3:26pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 3:34pm Aug 10 2010)
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Plot No Plot
Clans Earth Clan Brook Clan Stone Clan Brook Clan Setting: BrookClan's territory is bordered by a river on three sides, with the north end open to a quarry. They make their camp in the quarry, using natural caves as dens. The Nursery is the highest den, protected by the Warrior's Den right beside it. Just below is the Apprentice's Den. The Leader's Den is underneath Sky Rock, the Clan's meeting place. The Medicine Cat makes her den next to the elders, nearest to the ground. BrookClan hunts mostly water voles, mice, shrews and the occasional rabbit, but sometimes a cat will get lucky and catch a falcon. Brook Clan cats have powerful hindlegs for jumping and rough pawpads. Rules -Be as literate as possible. No one-liners. At least 5 lines. Writer's blocks are alright.
-Please be active. -No PP or GM -If I ask you to leave, please leave. -Romance and violence are encouraged, but keep it PG13
-We play Brook Clan
-All apprentices become warriors at around 14 moons.
-Post 'Warriors' somewhere in your bio to prove that you have read the rules. -Please bookmark this page so you don't lose it. -Make a new Bio for each cat, it isn't any more writing than just condensing it. -If BrookClan becomes too crowded, I may move some cats to the other two Clans.
Name: [If you are an apprentice, include what you want their warrior name to be.] Age: [In moons]
Gender: Deion: [Pictures are fine] Eye Color: Personality: [RP outs are fine] Rank: [You could also be a loner/rogue] History: [Optional] Crush/Mate: [Romance is encouraged!] Kits: [Their names] Family: [Their names]
Other: [Anything I missed]

3:27pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 12:15am Aug 11 2010)
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BrookClan Members Leader: Deputy: Hawkgaze - Det
Medicine Cat: Aurorafang- Ssather-kins Med. Cat Apprentice: -Starpaw - Stray
Warriors: -Panthergaze, Falconwing - Stray -Nightspell - Rose
Apprentices: -Willowpaw, Whisperpaw - Det -Silentpaw - Stray
Queens: -Sunstrike - Det
Kits: -Lionkit, Leafkit - Det -Snakekit, Cloudkit - Ssather-kins -Nightkit - Rose Loners/Rogues:
-Scree - Det Deceased Cats: -Rosestar - Det
Mentor-Apprentice Pairings Hawkgaze - Silentpaw Panthergaze - Willowpaw Falconwing - Whisperpaw Aurorafang - Starpaw
Mates Recent Events Leader Rosestar has just died. Hawkgaze is now leader.
Weather Sunny and warm
3:28pm Aug 10 2010
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3:29pm Aug 10 2010
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((Join as Medicine Cat apprentice? 'Warriors.'))
3:30pm Aug 10 2010
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{Stray! Sure :)}
3:33pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Join, I*ll use Duskpaw, you all know her, and Lifewing and possibly: Falconstar.))
 <-- Click me
3:34pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 3:35pm Aug 10 2010)
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{Sure thing Feyth, but don't forget the secret word}
3:38pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 3:38pm Aug 10 2010)
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((Apprentices become warriors at 12 moons or after a fantastic battle xD))
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3:49pm Aug 10 2010
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{Thanks Feyth, you can post your BIOs now}
3:51pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 4:53pm Aug 10 2010)
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Name: Leafkit [Leafstorm] Age: 4 moons
Gender: She-cat
Deion: Leafkit is a short and stocky cat, with powerful, though undeveloped, muscles. She has an average leg length, but her hind legs are slightly larger than average due to the amount of muscle she has in them. As a kit, Leafkit is not yet fully grown, and often trips over her too-large paws. She has short and sleek white fur, with odd black and russet splotches on her back, but not her flanks. The only other marking she has is on her left forepaw, which has a black sock. Eye Color: Amber Personality: RP it out Rank: Kit
History: Leafkit, as well as her brother Lionkit and sister Willowpaw and mother Sunstrike were accepted into the Clan just before Leafkit and Lionkit were born. Crush/Mate: Open Kits: None Family: Lionkit, Willowpaw, Sunstrike, Pebblefur Other: She is blind from a birth defect
Name: Lionkit [Lionheart] Age: 4 moons Gender: Tom Deion: Lionkit has the same build as his sister Leafkit, but he is slightly larger and has broader shoulders. He has a fluffy golden pelt with no markings on it, excluding his right hindpaw, which has a silver sock on it. Eye Color: Amber Personality: RP it out Rank: Kit History: See Leafkit Crush/Mate: Open Kits: None Family: Leafkit, Willowpaw, Sunstrike, Pebblefur Other: Name: Willowpaw [Willowleaf] Age: 13 moons Gender: She-cat Deion: Willowpaw is a thin and wiry she-cat with abnormally long legs, making her an excellent runner. Her pelt is sleek and strangely water-resistant, though this quality is useful. Her fur is a dark black and she has no apparent markings on her. Eye Color: Blue-gray Personality: RP it out Rank: Apprentice History: Willowpaw was only a kit when she and her pregnant mother arrived in BrookClan.
Crush/Mate: Open Kits: None Family: Lionkit, Leafkit, Sunstrike, Pebblefur Other: Name: Sunstrike Age: 27 moons Gender: She-cat Deion: Sunstrike could be called a brand of sunlight with her pelt color, which is a brilliant ginger. She has the thin, lithe body of her kit Willowpaw, but average leg and muscle build. Eye Color: Green Personality: RP it out Rank: Queen History: See Willowpaw
Crush/Mate: Pebblefur [Deceased] Kits: Leafkit, Lionkit, Willowpaw Family: Leafkit, Lionkit, Willowpaw, Pebblefur Other: Name: Scree [Foxfrost] Age: 17 moons Gender: She-cat Deion: Scree is a plain boulder-gray she-cat with a long-legged, nearly gaunt body due to starvation. Even well-fed, this cat would never look plump. Eye Color: Gray Personality: RP it out Rank: Rogue History: Coming Crush/Mate: Open Kits: None Family: None Other: Name: Whisperpaw [Whisperwind] Age: 12 moons Gender: Tom Deion: Whisperpaw has a small and frail looking body, though he is quite strong. His fur is a pale gray. Eye Color: Blue Personality: RP it out Rank: Apprentice History: Coming Crush/Mate: Open Kits: None Family: Eaglestrike [deceased], Bronzefur [deceased] Other: Name: Hawkgaze Age: 24 moons Gender: Tom Deion: Hawkgaze is a black tom with a very large and powerful body. His paws are tipped with white as well as his ears and tail. Eye Color: Yellow Personality: RP it out Rank: Deputy History: Clanborn Crush/Mate: Open Kits: None Family: Other:

3:56pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 4:16pm Aug 10 2010)
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((Thanks!)) Name: Starpaw (Will be Starwalker) Age: 13 Moons Gender: Tom Deion: He is abnormally small for his age, being about the size of a six moon old kit, and will not grow much larger. His legs are extremely long and awkward, making him trip over them when he tries to run, so he does not. His bones are very weak and tend to break even under the slightest pressure, thus the reason he was forced to be the medicine cat apprentice. His fur is a light silver, almost white, with very thin fur that tend to fall out in patches for unknown reason. It's semi-long and matted/ragged. Eye Color: A very light blue, almost see through with tiny slitted pupils. He looks blind, but is not. Personality: Starpaw is a fairly easy going cat, quiet and gentle pretty much all of the time. To most cats he seems nice and caring, what you would expect in a medicine cat, and will do his best to help those who have been injured or are sick. But only his brother, Silentpaw, knows the true pain Starpaw is almost always in, the agony of never being able to do what he really wants and knowing it was his own fault that his mother and sister are dead. Inside Starpaw is as broken as his own body, but outwardly he smiles and plays off any sort of sympathy of the others. His one fault in being a medicine cat, he is almost terrified of kits and pretty much refuses to be around the little balls of fluff. Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice History: Starpaw was originally a rouge, born with his brother Silentpaw and sister Amber. Their mother was a pretty young rouge called Shimmer. He lived for the first season in a small den with his littermates, happy, thought not exactly healthy, by the name of Luoke. Then one day everything changed, and he learned that he was not physically capable of anything, not even protecting his family. His mother died at the jaws of a fox, along with his sister Amber while they tried to defend him. He lay beside Silentheart, who was called Alcarié at this time, who was dying from wounds when he fought. A Brookeclan patrol found him and Silentpaw, dragging them back to their camp and he watched in delight as his brother was healed. They were later accepted into the clan, though unfortunately for Starpaw he was to small and weak to become what he really wanted, a warrior. Instead he became the medicine cat apprentice and watched for the next seasons his brother live the life he dreamed of. Crush/Mate: Forbidden Kits: Forbidden Family: Silentpaw (brother), Amber (deceased sister), Shimmer (deceased mother), father an unknown rouge. Other: Nope -- Name: Silentpaw (will be Silentheart) Age: 13 Moons Gender: Tom Deion: He is the opposite of Starwalker in this department as well. He is a m*censored*ive cat, sort of like Tigerstar, with broad shoulders and a long lean body packed with muscles. His legs are long like Starwalkers, but not disproportionate with the rest of his body. His paws a large and silent when walking, with long, hooked black claws. Silenthearts tail is long and thick, with long fur covering it. His fur is thick and long, and he is very vain about it. His fur is a dark brown, almost black that gets darker towards his belly with black tabby stripes running through his fur, particularly towards his face. His eyes are a very dark amber, with large pupils that makes cats tend to flinch away. A white spot adorns his chest and the tip of his tail. Eye Color: A deep, dark amber Personality: Silentpaw is almost the complete opposite of Starpaw in the fact that he is no where near nice or gentle like his smaller brother. Actually Silentheart is a very quiet, aloof cat who tends to look down on most cats, particularly she-cats and is not afraid to lash out with harmful words or claws to get what he wants. And in truth what he wants is to escape the clan life, to go back to his birth place and live in peace and care for no one but himself and Starwalker. He has tried to get his brother to leave with him, but he see;s the p*censored*ion in the tiny cats eyes while he watches over the clan and feels a bitter resentment in his heart that he will never be as trusted, as looked upon as his higher ranking brother. But he accepts this and goes about his marry way staying alone, on the fringe of clan life and watching cunningly. He is not the most loyal cat, except to Starwalker, and is not afraid to betray the clan that brought him in and saved his life. He will if it benefits himself and Starwalker. Rank: Apprentice History: Almost the same as Starwalker. He was born a rouges kit to a very young she-cat called Shimmer. His brother and sister, Amber, was his life, thought he was never close to his mother. He was the oldest, the largest, and the strongest and vowed from a very young age he would always look ofter his siblings. He was happy for a part of his life, quiet and gentle and caring. Then the fox attacked, ripping away his mother with a swift bite and sending him skidding across the ground with a swift clout to the head. He watched in horror as his little sister attacked the fox, and yowled in grief and pain as the fox snapped his sister in half. He fought with everything he had to protect Luoke, feeling his life slipping from him until the fox gave up and drug the two bodies of his deceased family away. He later remembered waking up to clan life, and instantly felt out of place. He hated the cats for saving his life, when they did not his sisters. He gained the name of Silentheart because of his nature. Crush/Mate: None at the moment Kits: Nope Family: Starpaw (brother), Amber (deceased sister), Shimmer (deceased mother), Father was a unknown rouge Other: Nope -- Name: Falconwing Age: 23 Moons Gender: She-cat Deion:  Eye Color: A deep chocolate brown, very warm and gentle. Personality: She is a extremely quiet, shy, backwards cat, flushing and stuttering in embarr*censored*ment when anyone that she does not know very well speaks to her. She cannot for the life of her speak to toms and will quickly back away if one approaches her, making up a quick excuse to bolt. But she does love kits, and will die to protect them, even if they are rouge or other clan its. As for her own safety, she will lay down during battle and let other warriors beat her down rather then lift a claw to hurt anyone. She is loyal thought, if not very open. Rank: Warrior History: Nothing of importance. She grew up in Brookeclan a loyal apprentice, if not slightly slow in fighting. Due to her reserved nature she almost refused to learn to fight, and due to this became a warrior at a much later date then most. Crush/Mate: Coming... Kits: Nope, wants Family: Whisperwind (deceased mother), Rowanfall (deceased father) Other: Nope -- Name: Panthergaze Age: 34 Moons Gender: Tom Deion:  Eye Color: They are a deep forest green (ignore picture color) Personality: He is a very laid back cat, with hardly any temper whats so ever. He is not the most loyal cat though, to anyone except himself, and does not mind to turn his back on those who he considers friends. But he is protective, if not loyal, and will jump in front of a killing blow to protect those he cares about, and will laugh any thanks he gets off. But Panthergaze is a shameless flirt, enjoying to spend a lot of his time around the she-cats. He is a smooth talker and can seem sweet and caring at times. But if things get serious he backs away quickly. Rank: Warrior History: Nothing really of importance. He grew up in Brookeclan to a loyal mother, though he never knew who his father was. He became a warrior almost half a moon earlier then most due to his quick, smart nature and ability to hunt and fight very well. He is not vain nor greedy, thought not exactly loyal, and wants nothing more then to keep going as a warrior the way he is. Crush/Mate: None at the moment Kits: Nope Family: Russetwind (deceased mother), never knew who his father was.
Other: Nope ((I got slightly lazy on the last two bio's))

4:02pm Aug 10 2010
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[Accepted, but Starwalker will be Starwalker? o-o]
4:12pm Aug 10 2010
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4:18pm Aug 10 2010
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((*Twitch* I'v not played him as a apprentice in a while, so Starwalker is stuck in my mind. But he's a apprentice right now. Sorry about that mistake.))
4:20pm Aug 10 2010
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[S'ok. I got what you meant anyways :P]
4:32pm Aug 10 2010
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4:41pm Aug 10 2010
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[Bump :(]
4:57pm Aug 10 2010
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5:30pm Aug 10 2010
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[If no one else joins, I'll just re-make this at a later date]
5:33pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Actually, I*m not going to join.))
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