1:53am Jun 19 2010
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Scorchpaw looked at his mentor with an odd ex pression on his face, "Are you ok? You look like you have stomach pains. You ought to go see Shadefire on that." His tail waved around lazily as he waited for Stormhunt to go to the medicine cat, concerned about the tom's health.
1:54am Jun 19 2010
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((xD It's okay, I called Shadefire Shadeflame.)) Rainpaw seemed peeved, but she figured that yelling about the mouse-brained rouge who thought he was making a new clan with a couple of his rouge friends would not be a mature way for her mentor to see her. "What should we do, Fallingstar?" She managed to say, looking up at him with big blue eyes. Her deaf ear flicked again, and the she-cat twitched her tail in response. What she wouldn't admit to was that she was nervous. Were the rouges really trying to drive the clans out of their own forest?
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:02am Jun 19 2010
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Stormhunt sighed and then laughed. "I'm fine, I'm fine." he smiled. Scorchpaw was a good cat, he really didn't deserve a scatterbrained mentor like him. "I'm just not too good at the whole 'mentor' thing." He sighed again. Maybe he should ask Oakcloud for advice, he seemed to know about all this stuff. He thought it over, his ex pression getting worse by the second. No, no, no, noo. Asking Oakcloud was out of the question.
1:10pm Jun 19 2010
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Flamestripe nodded, noticing the similarities between the two she-cats. "I'll bring her back to the camp. Skypaw why don't you get all the prey you caught. Duskpaw, help her," he said padding over the dead she-cat scruff. Gingerly sinking his teeth into the loose fur, he started to drag the dead she-cat back to camp. -- Shadefire squeezed out of the storage room when she heard Rainpaw. Her golden eyes glimmered. "Thanks, Rainpaw. You too Tigerpaw," she mewed to the white apprentice before spotting her own, tiger-like one. -- Spiritflame overheard the two apprentices talking about rogues and this new Clan they were making. "RockClan?" she mewed questionally. "And why would rogues make a Clan? They usually avoid each other all together." She pointed her triangular head in their direction and cocked her head to one side. Thunderspark nodded in agreement, his calm blue eyes narrowed slightly in suspiscion.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:39pm Jun 19 2010
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Tigerpaw nodded respectfully to Shadefire before he padded over to the group and sat down. He had a worried look in his eyes as he thought over what the rogue had said. After a few moments he shyly spoke up. "He said that RockClan is filled with rogues who hate us... they're united under a common hatred and a common goal." he said quietly.
8:31pm Jun 19 2010
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Duskpaw nodded and wandererd towards the last place she had caught a mouse. she unburried it and went onto the next...
<-- Click me
1:11am Jun 20 2010
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{~} Feyth, you're also leader >.< {~} Scorchpaw was about to tell his mentor that perhaps they could go hunting, when he noticed Rainpaw and Earthpaw speaking to Fallingstar with a frantic look on their faces. "What's going on?" he mewed to his mentor, flicking his ears in curiosity. -- Skypaw set off in the opposite direction of Duskpaw and picked up all the prey she had caught, struggling a little with the large pheasant. "Help," she squeaked, her voice muffled by the limp feathers in her jaws. -- Earthpaw shrugged, her tail twitching. "I think...they have some sort of plan or whatnot. But you're right, whenever we met a rogue, they usually just growled at us and made us get off their small bit of territory."
1:44am Jun 20 2010
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"And... The rouge that attatcked us seemed envious of our forest." Rainpaw added, feeling like she had been keeping too quiet. She said this, however, quite indifferently, and looked with bored eyes at the other warriors. Luckily, this was not out of disrespect, just her nature, and they should know that, having had dealed with her mother. That was the only trait, Rainpaw realized, that they shared; stubbornness and independance. Well, only partially with the independence, Rainpaw reminded herself, remembering her longing for a mate.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:58am Jun 20 2010
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"I dunno," Stormhunt said. His ears perked forward as he listened in. "Sounds like another rogue threat." he said simply. He didn't think he had the whole story but it was all he could hear. He sighed. Rogues were always up to no good. "If you're curious go over and ask. I'll wait." he said. He knew some cats were more curious than others so he was allowing Scorchpaw to learn more if he wanted. Stormhunt wasn't too concerned about it though. ----------------- Tigerpaw kept his mouth shut. He'd said all he needed to say. He sighed. He really did hate rogues. His father had been a rogue and even after his death, some warriors still hated Tigerpaw because of him. Tigerpaw still had nightmares about him.
2:01am Jun 20 2010
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Scorchpaw was about to go ove and ask Earthpaw what had happened when she came over herself, sitting next to him and Stormhunt. "A rogue attacked us and said it was part of another Clan, RockClan or such." She tried to say this nonchalantly, but her voice cracked a little from anxiety. -- {~} Scorchpaw is gonna have a crush on Rainpaw ♥ {~}
2:08am Jun 20 2010
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((Good luck, Scorchpaw dearest. I don't know how this'll turn out, because Rainpaw isn't the nicest kitty on the planet. She can tolerate Tigerpaw b'cause she feels bad for him, but her only friend is Earthpaw. xD She's kinda mean, even if she doesn't realize it.)) Rainpaw flicked her tail in greeting to Scorchpaw, one of Earthpaw's littermates. She sighed, twitching her deaf ear in annoyance from the rouges, wondering why they thought they could take the clans on, especially Snowclan. Looking up at her mentor, the leader, Rainpaw waited for a reaction, then decided to ask a question while he was absorbing the information. "Fallingstar, can we battle train again? I really want to be able to fight against these mouse-brains." Her whiskers twitched with curiosity. Battle training was her favorite part of being an apprentice, since fighting was her best skill by far. Besides that, she loved finding new ways to defeat other cats, making her feel stronger.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:11am Jun 20 2010
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{~} Eh, Scorchpaw is a preserverer. He can stand up to her attitude, he has this forgiving atmosphere ♥ {~} Earthpaw heard her friend's comment and found herself nodding in agreement. "I think that'd be a good idea," she said, yawning slightly as she padded back to Rainpaw's side ad sat. She licked her fur a little, which was tousled from the battle with the rogue. Now that Earthpaw felt calmed and the adrenaline from the battle had died away, she could feel a stinging pain in her left hindleg, making her wince as she shifted her weight on the ground.
2:28am Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 993
((:3 Then they may be a match made in Starclan, who knows.)) Seeing Earthpaw groom herself, Rainpaw checked her white fur too, noticing a small fleck of dirt, and licking it away immediately. The snow-white cat took pride in her exceptional hygene, and was not about to let a spot of dirt ruin it. That was the strange thing about Rainpaw, no matter how boyish she acted, there was always a feminine side to her. She hated being dirty, she often made sure she was well-looking, and of course, she had that distant longing for something more. It was a side to her that only Earthpaw knew, only things that her best friend, her one friend, would know. After cleaning herself, Rainpaw redirected her blue eyes up to her mentor again.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:34am Jun 20 2010
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Earthpaw started to get up to find her mentor when her injured leg collapsed beneath her, her muzzle twisted up in pain. "I think...the rogue did something," she gasped, lying on then ground curled up in pain. She looked at her leg and saw that it was bleeding slowly from a large gash that had been hidden by all the mud on her pelt.
2:41am Jun 20 2010 (last edited on 2:44am Jun 20 2010)
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(( Aww~ I was going to have Tigerpaw form a crush on her.... oh well, past the tolerance she probably somewhat hates him anyways XD him being his pathetic self and all. )) Tigerpaw noticed the other two grooming themselves and checked his own fur. He frowned when he realized there was patches of mud on his left flank from falling in the fight. It hat already dried too. He flicked his tail in annoyance for not noticing sooner. He didn't feel like cleaning it off now so he left it. It wasn't like it stood out or anything. It actually looked a bit like a part of his pelt. Tigerpaw turned around when Earthpaw collapsed. He crouched down beside her, sniffing the wound. It was bleeding a lot so he dashed off to the medicine cat den, returning with cobwebs in his mouth. He set them down and experimentally licked at the cut, trying to clean it. He was panicking slightly but he was trying to suppress it. This was his job, mostly and he wanted to do it right.
2:43am Jun 20 2010
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{~} No one's noticed Earthpaw lying on the ground in pain xD Cats are so unobservant ♥ {~}
2:44am Jun 20 2010
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(( I didn't see the post till after I posted XD ~I edited it XD ))
2:45am Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 993
((xD Rainpaw has but I have to go. x3 Oooh, Rainpaw feels so liked. *cough* I have no problem having to boys like her ♥))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:47am Jun 20 2010
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Earthpaw grunted slightly when Tigerpaw pressed the cobwebs to her wound but still managed to give him a weak smile. "Thanks Tigerpaw, I'm glad you're here," she murmured, closing her eyes as waves of pain swept over her. -- Scorchpaw ran to his littermate and licked her between her ears, murmuring comforting words. "It's ok Earthpaw," he whispered, "You'll be fine."
3:21am Jun 20 2010
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Tigerpaw nodded, too intent on what he was doing to answer properly. He pulled off the blood soaked cobwebs and thought for a moment. What else could he use to help the wound? Goldenrod? Marigold? The first helped heal wounds and the second healed infection right? Yeah! He dashed back to into the medicine cat den and retrieved the herbs, bringing them back and chewing them up. He spat the mixture onto Earthpaw's gash before rubbing it in and applying more herbs the wound. "There," he said quietly. "How does that feel?"