Name: Karienne Jackson
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
A.ssa.ssin or Normal Person?: A.ssa.sin
Are you after Aeria?: In a way XP
Looks: Karienne stands at a height of 5'6'' and her skin is a milky chocolate brown.She has black curls that fall to her shoulders and frame her pretty face. (Hair looks similar to this, just black) Her eyes are a deep forest green and framed by dark, naturally long, eyelashes. She has few scars except for one that she hides under her side bangs. Her little nose fites nicely on her face. She has semi-full lips and straight white smile that is ever present on her face. Her body is thin and surprisingly curvy, and she has a smaller chest than other girls. Not non-excistant small, but just enough that it natrual on her thin body, so maybe a B cup-size. She wears whatever she feels like, but always wears skinny jeans over her long legs. Now, although you wouldn't think it, Kari has a tatoo. A large one in fact. She has a dragon across her entire back, although she never really shows it considering she got it when she was drunk. She is a rather attractive girl although she really think nothing of it considering she never wears make-up or anything to define any of her features.
Personality: Karienne is an extremely friendly girl, at least thats how it comes across. She is quite charming, and easy to talk to which comes in handy on some missions. She can easily get people to trust her, thus making it easier to draw so people out. She is also very adaptable being able to switch from on look to another, one day preppy, the next goth. She makes sure to study hard, and she tends to get to know the target, and draws them out and normally let the others finish the job and ado what they have to do, while Kari walks away and doesn't look back. Refusing to take someone out while she is right next to them (Although she does do it sometimes) make her appear weak, maybe she is. But once you get past the smiling face Kari definately know how to take care of herself. She is really the teams sniper, considering she often has to get so up and personal with targets she prefers to take them out from a distance. Although she can get up in you face and be all Nikita like. She is also very quick tempered and tends to lash out violently, once nearly choking a fellow team mate, but stopping herself when he black out. She also tends to question authority which can often get her into trouble. Also this girl has a sick (perverted) mind. She thinks of everything in the worst way, if you say 69 she giggles or if you say 'Oh it won't fit.' she'll be the first to say 'That whats she said'. So mind what you say to her.
History: Feeling lazy XP
Weapon of Choice: Rem 700 SPS Tacticle, or M40, she prefers long distance weapons.
Other?: Karienne is fluent in french, although when she speaks english you can't hear her accent.
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Name: Jessica 'J.J.' Jackson
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Female
A.ssa.ssin or Normal Person?:
Are you after Aeria?: Hells yeah XP
Looks: Jessica stands at an even height of 5'5, and has mocha (fair) coloured skin. She is a considerably pretty girl. She has a small nose, and olive green eyes and full-ish pink lips. Her hair is black with blue and purple extention the reaches just below her shoulders. Now Jessica isn't what you'de call flat chested, being around a c-cup. She like her sister has the same tattoo of a dragon all along her back, and along her the side of her right forearm she has the word Back Off (戻るオフ) and one on the inside of her forearm that says Belive in fancy, y, cursive writting. She also has a tattoo of a bar code on the back of her neck, and along her left forearm in cursive she has the words 'Hear no Evil. See no Evil. Speak no Evil. He who seeks evil, found it.'
ript ITC'; color: black; font-size: 20pt">Hear no Evil. See no Evil. Speak no Evil. He who seeks evil, found it.
She's pretty inked up. Often seen wearing skinny jeans, hoodies, ironic t-shirts, leather jackets, combat boots, really anything blue,black or purple
Personality: The comeplete opposite of her sister. (Will rp it out)
History: Nothing I feel like typing.
Weapon of Choice: Single-Action Revolver. She likes to make people quake, she loads one bullet and spins it like russian roulette, Shot at them until they die. She also always carries a knife in her boot.
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Name: Jethro
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Male
A.ssa.ssin or Normal Person?:
Are you after Aeria?: Yes
Looks: Standing at a height of 6'2'' Jethro is a rather good looking boy, but most seem to forget as soon as he opens his mouth. He has clear cornflower blue eyes which stand out against his rather pale skin and his straight jet black hair. He has s straight nose that just fits his face, and has rather average lips, They aren't thin but then again not full, although his bottom lip is slightly larger than his top. His lips are usually in a crooked smile, although some may call it a sneer. He is rather in shape, having a good amount of muscle. He normally wears long sleeves tops, which are normally close fitting which show off how built he is, although he doesn't do it on purpose. He also almost always wears dark jeans, not a very colourful guy.He unlike some other agents, wears suits, prefering to look proffesional. He also has a tattoo on the inside of his forearm that says Carpe Diem
Weapon of Choice: He uses about anything. Prefering torture, he isn't afraid to get his hands messy. But he often keeps a desert pistol with him, although he wouldn't useless unless you couldn't take them down with his hands.
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Name: William Fontaine
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male
A.ssa.ssin or Normal Person?: Normal Person
Are you after Aeria?: Nope
Appearance: Will has blonde hair that tends to change colour depending on the season, in the fall and winter it appears to be a brownish, sandy colour, in the spring and summer his hair appears a lighter with darker undertones. He also tends to keep it short, not liking it long. He has rather thick eyebrows, but because they're blonde its not quite noticable. He has pretty light blue eye that are framed by rather average eyelashes, they are not extremely long but they aren't short, or particulary thick. His lips aren't exactly full, his top lip thinner than his bottom lip, giving him a cute look. He is relatively muscular, nothing too eye-catching, no super amazing defined six pack, but he can bench press a good amount. He stands at an average height of 5'11''and often wears jeans and whatever shirt he likes.
Personality: New character rp it out?
History: Nothing of importance.
Weapon of Choice: N/A
Other?: He speaks with a New Orleans accent. ((Sounds similar to the guy in this video. Who kinda inspire me to make this character.))
((Feeling lazy, I will edit later XP))