1:45am Jun 19 2010
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[[Haha, thanks for understanding x.x And yay, I shall mess with Coalpaw too >3 I think most tomcats are dense, so Coalpaw shall be dumb when it comes to love too]] Coalpaw turned from his mentor. "Moonpaw!" He called out in excitement. Sometimes Coalpaw tended to jump around when seeing his friends, and Moonpaw was no exception. He turned back to Spiritflame. "Can I go play? Please?" He pleaded with Spiritflame, before darting off without waiting for an answer. 'Play. Tch.' He thought. "What's up, Moonpaw?" He asked, skidding right in front of her. "I was asking Spiritflame what to do today, and I felt like hunting, or maybe battle-training. You know, I bet Spiritflame is going to teach me some new moves..." He rambled on, sounding like an elder telling tall tales to kits.
2:03am Jun 19 2010
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((That only makes their romance more epic! lol)) Moonpaw rolled her eyes before raising a paw, unsheathing her claws a little and gently swatting his face, carful not to leave marks. She teased, "I swear, you babble more than the two-leg elders!" She stood up and blinked sleepily again. "Besides, I could whipp your butt anyday of the week. You're so thick, you'ld break the Highrock. And before you ask, no, that's not a good thing." She purred, "I'm too agile and pretty for you, anyway!" She tossed her head playfully like she'd seen other she-cats do, making her long fur catch on itself before she turned back, swatting playfully at one of his forepaws absentmindedly. There was something about Coulpaw that she found fasinating, something about him where time just flew by like an expecianced raven. At this point, Moonpaw closed her eyes and began to half- dream about a raven holding the sun and fling about the stars. She blinked herself back awake, and continued to swat Coalpaw's right leg. "Besides," she said stiffling a yawn. "Maybe we'll get lucky and train together today, but I think Duskpaw might have her seramony soon. She's old enough." Why did I change the subject? She imediately felt stupid, and she felt her pads get warm. She blinked and continued to bat the ground at Coalpaw's forefeet, bored and now deeply embarased. But, why? She'd only stated an opinion, hadn't she? It wasn't usual for her to feel so nervous. No, more like self- consious. What it only with other apprentases, other toms, or was if just... Coalpaw? Eh, it must just be how weird or hard- headed he was. Moonpaw's stomach flipped, and she couldn't convince herself of her little self- argument. It was just Coalpaw, and just her friend. She'd known him all her life, and that was all. Wasn't it? She stiffled another yawn and pushed the thoughts away. It was too early to think of such things anyway.
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2:08am Jun 19 2010
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Coalpaw stopped rambling. "Mouse-brain!" He retorted. "I bet you I could pin you down!" He hissed and crouched down on the ground playfully. He batted her head in return when she swiped at his leg. Coalpaw then sat on the ground, straightening his back a little, so he would appear larger than Moonpaw. Oblivious to her nervousness, Coalpaw purred. "If we do train together, I can prove to you that I'm a great fighter!" Coalpaw then started bouncing up and down on the ground. [[Poor kitty. He so dense xD]]
2:27am Jun 19 2010
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((He reminds me of a character from an anime I watch. lol. X3 )) Moonpaw blinked slowly, all her frantic emotions seemingly swallowed by the sleep that threatened to take her at any moment. Her stomach turned, but then her face was heading twards the ground. She blinked, processing slowly what he'd said to her. She stood up, her tail puffing out a little anf her voice rising to a slightly more awake tone. "Oh, is that how it is?" She stepped forward so that their noses were nearly touching, Moonpaw placing one of her forepaws on Coalpaw's own. She batted her eyes both in a tease and playful way, oblivious that she was mimicing what she'd seen older she-cats do when they were tring to flirt with the tom of their chosing. Moonpaw spent alot of her time watching the older clan cats, then practiced what she'd seen on her mentor durring practice. Weather it was a flick of the tail or a harsh battle move, or even just a new word to add to her vocabulary. She wouldn't say that she enjoyed being smart, but she did like being kowladgeable. "I've no doubt you're no terrable at fighting, but I could beat you without even swatting you!" She turned quickly so that she was a few pawsteps back, the tip of her tail flicking Coalpaw's muzzle. She let out a little purr in ammusment, even if her head spun a little. She blinked to ease the feeling, then finnished the rotation so her tail was behind her again, facing Coalpaw now a breif stride away. Moonpaw was not strong, but she was swift and had enough wits about her to hide in a bush or bouce off a tree if she needed to. Though she liked the peace just fine, she was a little put out that she'd missed the big war with Emberclan. She hadn't seen a real battle in her life, at least one she could remember. She wanted to come into came bleeding from one shoulder that would scar over. She'd have that story to tell for the rest of her life, and she would never see real combat while she was kept in the clan camp forever. Even durring practices, they never went far. Moonpaw wanted to get out there, be somebody that would be remembered by someone. Coalpaw could be that someone. Yeah, when she beat his but one of these days, he would never forget it. Then her life would have not been for not and she would die happy. This may have been a grim topic for such a young cat, but Moonpaw knew what she wanted to acheive in her years, and as far as she was conserned, Coalpaw was the only thing that would ever get in her way. She let out another little pur at the thought and smiled. She wanted to have Coalpaw by her side always, even if he was dence as a stone.
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2:35am Jun 19 2010
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[[Heehee, I do love anime and manga : D]] Coalpaw shook his head. 'Um, what was that all about?' He thought to himself, slightly confused. 'Eesh. She-cats.' He flicked his tail dismissively. Coalpaw then started striding towards Moonpaw, easily matching her pace. "Of course I'm not terrible. I'm great!" Coalpaw boasted, knowing that he could still use a little touching up. "If you're so good at battling, how 'bout hunting?" Coalpaw crouched down on the ground, mimicking a stalking method meant for catching mice. Whenever Coalpaw talked to Moonpaw, he always felt slightly happy. 'That's because she's a friend.' He would always tell himself, and push that thought to the corner of his mind.
2:51am Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 2:52am Jun 19 2010)
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((XD He reminds me of Black*Star from "SoulEater." lol. If you've never seen it, you can watch it tle="here">here. lol, sorry, I'm so otaku.)) Moonpaw pouted. "I may not be strong, but at least I don't scare the prey away with proclaims of how awsome I am." Her tail swished easily, betraying both ammusment and ease. She was still tired, and was deeply regretting looking at the stars all night. She wanted to take Coalpaw out to the snowrocks. It wasn't the cold season yet, so the large, mostly submerged rocks where warm. Why couldn't she just go out there and sleep, lay her head in Coalpaw's dark fur? But no, she was tied down by stupid apprentace stuff. If she would get in a battle and just be a warrior already, there would be no need for this. She could tell her apprentace to go and play with their litermates for the day and she would do whatever she wanted. Yes, that sounded right. She wanted to be free. She looked up at Coalpaw, but then looked down. What a silly idea. Why would she even ask Coal paw to runaway with her? Besides, where would they go? For now they had to stay here and be bossed around by the elders. How idiodic. Ah, well, she could stand it all so long as Coalpaw was by her side. What would she do without him? ((Sorry, braindead. *goes to sleep*))
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2:57am Jun 19 2010
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[[I think I've heard of it... Is it the one with the swords and the 'familiars'? XD -feels dumb-]] Coalpaw stopped walking and leaped down to face Moonpaw. His eyes stared into hers for sometime. Then he took one step back, sitting down and licking his front paw. "You look and sound weird today, Moonpaw." He noted. Coalpaw then paused. "Are you tired? Hungry?" He asked, looking at her again. "Maybe you've got too much stuff inside your brain. Besides, I am pretty awesome." He puffed out his chest in pride. [[G'night! :d]]
12:24am Jun 20 2010
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((Sort of. Basically, people turn into weapons and there's a school for them and their weilders. =3 It's funny, but has a dark side as you get deeper into it. ~Now, where did everybody go?)) Moonpaw smiled. Coalpaw always made her happy, no matter how grim the world seemed to her. All of Starclan could shun her forever so long as Coalpaw could remember her. "It doesn't help that I was up all night looking at the stars again. When it gets cold, the snow will fall and we won't be able to see them." ((Brainfart. ...I wait for others.))
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12:34am Jun 20 2010
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[[Should I wait too x.x]] Coalpaw swished his tail. "Sometimes I wonder how those things keep you up all night." He said. "I mean, yes, they are very pretty, amazing and shiny, but I get bored after looking at them for awhile." 'Maybe it's a she-cat thing.' He thought. "Ah well, if you are that tired, then let's go back to the den." He said. "Can't let you start crashing into trees and scaring off prey." Coalpaw grinned.
3:42am Jun 24 2010
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((Last bump. If nobody posts, I'll start asking people over RMail. Sorry for making you wait, Tld. It's not very fair.))
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3:47am Jun 24 2010
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[[: P S'okay. I don't mind waiting, since I've got plenty of time]]
10:26am Jun 24 2010
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Duskpaw glanced over at Dreamstone, feeling her way towards the she-cat. She felt warmth flow through her body as she remembered Rustpelt saying that he was thinking of her warrior name. She sat down next to Dreamstone and stared up at her with blank purple eyes. "Dreamstone?" she mewed, "Can I go hunt?" she asked. Her voice was calm, but not a hint of the happy emotion she had been feeling before showed in this question. He black ruffled slightly in the breeze that swpt of camp and she blinked, though it did no good. She smiled, "I*m ready to be a warrior!" she cried, showing excitment. Regret tinged through her body as she remembered her parents, they would never be here to see this. Then again, she wouldn't be here, she would still be a rogue if that dark Clan Cat hadn't killed her parents...
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10:28am Jun 24 2010
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Dreamstone was awoken from her thoughts. "Oh, Duskpaw!" Dreamstone said, maintaining a rather high level of surprise. Dreamstone thought for a moment. She was about to say that she would come along, but Dreamstone paused. 'If I do, this kit will never learn to pad through the forest alone when she's a warrior.' Dreamstone thought to herself. She sighed. "Alright, Duskpaw. Go hunt, and bring back the biggest mouse in the forest!" She smiled and flicked her tail affectionately and her apprentice.
10:48am Jun 24 2010
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Duskpaw smiled and raced away, her muscles rippling under her course black fur. She leapt over sticks and branches and rocks until she came to a clearing. It was the one where her parents had been killed. She felt around for the rocks she had placed where they were burried and pressed her nose to the dirt. She sighed and continued to walk. Her ears pricked as she heard a noise and she fell silent, listening for whatever it was. She cleared her mind and concetrated on the mouse only, something she had learned to do over moons of practice. The mouse scuttled out of the bushes and before it could utter a squeak, Duskapw was upon it. She bit it sharply on its neck and burried. She listened for any other sounds and when she didn't hear any, she started to walk back to burry it. Then she heard it, the sharp cry of a hawk. She felt it land lightly and smiled, this was her chance. Duskpaw felt the ground, it was a small hawk, about her size or maybe a bit smaller, but it would still deliver nasty scratches. She ran her tongue over her sharp teeth and crept up behind it. She knew it had sensed her the moment she lept at it. The two of them toppled over, a cloud of dirt, wings and claws. Finally she got the best of it. She clenched her jaws around its neck and it struggled a bit, but she could feel its struggles slowing as she felt blood run through her mouth. Duskpaw picked it up in her jaws and dragged it back to camp, the dead mouse also in her mouth. She set them in front of Dreamstone and curled her tails around her paws, waiting for her mentor to either praise or not praise her. She knew Dreamstone had been following her though because she could feel the heart-beat of a cat and her sensitive ear picked up the cat's breathing. She knew that Dreamstone would be anyway because it was her *censored*esment...
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8:29am Jun 25 2010
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9:27am Jun 25 2010
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Dreamstone looked down at the small pile of fresh-kill. "A hawk and a mouse." Dreamstone smiled. "That's rather impressive, Duskpaw!" Dreamstone said encouragingly. "Especially the hawk. That could feed a few elders!" Dreamstone praised, and touched her apprentice's shoulders with her tail again. "Go put your prey over at the fresh-kill pile." Dreamstone said, genuinely impressed by her apprentice's skill. "I guess I am a good mentor after all." Dreamstone thought smugly to herself.
8:06am Jun 26 2010
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"Yes Dreamstone." Excitment surged through her body and she raced over to the elders. Well... raced is the wrong word for she still had the hawk in her mouth, it was more like a wobbly run. She put the hawk down in the prey-pile and smiled, showing large pointed teeth. She ran back to Dreamstone, she pushed the mouse at Dreamstone, "Are you hungry?" she asked, cocking her big black head... ((Last post, I really am on vacation...))
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11:08am Jul 19 2010
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