1:31am Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 12:36pm Jun 18 2010)
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Most know about the four clans that tracked over the mountiants, but what about the others, the clan of Frost, Ember, Air or Sea? This is Frostclan, the close-knit group of cats who live on a mountian valley overlooking the stream. Ok, so I'm tired of being in a nice, semi-literate Warriors roleplay when all of a sudden there's a butt- load of players with even more characters, the focus ranges from clan to clan, or, simply, the post become one- liners. So, I want this to be steady and literate. Got it? Rules: 1- Keep it literate, at least two good paragraphs in a post. WriterBlocks are accseptable and understandable. It happens to the best of us. 2- There will be limited spaces, so please ask to join, then fill out your bio. First come, first serve, but if you get here just a little late, I'll probably let you in. 3- Bio's are not a nessesity. If you preffer, you can post an intro, but you have to include a full deion and give the other players an idea of their personality. Prefferably there's some history in there, too. 4- Romance and Violence is strongly encouraged, but keep it appropriate! No extreamly vivid deions of blood spraying over snow or whatever. It's not healthy for a hemophobic person. (Affraid of blood, like me.) 5- I will alow pictures in both bio's and intros, but don't stretch the page, or my server cannot read it or even post on it. Therefore, I'll be pretty strict on this. 6- I'll allow some odd colors/ markings, but NO mutations or wings and NO powers. 7- Don't be rash and post one after another. Wait a little bit to be considerate to the other players, please. 8- Rescreatu rules. Respect other players, blah, blah, blah. 9- I may or may not pick a co-owner, but I will add/edit out rules and conditions as the story progresses. 10- No book spoilers, ok? Plot twists are alright, but we WILL be only focusing on Frostclan. 11- No weird, mythic names like "dragon." How would a cat know what a dragon is? Sorry. Frostclan: This is the group we'll focus on. They live at the top of a mountian valley. They usually hunt snow hares and ravens that p*censored* over their terratory to their nests. Unlike the other clans, their boarders don't touch and they preffer to keep it that way. It leads to alot of patrols and fights, and they'd rather stay all together in peace. The weather's nearly cold all year round. The only exception in a breif time in greenleaf where the sun melts away most of the snow, keeping it there untill about half way through leafbare. The camp is nestled in a small cave hidden in a face of the mountian, quite close to Starpool. Emberclan: This clan had a dark past. Though they've been nutral in the past generation, they might still be full of blood lust. They enjoy a good fight and train very hard to create warriors quickly. Recently, they ended a large war with Frostclan and their numbers have been threateningly low. Airclan: This group of cats lives on the other side of the valley, where the area is much more forest- like. The camp is in a small clearing. They climb trees often rather than brawl with eachother. These cats are wise and good natured, usualy far more kind than hostile to all three other clans. Seaclan: This is the most spiritual clan, and seek guidance to Starclan quite often. They are a rash group as well as hard headed, but would preffer to stay peacful. They are to the east of Frostclan, near the stream. Their numbers are as high as their hopes and recently they have made more daring ventures closer to other clans. Starpool: In the north-east is a little valley, only slightly closer to Frostclan than Seaclan. This is were medicine cats go for guidance and deputies go to receive their "star" name and nine lives. Leader: Shininigstar (Tld, pg2) Deputy: Rustpelt (Morgain) Medicine Cat: Shadefire (Dragonstar) Warriors: Windsong (Morgain) app- Nightpaw Nightshine (Tld) app- Gohstpaw Dreamstone (Tld) app- Duskpaw Spititflame (Dragonstar) app- Coalpaw Flamestripe (Dragonstar) app- Moonpaw Apprentices: Moonpaw (Morgain) Coalpaw (Tld) Gohstpaw (Detneth, pg2) Nightpaw (Detneth, pg2) Duskpaw (Feyth, pg3) Quenns: Robinwing (Detneth, pg2) kits~ Skykit (Detneth, pg2) Earthkit (Detneth, pg2) Elders: Darktail (Morgain) Spaces: (red ones havn't posted bio's) 1- Morgain 2- Tld 3- Dragonstar 4- Detneth106 5- ashdog554 6- Feyth 7- Jemi Bio~ Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Breif History: Other:
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1:41am Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 2:29am Jun 3 2010)
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Name: Rustpelt Age: 15 moons Gender: Tom (male) Personality: Harsh and usually quiet, he can be very critical and direct with his actions. He hates to show weaknesses, and tries to twist and play everything around as a strength. His bigest weakness is kits. He loves to be with them and play with them, even if he's never had any of his own. He will go moons without eating to see the younger cats have full bellies and satisfied sleeps. He simply can't refuse a kit or apprentace who blinks those big, kitten eyes at him. To warriors and elders, though, he's almost as harsh as he is with the leader. He's quick to voice an opinion and tell his thoughts on how to act. Appearance: Rustpelt is a dark taby with yellow- green eyes. He's large and powerful from swimming in the river quite often. The stripes on his pelt are nearly brown, but his whole pelt turns black and grey when he gets wet. Breif History: Rustpelt's mother was a rouge, outcast from Emerclan durring the war. In desparation she had handed her kits over to their neighboring clan, then left after kitting without a word. There were four kits: himself, Windsong, and two still borns. He trained under Darktail and has a special respect for him. Other: Deputy, Windsong's brother Name: Windsong Age: 15 moons Gender: female Personality: Windsong can never hold a grudge against anybody. She loves all beings, prey, gr*censored* and Emberclan alike. Though she's never given her heart away, she loves to teach. She often steals away other cats' apprentaces and give them little extra lessions, even if she's not big on kits: They're too loud and needy for her to stand very long. Otherwise, she's easy going and very opertunistic. Appearance: A light orange taby with bright golden eyes lightly flecked with blue. She's small, but strong. Windsong has never been very agile, but makes up for it in power. She also has an unusually long tail that's perfect to swatting her apprentaces. Breif History: Her mother was a rouge exiled from Emberclan durring the fighting between the clans. As an apprentace, she disapeared one day to look for her mother or find out anything about her father. She returned two months later with nothing but an empty belly. She was trained by Greenspot, who died in the last battle against Emberclan the afternoon of her warror ceramony. Other: Warrior, Rustpelt's sister Name: Moonpaw Age: 7 moons Gender: female Personality: Moonpaw is usually opertinustic, but hates being told what to do and being bound by a state of morals and codes. She'd rather go fight something, the hardheaded little she-cat. She's the oposite of Windsong: fast and agile, but doesn't have a whole lot else going for her. She's rash and quick to acuse, even when she's in a rare good mood. She tends to be a little more respectful to the adults, but when she becomes a warror, she wants to leave for a while, and possably never come back. Appearance: A small and slender she- cat, Moonpaw has a long, silvery- coat. She still has round blue eyes that are only just flecked with tiny traces of amber. Her belly and paws are near white, like snow, along with her eartips and tailtip. She looks much younger than she really is. Breif History: Moonpaw doesn't know who her parents are, but she's never really thought about it. Her clan is her family now, no matter who or what she was as a kit. She really can't remember much before the day she became an apprentace, but honestly, doesn't care and wouldn't have it any other way. Other: Apprentace (Doesn't have mentor.) Name: Darktail Age: About 50 moons Gender: tom Personality: Darktail is very old f*censored*ioned and could p*censored* on to Starclan at any given minute. He's harsher to the younger ones, almost always complaining on how he wished the apprentaces had more respect these days. Dispite this, he's quickly caputed by the nicer warriors and apprentaces that bother to listen to his stories about the war now over with Emberclan. He remembers them vividly, but sometimes exadurates and acts things out for added affects. Otherwise he's very proud of all his actions and teases the warriors he's more comfortable with, Ruststar being one of his usual taunting targets. Appearance: Darktail's fur is long and suprisingly unmatted besides the fact he can barely walk. Half of his right ear is missing, as well as a bit off the end of his tail. Like his name seggests, he's a very dark grey in color with white hind paws. He has a thin scar running over his nose, that's a faded tint of pink that it wasn't always was. Breif History: Darktail had a quiet life up until the dispute arose. He began recruiting and training young rouges and ex- kittypets as well as apprentaces from his own clan, including Rustpelt. Durring this time he was deputy, but stepped down shortly after the war ended, as he felt he didn't deserve the responsablities. He's happy though, and almost always has been. He'll be sad to say goodbye to his clan, but will not be disapointed when he does go to see Starclan forever. Other: Elder
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2:19am Jun 3 2010
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[[...Join? c: ]]
2:30am Jun 3 2010
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((please. Nice to have you. ^^ *has hope for this rp*))
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3:11am Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 7:06am Jun 3 2010)
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[[Great! And may I suggest that you add those kind of 'to prove that you have read the rules, put the word 'insertwordhere' in your bio?]] Name: Nightshine Age: 22 moons Gender: Female Personality: Nightshine is an extremely affectionate and loving she-cat, who cares about any clanmate and cat, including the cats from other clans. Nightshine never liked to battle or argue with any cat, and is squeamish around blood from the enemy. She considered being a medicine cat, but was afraid of the change and the challenges the job presented. Nightshine also fears communicating with Starclan, at times. Appearance: Nightshine has a pure black pelt, with odd flecks of white, like the stars in the night sky [pwease]. She has glowing, soft yellow eyes, and silky fur. Breif History: Born and raised in the Clan ways, but that has never stopped her from giving a mouse tail about any other Clan cats. Other: Warrior of FrostClan --- Name: Coalpaw Age: 8 moons Gender: Male Personality: Coalpaw is a bit unfriendly, and to other clans, seems like a potential threat, as he often picks fights with cats from other Clans. He is a very ambitious apprentice, and some day hopes to lead his Clan to glory. Coalpaw is extremely strong and agile for an apprentice his age, and can sometimes battle like a full-grown warrior. He is well-built, though not the best hunter. Appearance: A grey cat with dark grey- almost black - eyes. Coalpaw's tail is rather long, and has a black tip. He is young and strong, though not the best hunter, because of his over-confidence. Breif History: His mother was a fleet-footed hunter, and his father was an excellent and strong warrior. Coalpaw believes that he onyl obtained his mother's speed and his father's muscles. Other: Apprentice in FrostClan. Can his warrior name be Coalfire or Coalember? --- Name: Dreamstone Age: 18 moons Gender: Female Personality: Dreamstone, like her name, often has her head up in the clouds, daydreaming often. She is sometimes lazy, and prefers lazing to fighting. Despite this, she is a very intelligent she-cat, and will speak up. Sometimes known as a strategist, Dreamstone devises very efficient battle tactics and plans, thus making up for her lazy attitude. Appearance: A cream she-cat with day-blue eyes and long whiskers. Often has a smile on her muzzle. She also has a white crescent shape on her left shoulder [pwease?] Breif History: Spent a long time with the Clan's medicine cat, and the Clan leader. This helps her wit and her reputation. Other: Warrior of FrostClan --- [[Sorry it took such a long time. Had trouble coming up with names]]

3:27am Jun 3 2010
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((Don't worry, I really like the names you chose, and I love the idea of "Coalfire." I havn't even thought about Moonpaw's future name. Anyway, I love the marks you put on your characters. It's a nice touch. =3 ))
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3:32am Jun 3 2010
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[[Thank you! I used to have a knack of making cat names up quickly, but now I'm getting... slower. I was thinking of Dreamingmoon/Dreamingnight, but I was like nah, too long :d I love Windsong's name. Sounds like a musical cat, or a very soft-hearted personality. I had a cat with the name Moon once... It was either Moonshine or Moonleaf. There are loads of pretty names with the word moon x] Like Crescentmoon, Moonsky. Personally, I think that Crescentmoon is a really medicine-cat-ish name]]
2:28pm Jun 3 2010
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:31pm Jun 3 2010
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((Yes, you may, Dragonstar. ^^ Tld, that's the trouble. I wasn't really thinking when I typed 'Moon,' but now I just don't want her name to be too spiritual. She's a little too stoborn to be a medicine cat, lol.))
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2:33pm Jun 3 2010
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OoC:// Thanks. I'll get my bios up soon.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:29pm Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 3:47pm Jun 3 2010)
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Name: Spiritflame Age: 28 Moons Gender: She-Cat Personality: Spiritflame is a cat that will always listen before jumping to any conclusions. She also waits and listens before jumping into things. Quick to defend her Clanmates. Spiritflame is more on the quiet side than most. She is careful and loving, but she can turn quite feirce when the occasion arises. Appearance: Spiritflame is a regular-sized, light gray tabby with short fur. Though, the gray almost looks white in certian lights. Her head is roughly triangular, as are her pointed ears. She has light green eyes. Speed and stealth are her friends because of her lean body and a longer-than-normal tail that has long fur along the edges that is tipped in a rather rusty-like orange. Breif History: Spiritflame was born to a rogue and a Clancat. She had two other littermates -- Owl and Tiger -- but they refused to join their father in the Clan. Three moons after she joined, her father was killed by sickness. She had a hard time getting over that fact for a while. Spiritflame was apprenticed like a normal kit at six moons, made into a warrior when ready, sat her silent vigil, and mated with a cat she loved; Thunderstrike. She bore two kits to him -- Shadefire and Flamestripe. Other: FrostClan Warrior -- Name: Shadefire Age: 17 Moons Gender: She-Cat Personality: Shadefire is always trying to help those in need, in anyway she can. And she will most likely find a way. Calm when around those who are nearly in hysterics and kind towards the ones hurt. She is like the perfect Medicine Cat, but she does have her flaws 'cause not every cat is perfet. Being connected with StarClan, she does not like to see the other Clans fight and was quite angry on how EmberClan and FrostClan fought. Appearance: Shadefire has an extremely dark black pelt that has short fur. Though, her paws are a dark, reddish-brown. The same reddish-brown tipes her ears and her tail. She has dark yellow eyes that nearly look gold. Breif History: Clanborn, she had no interest in being a Warrior. She enjoyed being in the Medicine Cat's den so much, she became Newmoon's -- the MC at the time -- apprentice. Now she helps her Clan and takes pride in doing what she does. Other: FrostClan Medicine Cat -- Name: Flamestripe Age: 17 Moons Gender: Tom Personality: Flamestripe is straight-forward and will sometimes not take "No" as an answer. Stubborn to a fault because of that. He is strangly protective of his family, even though they can take care of themselves. Flamestripe can also be very aggressive and fierce when defending his territory against a rival Clan. Appearance: Flamestripe takes after his father in appearance; he is a dark orange tabby with lighter orange stripes slicing through his fur. He is relatively short-furred, but his tail has some length to it. Tipping his ears is a faint black. His eyes are different colours. His right is a bright yellow, while the left is a calm blue. Breif History: Clanborn like his sister, he was always interested in fighting and hunting. He even tried to sneak out of the camp to catch a mouse and bring it back to the camp. When apprenticed, he was very adventurous, though that mellowed out now that he is a warrior. Other: FrostClan Warrior
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:21pm Jun 3 2010
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[[Yay, another RPer! c: ]]
6:29pm Jun 3 2010
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OoC:// -nodsnods- Oh... And just you let ya'll know, Thunderstrike is not in StarClan. He is still alive and kicking it incase somebody else wanted to be him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:18am Jun 4 2010
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((Welcome, Dragonstar. We still need a leader, too. I'm not godd with athoritative figures....))
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1:57am Jun 4 2010
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((Joinage please, can't post bios now, got homework to do))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
2:26am Jun 4 2010
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((please, Jemi. I'll put you on the list and your spot it saved. ^^))
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3:51am Jun 4 2010
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[[And add some male warrior cats too XD]]
12:11am Jun 7 2010
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((Jemi, you still in? As soon as somebody volenteers to be the leader, I think we can start.))
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11:14pm Jun 13 2010
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((Last bump. We'll either start or let this die.))
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11:17pm Jun 13 2010
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[[I'd volunteer, but I don't think I'm used to being leader :d]]