6:55pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 284
"I've gotten some leads, talked to some people. But theres constant conventions here and apparently there are alot of people that look like her." Hs pause. FUDGE! Worst timing boss! Just let him buy it!. "I haven't given up though, little bit longer then i thought , but she was one of us, can't really expect it to be as easy." He stopped hoping he'd given enough of an exuce. His voice cracked atleast once wile he was talking.
my petrn  rn
8:43pm Apr 13 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"All right, Baskron." Elijah was pacing again. "Just don't take too long." He hung up, and set the cell phone down on his desk as he pa.ssed it. Aeria? Why would she just run? Elijah had treated her like a daughter, or at least he tried to. However, she always seemed distant. Maybe it was the life he had molded for her... Aeria jumped back into her tree and frowned. Dumb Elijah. Always ruining her fun. Baskron just had to be an a.ssa.ssin. If Aeria wasn't constantly worrying about Baskron toting her off to Elijah, she might actually like him. She sighed, and closed her eyes.
Love is all we need~
4:56pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 284
Baskron hung up and fell back onto the ground. "Ow..." He needed to think of something... Fast. He couldnt just kill her, or turn her in, then again he could let her kill him. Or he could stay with her, but that might harm his loved ones. "Aeria?"
my petrn  rn
5:14pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"What. You gonna turn me in?" Aeria almost growled. "You know Elijah's gonna be even more pissed at you when he finds out that you're not capturing me, and taking me to him." She swung down from her tree branch and landed beside him. "He's nothing but a selfish little man. All he ever worries about is The Society. He doesn't care about if the a.ssa.ssins want to run away, stop killing. Do you know what happens to me every night?"
Love is all we need~
5:36pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 284
"It's not like i want to kill! Im forced to! he has my family and everything!" Baskron stared up at her as he got up "What could possably happen to you each night? from the looks im the first one to find you!"
my petrn  rn
5:38pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"No you've got it all wrong. You are the first one to find me. Every night, I dread going to sleep. Do you know all those people that I killed? All of their faces are stuck in my head. Every second of my life, I'm thinking about them. I break down and cry. I'm not the kind of girl to cry." Aeria's voice was weaker now. She climbed back into her tree, but went to the highest branch she could find.
Love is all we need~
5:55pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 284
"Well i have to keep my family safe" Baskron growled as he loaded his crossbow. It wasnt a battle between him and Aeria, it was a battle between his mind and his heart. Fighting one another.
my petrn  rn
5:58pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Don't even think about killing me," Aeria said, her back to Baskron. "I'm not fighting you. So put that damn crossbow away." She turned to face him, her eyes full of fury and sorrow.
Love is all we need~
6:02pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 284
"Well what the hell am i suposed to do?! I can;t kill you, nut i can't save you either. Its not like i want to kill you..." He watched her as she sat in the tree. "It's not like i can save you but keep my family safe at the same time..."
my petrn  rn
6:04pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"If you run away from Elijah, and join me, I can guarantee the safety of your family, and yourself." Aeria turned back to the tree, and jumped down. She landed on the ground in front of him and pointed his crossbow away from her. "Watch where you point that thing. It's bothering me."
Love is all we need~
6:09pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 284
"How can you possibly promise that? And i thought you said you hardly trust me." Baskron watched her skeptically and waited for a response. He really had no idea what he was supposed to do, it wasnt just him or her he was worried about, he wanted all his friends and amily out side of the society safe
my petrn  rn
6:16pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"I'm like a daughter to Elijah. That's why he gave you specific orders not to hurt me. Something that you aren't following very well. He will eventually see you around me, or me around you. I'm one of Elijah's best a.ssa.ssins. He knows that if he hurts any of my friends, or hurts any of my friend's friends, I'll personally destroy The Society." Aeria said the last line like a threat. "You could help me take down The Society."
Love is all we need~
8:57pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 284
"He said i could hurt, just not mortally or kill." He watched her and put the crossbow down. "I thought you said you don't truat anyone?" He asked rememeber ing the other night.
my petrn  rn
10:39pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"I didn't say that I would trust you. I'm just asking you to come with me," Aeria said matter-of-factly. She let her guard down, seeing that he didn't have his crossbow pointed at her anymore. "Besides, I think that I can trust you a bit. You seem to care about people other than yourself, like your family and friends."
Love is all we need~
1:08pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 1:08pm Apr 16 2011)
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Posts: 284
"Okay" Is all baskron said before quietly making his way back to his car. He hope Aeria would fallow him. MAybe i should go with her... If she can take down the society that easily... Ugh just don't know...
my petrn  rn
3:32pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Aeria sighed and followed behind Baskron. She waited for him to unlock it. From now on, she decided to be less careful around Baskron. Sometimes being too careful could cause more trouble than being careless.
Love is all we need~
4:00pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 4:01pm Apr 16 2011)
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Posts: 284
Baskron unlocked the car and got in the driver's seat, and looked over at Aeria. He could see the very faint imprint of her swords on her jacket. "Those swords still freak me out" He said as he tossed his crossbow in the back seat.
my petrn  rn
4:50pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Aeria got in and sighed. She pulled out her swords and threw them in the back seat of Baskron's car. "There. Happy?" She ran a hair through her black hair. ((braindead.))
Love is all we need~
4:49pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 284
"Not yet..." He looked at her half hoping she knew what he meant, half hoping she wouldn't. He looked down ashamed of what he thought. She did offer to help me ssave my family... And she knows how i play my games... She isn't bad at all but... As he thought, Baskron turned on the car and pulled out of the parking spot.
my petrn  rn
6:13pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Aeria sighed and put her back to Baskron. She put her forehead against the window and stared at the scenery that was going by her. Unlike Baskron, she didn't have any family. Elijah had found her at an orphanage. He saw that she excelled in sports, so he took her in and trained her. She hated that man. Things would have been much easier if he would have just left her there. She let out an aggrevated breath, and tapped her fingers on her jeans.
Love is all we need~