Warrior Cats {literate; limited space}

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10:25am Jun 15 2010

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5:30pm Jun 16 2010

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((Sorry, Feyth, tis group is already bigger than I expected, but I'm not totally oposed to doing 1x1's or another small group, either.

And Shadow, will you be joining? If not, I'll give Feyth your spot. Sorry, I don't mean to sound harsh. If you don't reply, I'll send out RMails to the both of you.))

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

10:06pm Jun 16 2010

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[[Lalala~ -sits and waits for starting- And congrats on the dogshow! Just noticed your signature, Morgain xD]]


10:10pm Jun 16 2010

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{~} Hi guys {~}


10:21pm Jun 16 2010

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10:25pm Jun 16 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[Feyth, it would be nice if you replied to the Warriors RP that Shadowwolf made. The Literate one]]


10:31pm Jun 16 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((I  did.))

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10:36pm Jun 16 2010

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Posts: 3,002
((Feyth can take my spot. Sorry about that.))

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

10:37pm Jun 16 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Ok, will do))

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10:44pm Jun 16 2010

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Name: Duskpaw
Age: 10 moons
Gender: Female
Personality: She keeps her emotions locked inside her heart as if they were a disease. She rarely is nice and when she is, it is because she trusts the cat she is being nice to. She can't stand even the slight thoght of having a friend because she has been betrayed too often.
Appearance: She stands about 2'3" when she is on all fours and weights very little. Maybe 10 lbs at the most. Her fur is short and unkempt. It is always dirty. She has dark unseeing eyes for she is blind. She is tinier than most cats because of her past. She has grey-blue paws and a few tiny dots that got up her legs and down her tail, making her look half leapord.
Breif History: She was born as a loner, but when a dark clan cat killed her family, she had no where to turn to. She spent the days between 4 moons and 6 moons hunting because her family had taught her to hunt when she was just 3 moons. Her blindness had never been a problem because she had better hearing and sense of smell. She was found by a kind medicine cat and taken to the clan where she now has lived for 4 moons.
Other: Nope.

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12:06pm Jun 17 2010

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Posts: 5,310


So I take it we can start soon?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


12:08pm Jun 17 2010

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Posts: 6,948
ooc: Dragon, what ever happened to Light vs Shadows?

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12:15pm Jun 17 2010

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Feythe; Just bumped it up.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:49pm Jun 18 2010

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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:27pm Jun 18 2010

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Posts: 934

((Lists have been updated. Sorry I wasn't on earlier.))


Rustpelt padded into the camp, a plump, young raven in his mouth. The prey pile was considerable large this season, and it please him that his clan was doing so well. Could he possably be more proud? After a moment he came to the conclusion that no, it must have been imposible. Even though his apprentace had dissapeared many moons ago and the number of kits was slow going, there was no other place Rustpelt would be than the Frostclan camp. His ears swivled as Darktail turned in his sleep, mumbling something. Rustpelt rolled his eyes and padded over to the elder, dropping the young raven at his paws.

"Who? What?" Darktail asked, waking up with a start and looking around. His ears pricked and he blinked his eyes slowly before seeing Rustpelt, one of his favorite torment subjects. "What do you want, whelp?"

"Oi!" Windsong padded out of the Medicinecat's den and eyed the pair. She flicked her tail, betraying her serious side. Like she often did, she had found a m*censored* of cobwebs and given them off. Oh, how she loved helping others, but serious wonds still made her woozy and sick. She blinked calmly, then shifted her weight and began to pad twards the camp's entrance. "There will be none of that name calling while I'm around, okay?"

Rustpelt blinked after his sister, breifly wondering how she could possably be so benevolent and good- natured twards anybody, even the sarcastic kits and harsh elders. Rustpelt turned as Windsong left the camp and looked at the elder, once again nudging the raven closer to him. "Even old baggs like you should eat,"

Darktail forced air from his body, making him caugh. "Don't waste you generosity on me. I'll go to Starclan sooner rather than later. Save this for our queens or apprentaces or something useful."

Rustpelt sighed and began to turn away. He knew that the elder would eat soon. He may be old and cranky, but wasn't tottally irrational. Besides, he had to stick around and tell some stories to the newest additions to the clan. It was almost like it was what he was sent out to do. Rustpelt chuckled at the thought, then tossed a glance to the morning sky. It was still barely dawn, and many of the clan had only just begun to stirr.

Moonpaw wasn't one of these cats. She had stayed up all night again to look at the at the stars and their shining brilliance. She yawned and stretched, cursing under her breath for her timing being so off. Others where just waking up, Moonpaw was just falling asleep. She moaned and rolled over outside the apprentaces' den, stretching out so her pelt shone dark gray as opposed to its long, silvery appearance. Her white paws and tips seemed to radiate from her like fragments of the moon where trapped in her long fur, where she had gotten her name. She yawned and curled back into a ball, blinking her large blue eyes slowly, dreamily.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

10:45pm Jun 18 2010

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Duskpaw wandered up to Moonpaw, feeling her way to the Silver/White cat. She settled down next to her, breathing in the scent of morning air. She lifted ehr dark head and stared blankly at Moonpaw. "I hate the sun." she said simply, for she too had stayed up all night, and trudged off to find her mentor. When she found him (Rustpelt maybe?) she stared up at him with her blind purple eyes. "My *censored*esment is today right?" She asked. After all, she was 12 moons old and if she was deprived of this honor because of her blindness then...well. She would do something...

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12:40am Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 1:05am Jun 19 2010)

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Coalpaw's eyes fluttered open, to see sunshine streaming into the den. "Oh boy, another day." He muttered to himself, leaping out of the den. He sauntered over to his mentor, Spiritflame. "Good morning, Spiritflame!" Coalpaw said. "What are we going to do today?" Coalpaw felt like he could hunt plenty of prey, and still have enough energy to finish up battle training.


Nightshine opened her eyes, as she found herself curled up inside her nest. Yawning, she lifted herself up, and prodded Dreamstone. "Come on, Dreamstone. Wake up." Nightshine hissed. Dreamstone was always lazy, so it was always one warrior's duty to wake up the she-cat. 


Dreamstone awoke to a shoving on her side. "Owch, quit it, Nightshine! I'm up!" The she-cat protested. Dreamstone sprang up and raced out of the den, away from Nightshine. "Stupid she-cat." Dreamstone muttered to herself.


1:01am Jun 19 2010

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Posts: 934

((Duskpaw's mentor is Dreamstone. I forgot to put Rustpelt in the apprentace shuffle 'cause he's deputy, so I forgot. *fails* ))


Moonpaw looked sleepilly twards Duskpaw and stiffled a yawn. She only nodded in reply to the older spprentace, wondering what tourtured her mentor would have in store for her today. Really, she should stretch and run a few laps around camp like most apprensases did to burn off energy, wake up, or as disapline from their mentor. She watched Duskpaw pad away from her, constantly amazed with how she found whoever she seemed to be looking for when she was blind. Moonpaw closed her eyes and almost fell asleep, figuring that her other sences must be sharper to make up for it. How lucky.

Rustpelt turned around to hear Duskpaw. He pondered at the question, and answered at last in his expressionless voice. "Maybe. I think Dreamstone finnally let you go, right? I'm sure Shiningstar's awoken and is thinking of what your warrior name will be right now. You really are amazing, Duskpaw."

The tom knew that if he was right, that would probably be the last time he would call her that. It was nice to have things change around the camp every now and again. Besides, a warrior seramony always seemed to lighten the mood of the other clan cats. Especially a blind cat. Sure, there had been blind ones before, but few. Deaf cats, though still rare, where far more comon. Besides, those purple eyes... It was so odd and beautiful, so breathtaking. Rustpelt was still young himself, but stopped counting his moons when he got his warrior name, and couldn't care about age if he ever became leader.


Windsong was streatching just outside of the camp, yawning as she poped her spine plesantly in several places. After she stretched each limb individially, then her spine and tail, she shook out her short fur. Oh, it felt good to be up this early. Windsong had never been quite the night- owl. No, there was no doubt she was a morning cat, even if she'd probably be just as bubly any time of day to any cat of any clan or rouge. Maybe I should stay out of fights, She thought for what seemed to be the thousandth time. I feel too much for others and I freak out over silly things. I should be a queen. Ha! That'll be the day- when I catch a tom's eye. Yeah, right. Though, the idea lingered in her heart for a minute, two... She pushed the feeling away. She'd never been pretty enough, and frankly she never really cared. She yawned and walked back into the camp, glad that she was so comfortable with herself.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

1:09am Jun 19 2010

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Posts: 5,998

[[Hm... maybe Coalpaw and Moonpaw can crush on each other? 8D]]

Nightshine stared at Dreamstone, who was running off into StarClan knew where. Sighing and shaking her head, Nightshine slowly crept out of the warrior's den. "I wonder what every cat is up to." Nightshine said to herself, sitting down in the middle of the camp and staring in every direction. "Hm, maybe I was one of the early cats."

[[Short post. Sorry x.x]]


1:32am Jun 19 2010

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Posts: 934

((It happens, T. And, okay, I shall make zat happen. *begins to toy with Moonpaw* lol))


Moonpaw barely noticed Coalpaw. He was so happy to the sun every morning. It was quite enlightening, almost inspiring. She smiled and blinked slowly, finally deciding that she should get up. She yawned and stretched, rotating her hips back and stretching her forepaws out as far as she could before rotating back. Ah, it was her fault for staying up all night, she supposed. She blinked sleepily and looked up. Dawn was hurting her eyes. She glared at it, a little put out. She sighed deeply, looking down and blinking a few times. She rolled her shoulders back once then began to pad after Coalpaw.

For some reason, she liked following him. He was only about a moon older than she was, and he enjoyed playing and hunting with him, even if he did scare off a good nine of ten of the prey Moonpaw had locked onto. Though he might have been talking to his mentor, she didn't see her own. She padded up and sat next to Coal paw, watching him speak. She wondered-- No, she hoped that they would be apprentisising together today, some sort of team hunting or combat thing. Warriors vs. Apprentaces? Moonpaw laughed at the thought. Coalpaw's over confidence would likely make them loose, but it would still be fun. She continued to entertain the thought before pushing it away. She shouldn't hope for silly things, especially when it wasted her time. Besides, they could fight eachother later if they really wanted to.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
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