12:34pm Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 1,256
(sp: souvenir)

Albino Uilus 24/120
1:01pm Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altrai sat up as Jo entered, pulling down his scarf as a small fireball, the source of light within the area, floated to his side to allow him to run his fingers across it, watching the fire dance around his fingertips with a satisfied grin. The fireball then shifted shapes into a small cat, which sat down on Altrai's lap to allow him to warm himself, the wizard unable to burn due to his vast experience with bending flames to his will, even to the point where he can summon fire in an area where there is none. So long as there is oxygen to fuel the fire, he can create one. ((Fail. Antisocial Altrai...lol.))
2:30pm Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Sitting on the thickest part of the branch connected to the trunk, Faythe twiddled a small dagger between her fingers. The light that refracted off the thin yet lethally sharp blade gleamed off of her forest green eyes that flickered towards the groups hideout every now and then. She had no interest in being among the others if it was not during a fight, or sharing vital information. They could question her loyalty all they wanted due to her lack of appearances, she cared little. Thrusting the blade back into it's holster, the magician mentally probed the barrier she'd set up between herself and the realm of the dead. Her gift lay with the dead and the fact she could see, and hear them. Not the most useful she always told herself, unless someone they were looking for decided to die. Everything seemed to be function well, at least there were not pale, wispy people walking about with various wounds that told how they died. She preferred to keep them at bay because they messed with her already befuddled mind. Sighing, Faythe leaned her head against the rough bark of the tree; waiting for any signs the others were ready to leave.

3:04pm Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly was watching the ground curiously before she decided to jump down. She walked around nervous before she found a small bush. Smelling the leaves she picked one and chewed it. She spit it out before picking the small berries and placing them in a small pouch with other leaves and herbs. A small white fur ball fell out of the bag and she smiled. "Hey Mr. Snufflies. How are you today?" She asked picking up the furball. She placed him in the small leather pouch before looking around and returning to her scouring. She found another bush with black berries and she picked the leaves that were near the berries. She placed those leaves in her bag before she took out a small vile with red powder. The vile was almost empty and she frowned. "Those berries are the hardest to get." She muttered traveling to the edge of the forest. She carefully picked some of the red berries that hung from the leaves on a plant growing on the monkey bars in a local park. After she got all the berries she needed she placed them in a sepreate bag before returning to the forest.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
5:19am Dec 19 2010
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Posts: 1,256
Everyone, we need to meet at the Treehouse - now. Jo sent the message round using their telepathic connection, and waited for them all to return. Faythe was outside, and Axel and Altrai inside with her. Only a few more needed... Jo would start packing.

Albino Uilus 24/120
8:29am Dec 20 2010
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Posts: 1,256

Albino Uilus 24/120
8:36am Dec 20 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly heard the message and ran back to the forest. She made her way to the tree house tripping on tree roots and getting tangled in vines along the way. "Who's idea was it to live in the forest?" she muttered as she appraoched the tree house. She looked up at it and then to a small bush next the tree. She looked in her pouch ans sighed. She went over and scratched at the drit until she was able to get to some roots. She cut them before covering the plant's base with dirt. She placed the roots in her bag before calling up to have the ladder put down so she could climb up.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
3:53am Dec 21 2010
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Posts: 1,256
"Is that everyone?" Jo asked. There were a few murmers in reply. Still no Jace, Tiranee and a few others. "I know I'm not the leader, but since she's not back yet, can we all please start packing?" More murmers of agreement as everyone fumbled around trying to find their possensions. "Meet at the bottom of the tree."

Albino Uilus 24/120
11:08pm Dec 21 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Scrambling down from the branch that had been her latest resting spot, Faythe landed on her feet a with a soft curse. Walking slowly over to the tree house, biding her time, the magician watched carefully as Holly called for the ladder. Looks like their fearless leader had decided to leave this dreadful place. Finally. The faintest snap of a twig was all the signs she needed to know someone was creeping up behind her, the sound a warning not to engage due to her short temper fuse. "Any idea on what their planning?" She asked Jace as the co-leader stopped beside her, blue eyes looking up at the tree house with curiosity. "Abbey has not told me anything." He mused. To Faythe's annoyance he did not sound angry or even slightly offended. Had she been second in command and no one told her what was happening...she decided not to answer her own question. "Then again Jo spoke to us, not Abbey." Jace finished, as if reading her mind. That irked her, that someone knew her so well when she tried so hard to keep to herself. Jace grabbed the ladder and crawled up it, the magician not but a few feet behind him. "Whats going on?" He asked Jo quietly, leaning against a nearby wall with his arms crossed. Faythe rolled her eyes at the slightly superior tone and got packing after taking notice of what everyone else was doing.

4:39am Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 1,256
"All I know is that we must leave." Jo replied. Everyone was getting so wound up. Abbey was being so secretive, and tempers were rising all the time.

Albino Uilus 24/120
3:31pm Dec 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 548
"Leave?" Holly muttered to herself. Holly didn't question either Jo nor Abbey before she looked at her pack to decided what herbs she would need to get. They would be leaving in a couple minutes maybe a half an hour tops. Holly discovered she was out of lavender so she jumped down from the tree house and headed over to a plant that was close by. She grabbed as much as she needed. In the process she ground the red berries into a fine juice. grabbing a white block out of her pouch she scratched it producing a small flame that dissapeared turning the juice into a red powder. She placed the powered in the tube with the older powder before she returned to the base.. Holly went into her small portion of the base packing everything she had. It wasn't very much and it fit in a large messanger bag that she had gotten from a school girl that left in in a field after a soccer game. She picked up her medical guide quickly flashing through the pages of her notes. She came accross a small plant that she didn't get to test. She had a couple of its flowers in her pack with two of its leaves. She sighed before looking out at the forest.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V