12:28pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 5,310
When they got to the border, Dragoncrest stopped and sniffed at the sent marker. It was starting to get stale. Stepping back, he gestered to Phoenixcry to reset the marker. As she was doing it, Dragoncrest padded down the lenght of the border to find the next. "Do you think that we can go hunting? I'm hungry," Phoenixcry asked as she caught up to them. Noticing Fallenwind wasn't speaking yet, she asked him; "What about you? Are you hungry?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:37pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallenwind jumped guiltily, realizing he was not paying attention to really anything. Glancing over at the other two, he was glad his fur his his flush. "Oh, err yeah. How about a quick hunt?" He meowed, flicking his tail back and forth. He sniffed the air, a little annoyed that no Lightclan patrol had p*censored*ed yet. Guess it's for the better. He thought, and switched his attention towards his clan mates.
12:38pm May 31 2010
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Ashstar sat down, tucking his paws underneath him. "I don't feel right," Before the she-cat could worry about him, he added, "I just feel unsettled. As though something is coming to the forest, something that even we can't... fight." he moved around a bit, uncomfortable. "StarClan hasn't sent me any messages, and I was wondering if you have." -~- Fawnfoot hissed. "Iceblink," she started, her tail lashing back and forth. "I smell DarkClan." she narrowed her eyes. "They've crossed the border." She snarled. She knelt into a crouch. "And recently. Around last night."
12:44pm May 31 2010
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Draconcrest stopped and his whiskers twitched when Fallenwind jumped. Turning to Phoenixcry, he said; "You may hunt. Just stay on our side of the border. I don't want to quarrel with LightClan this early in the morning." Phoenixcry nodded before she bounded off into the undergrowth on DarkClan territory. "You may go hunt as well, Fallenwind," Dragoncrest mewed as he turned around to find another marker. "I'll catch-up to you two shortly. And tell Phoenixcry that if you catch extra, we'll bring it back to camp."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:45pm May 31 2010
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Applesong frowned. "Not a word from Starclan so far" Applesong said, her tail flicking in worry. "If you'd like I can go and visit Starclan tonight." Iceblink pricked his ears and looked at Fawnfoot. Skeptically, he took a whiff himself. "Have they marked past our border?" he hissed disgustedly. Iceblink snorted. "We must report to Heartstar, she'll know what to do."
12:48pm May 31 2010
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Fallenwind nodded curtly and followed after Phoenixcry, paws taking him swiftly and silently over the ground. The swift patter of tiny feet alerted him to a small mouse, and he dropped into a hunting crouch. Stalking up to it, keeping his tail still as he was taught, the warrior leap at the morsel and killed it swiftly with a bite to the neck. Picking it up, he followed Phoenixcry's scent to find the she-cat.
12:51pm May 31 2010
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((Psssst, Stray needs to reply with Gingerfrost. *pokes Stray*))
12:52pm May 31 2010
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"I think one of us should stay here, the other report," Fawnfoot murmured. "It's pretty early right now, so I think DarkClan must've sent a patrol already. That means, that whether we like it or not, we will see the again soon." she added. Ashstar nodded his head. "As much as I pain to admit it, maybe we should ask LightClan the same. They might have gotten the same feeling as I."
12:52pm May 31 2010
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12:55pm May 31 2010
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"I could bring it up with Fawnfoot at the next Gathering if you'd like, that way you wouldn't have to announce it to every cat." Applesong suggested. Iceblink snorted. "That's a terrible idea" he said. "If one of us stays here and a Darkclan patrol were to come, then that one of us would be cornered and forced to submit, or even taken prisoner. I wouldn't put it past Darkclan to do that sort of thing."
12:59pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Slowing down, Phoenixcry scented the air and was pleased to scent a mouse. Dropping into a hunting crouch, she moved quickly through the undergrowth. When it was in her sites, she coiled her muscles beneath her and leapt at the mouse. It gave a small squeak before dashing off. Snarling at herself, Phoenixcry bolted after the mouse. She caught it in a few strides and killed with with a bite to the back of the neck. Lashing her tail once, she set it down to check to see if anything else was around. Back at the border, Dragoncrest sniffed out another faint DarkClan border and quickly re-did it. His ears flicked slightly as he padded off. But he stopped and looked back at the LightClan border before tilting his head slightly. Was somethig watching him? Shrugging it off, he continued on.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:00pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Sorry, did not see that post.)) Gingerfrost blinked in surprise at Heartstar, then smiled slightly. "Of course, i'll gladly mentor Silentpaw." She meowed calmly. Glancing towards the apprentices den, she wondered if he was up yet. She had seen the apprentice often, and he always seemed backwards. Then again, he was the son of a rouge, so it did not surprise her he did not seem to fit in.
1:03pm May 31 2010 (last edited on 1:06pm May 31 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
"Should I do the ceremony now, or wait until Iceblink and Fawnfoot come back?" Heartstar asked. Heartstar cast a sideways glance at Flarestorm, whom she was sure was listening to the whole conversation. She sighed softly at him. "Flarestorm, why don't you go find your brother?" she said. Flarestorm got up, not even pretending to be asleep anymore. "Alright" he said. He shook moss out of his fur, ashamed that he was caught eavesdropping as he went out to find Iceblink. ((EDIT:: This post really sucks, I'll edit it and make it longer))
5:16pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Fawnfoot nodded, before bowig her head, her ashamed of her mousebrained suggestion. "Okay. That does sound better than my idea. You're right Iceblink." she murmured, before turning tail racing back toward camp. She purred in delight as her paws struck the ground repetedly. She loved running. Almost more than huntinG or fighting. Running to her was like breathing. And also, although she was still just a young and inexperienced warrior, she could still un faster than any cat in the Clan. Ashstar nodded. "Yes, please go over to the LightClqn border, tell them about my feelings. Actually, only tell Foxfoot. See if Heartstar feels he same way. And don't forget to ask Foxfoot I he can go to the Moonpool with you." [You know how in the warrior books it says that it's the Moonpool? Yea, well just imagine that but surrounded by willow trees, and you get our Moonpool. Kay?]
4:00pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Iceblink followed Fawnfoot, not even close to matching her pace. He skidded to a stop at camp, panting. Heartstar lifted her head. "I'll be right back Gingerfrost" she said. She padded out to meet Iceblink and Fawnfoot. "What is it?" she asked urgently. Iceblink was panting too heavily to even begin speaking, so she turned to Fawnfoot, unaffected by the long run. "Yes Ashstar." Applesong said, "I will return by sun-high tomorrow" she promised before turning tail and trotting to the border. She stopped at the border, marking the treee with her scent and scanning the line for herbs, for future reference.
4:22pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Bit late, but join?]] Name~:Winterfall/Pantherlily Gender~ Female/Male
Age~ 20 Moons/22 Moons
Appearance~ A pure white she-cat with glowing green eyes/A black tom with blazing amber eyes. He has a mottled pelt. Personality [optional]~ too lazy, RP it out?
History [optional]~ N/A
Kin~ Offers/Offers
Mate::Desired Mate~ Offers/Offers
Clan:: Light Clan / Dark Clan and Warrior/Warrior Other Stuff that I missed~ Not much?
6:14pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 1,966
[Accepted. ^^] Fawnfoot wasn't tired. She loved to run. She frowned at Iceblink, beside her, who was panting. Returning back to the present, she remembered what she came back for, and her tail started lashing. Gathering up her courage to speak, she started, "DarkClan, on our territory. They didn't mark anything, but I smelt their scent. I think they came at around Moon-high." She took in a deep breath, wondering what Heartstar would say about this. Foxfoot, apon hearing his sister's arival, had padded out of the medicine cat den. He was now standing beside Heartstar. Hearing what his sister had to say, he sat down, seeming calm, though his angry eyes betrayed him. "DarkClan did not steal any prey, and they probably only crossed the border accidently." He licked his paw, drawing it over his ear. "I think it would be wise not to start anything right now with them, but maybe at the next gathering you could mention this. I feel as though something is coming to the forest, somethintg even we will be powerless to avoid." -~- Ashstar nodded. He made his way out of the Medicine Cat den, moving slowly toward the fresh-kill pile. Startalingly low, he noted. He grabbed a piece of prey with his teeth, clamping his strong jaws on the mouse's body. "They better get back soon with fresh kill." he mumbled through the fur.
4:23pm Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Heartstar flicked her tail. "Well did you remark the border where you scented them?" she demanded anxiously. "We must have it marked, and if it were to happen again then we bring it up at the gathering. Who knows? Applesong could have just reached over to grab a useful herb. Like Foxfoot said, no prey was stolen." Iceblink licked his lips, catching his breath. "Yes Heartstar, I did. Should we go back to patrolling?" Heartstar shook her head. "No, no, you look tired." she said. "Go rest in the warriors den. Fawnfoot, if you want you can take Flarestorm out hunting."