightclan was doing better during a harsh leaf-bare and gave his only son over to them, his one life mistake. // She is the only cat that knows about Fallenwind giving his son over to Lightclan, and hates him for it. Hates him for killing her sister, and giving away his son, her nephew who would have been good for the clan. Kin~ Silentpaw (son), no others // Shimmerpool (deceased sister) Mate::Desired Mate~ Shimmerpool (deceased) // Open Clan::Rank~ Darkclan: Warrior // Darkclan: Warrior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name~ Silentpaw // Gingerfrost Gender~ Tom // She-cat Age~ 11 Moons // 24 Moons Appearance~ Coming // Coming Personality~ He, like his name suggests, is a very quiet cat. He's not cold or unfriendly, but he keeps his words to himself and stays in the background of things. He believes he does not belong in the clan because he thinks his parents were both rouges. He wants nothing more then to be trusted. // She is a very shy, socially backwards cat, never believing she has what it takes to become a warrior or to harm another cat. If she gets into a fight or battle, she tends to lay down and let her enemy shred her rather then lift a claw in defense. Sometimes she watched the loners run by and wonder if life would be better that way. History~ He believes he was born a rouge, no cat in Lightclan truly knows anything about where he came from. // he is half clan cat and half loner, her father being the loner half. She believes that is why she sometimes wants to become a loner herself. Kin~ Fallenwind (does not know), Shimmerpool (does not know) // None she knows of Mate::Desired Mate~ To young // Open Clan::Rank~ Lightclan: Apprentice // Lightclan: Deputy?

7:44am May 31 2010
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[Let's see... Before we can continue, we need to find a leader for LightClan. Anyone want to be leader of LightClan? :]
8:06am May 31 2010
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((I will, Bio coming. :) ))
8:19am May 31 2010
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Name~ Heartstar Gender~Female Age~ 45 moons Appearance~ Long furred, cream she-cat with emerald green eyes and a bright pink nose. Personality [optional]~ Shy and kind, Heartstar is very hesitant to make decisions, she often goes to her deputy, medicine cat and senior warrior for advice. Sometimes it's like she's not even the leader, she spends so much time with the warriors. History [optional]~ Heartstar was not originally supposed to be leader. Her brother Dogstrike was leader before her, and had chosen Iceblink as deputy. But Dogstrike was never accepted by Starclan. The night before her went to get his nine lives he fell terribly ill and died, much to Fawnfoot's distress. Iceblink was a young warrior, he could not be leader, he was inexperienced and would lead the clan to misery. So, they turned to Heartclaw... now Heartstar. Kin~ Dogstrike was her brother when he was alive. Mate:Nope:Desired Mate~Nope Clan:Lightclan:Rank~ Leader Other Stuff that I missed~ Nuthin. :)
9:10am May 31 2010
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[We can start. :) What~You're gunna need to find a mentor for Silentpaw.] Fawnfoot, her curiousiy getting the best of her, decided it was time to go out and explore. She, being a new warrior, had a different view of things compared to when she was an apprentice. Now that she was a warrior, she had yet tore-explore the territory and see things from new eyes. She hastily grabbed a piece of fresh-kill from the pile and dragged it off toward the medicine cat den, already excited for a new day. Once she was standing infront of the medicine cat den, she called out softly, as not to wake any of the sleeping cats or startle her brother, "Foxfoot, I brought fresh-kill".A groan came from inside the den, followed by a head popping out of the opening. "Hello, Fawnfoot. I see you brought fresh-kill. Now, don't just stand there like a tree, bring it here." he motioned with his paw. -~- Ashstar was tired. She had barelly gotten any sleep before, seeing as she felt something was coming. Something just not good. It unsettled he, and made her feel jumpy. StarClan had yet to send her a sign of somesort, baring the news she was sure would come. She shook her head and padded out of her den, heading to Applesong's den. "Applesong! I have a question to ask you." she spoke none to softly.
9:58am May 31 2010 (last edited on 10:31am May 31 2010)
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(May I join?) Name~Nightspell/Eaglefang Gender~Female/Male Age~25 Moons Appearance~ Nightspell:Very pretty, pure black she-cat with venom purple eyes. She has a thin, soft and silky coat with only one shade of black; Pure black. She also has fangs that are a bit sharper and about an inch longer than other cats'. Using powerful muscles, she seems to glide across the earth as she moves. She moves with the upmost lithelyness and carries herself high. Eaglefang:Brown tom with amber eyes. He has a white tail tip and a white head. Personality [optional]~Nightspell is sorta flirty but mostly a silent, serious she-cat.///Eaglefang is a rather odd cat. At times he can be serious and at times he is just plain fun to be around. Kin~All Kin Have Died Mate::Desired Mate~None Clan::Rank~Warriors-Darkclan/Lightclan Other Stuff that I missed~None
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:11am May 31 2010 (last edited on 10:12am May 31 2010)
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[Sure. ^^ Let me go edit the first page. What Clan are they in?]
10:12am May 31 2010
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A sharp prodding woke Phoenixcry from her sleep. Looking at the cat with sleepy eyes, she made him out to be Dragoncrest. "What?" she asked, yawning. Getting to her paws, she streatched slightly. "Dawn patrol," Dragoncrest said. "Bring Fallenwind with you." Lashing his tail once, he exited the warriors den. Yawning again, Phoenixcry padded to Fallenwind and gently prodded his side. "Wake-up. Dragoncrest wants us to do dawn patrol with him." Flicking her ears around, she heard Ashstar's mew ring across the camp, calling for Applesong. Glancing over at Wyvernsong, she noticed that her brother could sleep through anything. She sighed, wishing to be more like him. [[ Bloodrose; What Clan are you cats in? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:16am May 31 2010
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[Dragon~ Haven't you had the same siggy for, like, weeks? o_O]
10:29am May 31 2010
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OoC:// Yes. -looks at the floor sheepishly-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:34am May 31 2010
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((Nightspell is in Darkclan and Eaglefang is in Lightclan.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:59am May 31 2010
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[Nice.] Once Fawnfoot had shared the mouse with Foxfoot, she headed out toward the warriors den. Her paws were tingling with excitement, her whiskers twitching. She slipped through the opening, padding to the deputy. "Gingerfrost... do you mind if I go out? I wish to go find some fresh-kill, and check the borders to make sure no," she snarled lightly, "DarkClan warrior has crossed them."
11:33am May 31 2010
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Heartstar was walking by the warriors den in search of Gingerfrost when she overheard Fawnfoot. "Go ahead Fawnfoot" she said. "Maybe take Iceblink with you as well, he's only been out hunting for the past days." Iceblink perked his ears, hearing his name called. He stretched and yawned before standing up to go walk to Fawnfoot's side.
11:48am May 31 2010
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Fawnfoot nodded, bowing her head slightly in awknowledgement. "Of course." She padded out of the den, her tail swishing back and forth, her whiskers twitching. She was finally about to get out again! Her paws were tingling. They made their way out of the camp. She turned to Iceblink, her eyes bright with curiousity. "I was thinking we could go check the borders, you know, make sure no DarkClan warriors came across it, and then we could go hunting." She took in a deep breath. "Is that good?"
12:01pm May 31 2010
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Fallenwind blinked his bleary eyes open and groaned softly, rolling onto his back to stretch his long legs into the air. "Yeah i'm coming, i'm coming." He muttered, getting to his paws and shaking moss scraps from his fur. He pricked his ears as he heard Ashstar call for Applesong, amber eyes slitting in concern. A leader wanting to speak with their medicine cat normally did not mean anything good. Slinking past Phoenixcry he made his way to the camp opening and sat down, waiting for the other two who were supposed to go as well. Whispertear had been up a bit before dawn break with restless paws, not knowing what was on her mind, only that sleep would not be coming again until that night. Glancing at the fresh-kill pile she wondered if perhaps she should eat, but quickly dismissed the thought. Hunting first would be better, and give her something to occupy her mind. Slinking past the everyone else, she bared her fangs at Fallenwind as she roughly shoved past him into the forest. Gingerfrost hid a smile as Fawnfoot got Heartstar's permission to explore the borders, remembering what it was like to want to do everything on your own the first few moons your a warrior. "Greetings Heartstar." She meowed chipper for this early. She mentally went through the patrols she'd bee sending the rest of the day. She was about to call together the morning patrol, but apparently Fawnfoot and Iceblink would be doing it now, so she had something else to speak to Heartstar about. "Have you thought about giving Silentpaw a new mentor?" She asked cautiously.

12:10pm May 31 2010
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[What~Applesong needs to reply to Ashstar.]
12:11pm May 31 2010
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Phoenixcry padded out of the den after Fallenwind and joined the two toms at the camp entrance. She saw Whispertear leave first. Turning her attention back to Dragoncrest, she waited for him to signify that they could go. Finally, Dragoncrest flicked his tail and left the camp. "We'll check the border with LightClan first. And Phoenixcry, don't go over the border again." Phoenixcry hissed at him and lashed her tail. She had gone over on accident when chasing a squirrel, but she didn't kill it Dragoncrest ignored her hiss and continued to pad through the forest. Back in the camp, Wyvernsong woke to an empty den. Blinking his eyes, he paded out and glanced at the fresh-kill pile. Sighing, he went over to it and picked out a mouse to eat. Settling down a few paces away, he ate it in a few bites.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:22pm May 31 2010
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Fallenwind twitched his whiskers in humor at the bickering cats. He'd heard of the accident, and was glad in a way no cat had been hurt. As his got closer to the Lightclan border his heart beat quicker, praying to Starclan a border patrol would p*censored* by and Silentpaw would be a part of it. It had been moons since he'd seen his son, and even then it had been at a distance. He kept his eyes blank, not wanting any cat to guess what he was thinking. He'd kept the secret for seasons, no way was he going to let this slip now.
12:28pm May 31 2010
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"Sounds fine to me, lead the way." Iceblink said indifferently, his tail swishing slightly. He padded after Fawnfoot, keeping his sharp nose pointed towards the border, that way he could scent Darkclan earlier if they actually had crossed the border; which he doubted. ((Sorry Alice. :P)) Applesong lifted her head from her herbs, meeting Ashstar's eyes with her own and she spat out the remainder of the poultice she had been chewing. "Yes Ashstar?" she asked, curious. "Good morning Gingerfrost" Heartstar said, sitting across from her deputy. She tilted her head at his question. "Silentpaw...?" she paused, "I can't say I have" she said. "Honestly, now that I think of it, you would be the obvious choice, you are the deputy."