12:56pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 11:24am Apr 5 2010)
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You Can Now Start RPing! But you can still join! If you want to join, don't wait for me to tell you 'yes'! Just fill out your Bio, and I'll add you when I get a chance!!! And you can start RPing as soon as you post your bio! If someone from this roleplay is online and checks over yours, please correct any mistakes they find! Thanks! What's happening right now in the WC world? Look below to find out! There's a really big battle...and StormClan isn't doing anything lol. Hi I'm NightshadeTW(call me Night!) and I love the Warrior Cats series so I'm making this so people who like WC or cats can RP! There are quite a few Clans I've made of that you can join, so I'll post them below! Whenever we start to RP, depending on what Clan you're in, type in whatever color the name of your Clan is in so we don't get confused as to which Clan you're in! Look by each Clan name to see it that Clan is open or not to join! StormClanAvailable to join StormClan members live in a lush forest with large trees with a ton of branches and leaves, making it look dark and stormy but also, whenever it storms, the thunder sounds like whispers and lightening helps spot out prey and when it rains, it only mists the cats below. StormClan prey on almost anything in their forest, including foxes. There are a couple of badgers living in their territory but the badgers don't attack StormClan, since they know that they are outnumbered by many. So StormClan just let them live there and have them attack any ambushes that they come across. DarkClanAvailable to join DarkClan members live in underground tunnels (sewers that have been abandoned and have moss and ivy growing in them, or large abandoned rabbit holes) and above them is a bunch of dirt and pretty much a wasteland. DarkClan feed on birds that swoop down, hoping to catch food, not be the food. They use their extremely sharp and long, curved claws to tear at the birds. They're gruesome and mean, cold-hearted is the word. But a little bit of softness lays in their hearts. MistClanNot available. Maybe later! MistClan live in a swamp that is always foggy and you're always being misted by the fog, since fog is clouds. MistClan are cats that don't like to be seen all that much and prefur to be self-sufficient, not relying on other Clans, nor helping them much either. But when you get to meet a MistClan cat, you'll find that they're very friendly, just shy! SunClanAvailable to join, but will soon get ambushed and die out. SunClan live in a very hot place, like a small but large desert, and only come out at night when it's cool out. These cats run at amazing speeds, and come out during the day to bathe in the sun, hence the name. SunClan cats usually have light colored fur, not black or blue. They have very short fur and love play-fighting. LeafClanNot available at this time, but maybe later! LeafClan have very strong legs and arms, for they love to climb trees. They are the masters of herbs, and hardly ever get sick. They live in the woods and sleep in the trees, making their bedding out of leaves, moss, and bird feathers. Those who are learning to climb trees or are too old sleep in hollow logs on the ground. RockClanAvailable to join, but start out as a rogue that wants to join! RockClan cats live near the mountains, where all the rocks that don't make it to the top fall down to the ground. These cats live in the holes that the rocks make, giving them plenty of shelter whenever needed and plenty of places to find food. RockClan are very greedy and don't share things with other Clans much. Whomever wanders in RockClan(like rogues or kittypets) hardly ever come back out. It's only Clan cats that can make it through the rocky territory without coming out hurt. They're neglected from the other Clans, for they grew up in the coldness. Ex. of how to Join Desired Name: Position: Family: Mate: Crush: Age: Clan: Additional Info Gender: Appearance: Personality: You can always join StormClan or DarkClan at any time! SunClan came back, but will soon die out because of an ambush of the soon-to-be RockClan, which is currently forming from a band of vicious rogues. Sorry if this thing is out-of-date, it's hard to keep up! ;P StormClan: Leader: Nightstar, NightShadeTW-1 Life left(But almost everyone thinks she has 3 left)
Deputy: Crowheart, whatever6551 Medicine Cat: Sparkfire, whatever6551
Warriors: Hazelfur,whatever6551 Skyshadow, NightShadeTW Shadesky, NightShadeTW Lynxbloom, wolf18834 Sparrowfrost, whatever6551 Brightleaf, NightShadeTW Dreamcloud, whatever6551 Orangescorch, whatever6551 Cherryspring, NightShadeTW Tidewave , fullmoon Venomleaf, wolf18834 Cinderfrost, NightShadeTW Flinestone, wolf18834
Apprentices: Applepaw, whatever6551(Applesong) Moonpaw, fullmoon Toxicpaw, DjMan12545(Toxicfire) Lionpaw, SeaDragon Rainpaw, SeaDragon
Mentors: Applepaw-Sparkfire Moonpaw- Cherryspring Queens/Kits: None
Elders: None
~ DarkClan: Leader: Bloodstar, whatever6551-5 Lives left
Deputy: Shadowfang, NightShadeTW
Medicine Cat: Spoolweave, fullmoon
Warriors: Bluestone, NightShadeTW Leafpelt, whatever6551 Fishleap, NightShadeTW Soulfire, wolf18834 Foxtail, whatever6551 Jadewhisper, whatever6551(to-be elder) Rocketrage, whatever6551 Featherstorm, whatever6551 Owlcomet, whatever6551 Blissheart, NightShadeTW Shadowdragon, DjMan12545 Heartclaw, whatever6551 Dogstrike, whatever6551 Ravenshade, NightShadeTW Wolfsong, DjMan12545 Leafclaw, whatever6551
Apprentices: Hopepaw, whatever6551 Tigerpaw, NightShadeTW Mentors: N/A
Queens/Kits: None
SunClan: Leader: Sunstar, fullmoon-9 Lives Left Deputy: Cougarfeather, whatever6551 Medicine Cat: None Warriors: Magmasight, wolf18834 Thunderstorm, NightShadeTW Badgermask, whatever6551 Foxfire, fullmoon Mysticflame, NightShadeTW Apprentices: Queens: Kits: Pluskit-fullmoon Minuskit-fullmoon RockClan:
Leader: Deathstar, NightShadeTW Deputy: Deathkiss, DjMan12545 Medicine Cat: Basil, whatever6551 Warriors: Twilightshine, DjMan12545 Hawkblood, fullmoon Thunderstrike Silvertear, DjMan12545 Kaina, wolf18834 Firestorm Fane (Will be Sleetwind) Icefeather Tornheart Lionheart Hawktalon Iceblink, whatever6551 Flarewing, whatever6551 Apprentices: None
Kits: Rustkit, whatever6551 Rogues/Loners: Light, whatever6551 Glacier, DjMan12545 Throttle, DjMan12545 Eagle(Eaglestrike), Detneth106 Willow(Willowpaw), Detneth106 Nails(Nailpaw), Detneth106
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:57pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 993
((Join as Stormclan Leader/Med.cat/Warrior? :O))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:01pm Jul 29 2009
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Yeah you can join as any one of those. Just say your warrior cat name, want you want to be(apprentice, leader, warrior, ect.), how old you are(__ moons old), what Clan you want to join, and thats about it unless you have family!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:14pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 12:58pm Aug 5 2009)
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here i'll join as myself right now! All 4 of my cats have long, black, curved claws and all of them are short-tempered and love climbing trees. Desired Name: Nightshade Position: Deputy Family: 2 kits(Shadesky and Skyshadow) Mate: Shadownight Age: 18 moons Clan: StormClan Additional Info Gender: Female Appearence: beautiful black, sleek she-cat with stunning lime-green eyes. Personality: Was previously a rogue but didn't like being hated so she joined a Clan. Very caring and loves her Clanmates like they're her brothers and sisters. Loves to patrol at night, and is always up for a battle. Can leap extremely far, and gave up her role as a medicine cat to become deputy. Can also run pretty fast. Funny. Has awesome eyesight. ---------------------- Desired Name: Skyshadow Position: Warrior Family: Nightshade(mother), Shadownight(father), Shadesky(brother) Mate: None, but would like to have one! Age: 13 moons Clan: StormClan Additional Info Gender: Female Appearence: stunning black she-cat with luminous purple eyes Personality: Loves a good talk and almost never has any secrets. Looks up to her big brother, Shadesky, and loves going on hunting patrols. Excellent hearing. ----------------------- Desired Name: Shadesky Position: Warrior Family: Nightshade(mother), Shadownight(father), Skyshadow(sister) Mate: None Age: 14 moons Clan: StormClan Additional Info Gender: Male Appearence: black, sly tom with burning amber eyes Personality: very stubborn and doesn't talk all that much. He usually hangs out in trees and watches as other cat run straight under him, not noticing him. Usually comes out at night and has always wanted to catch an owl. Cares for his little sister, Skyshadow, dearly. Almost went blind and can sense when other Clans are coming. --------------------- Desired Name: Shadownight Position: Warrior Family: Shadesky(son), Skyshadow(daughter) Mate: Nightshade Age: 18 Moons Clan: StormClan Additional Info Gender: male Appearance: muscular, black, lean tom with luminous deep blue eyes Personality: very nice and calming and will do anything for his family or Clan. Extremely strong, and loves to hang out and chat. Supports his family in all ways possible and like creating contests like hunting challenges for the apprentices, fake battle for the warriors, ect. Extremely good at fighting and hunting and usually appears out of nowhere. Htes going into the Med. Cat den. It smells in there! Clever and brave and has a good sense of smelling.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:15pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 2:02pm Jul 29 2009)
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Posts: 993
((Aye, I've Warrior roleplayed before. Actually, the reason I'm so ~love~ to Stormclan is because that's the clan I roleplay with. Er, roleplayed.)) Name: Leafstar Position: Leader Gender: Female Appearence: Leafstar is a sleek-pelted black she-cat with bright emerald eyes. She has grey ears and right front paw, followed by her tail tip and flecks on her rear. Her build is lean but strong, and one shouldn't underestimate her strength. Personality: Leafstar is generally loving aand kind, making sure that everyone is content with Stormclan. She has a dreadful temper and doesn't tolerate ignorance. Although she can seem harsh, Leafstar is truly for the good of her clan. Family: All deceased. Mate: deceased. [open] Age: Twenty-three moons Clan: Stormclan -------- Name: Starstepper Position: Medicine cat Gender: Female Appearence: Starstepper is a mostly-white cat, with greyish blotches on her paws shaped like stars. Her eyes are an ominous blueish that can seem purple in night's light. She too has a lean build, but not as strong as her leader. Her fur is longer as wel. Personality: Starstepper is mostly kind, with a side of flare every now and then. She is often blinded by her internal obligation to help wounded cats, and this mostly comes back to haunt her. She has a long temper and is fairly patient, but doesn't enjoy it when her patients try to hep themselves. Family: Frosttalon, Irissky. (Brother, sister/twin) Mate: Not allowed, but desperately wants one. Age: Nineteen moons. Clan: Stormclan ------------------- Name: Frosttalon Position: Warrior Gender: Male Appearence: Frosttalon is almost completely white, with pale grey streaks across his back. His eyes are icey blue and cold, even though his heart is warm. He's much bulkier than his leader or sisters, but isn't lazy nor fat. He's almost purely muscle and has a tear in his left ear. Personality: Frosttalon shares both of his sister's personalites; Starstepper's warm and open heart and Irissky's determination and stubbornness. He often conflicts himself with the two, since they are opposites. Family: Starstepper and Irissky. (Sisters) Mate: None yet [open] Age: Thirty moons Clan: Stormclan ((I'll bring in Iris later.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:16pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 993
((Er, you just said I could be Stormclan's leader. ^^'))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:22pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
oh yeah sorry about that. You can still be leader. I just need to make me deputy again. But I can still do some things if I were a leader since I made the forum. But you get to do all leader things. And thanks for reminding me about the appearence thing! I'll have to add that!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:25pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 6:34pm Jul 29 2009)
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((May I join as the Mistclan Leader? c:)) Desired Name: Fawnstar Position: Leader Family: Her elder sister Shadowstep, plus Shadowstep's kits. Age: 20 moons Clan: Mistclan
Additional Info:
Gender: Female Appearance: A tall, elegant cat with a smooth pelt and a small, sharp face. Her pelt is light silver with darker dapples around her spine, tail and ears. Her eyes are a misty light green like the damp foliage of the swamp. Personality: Her physical appearance doesn't exactly portray what Fawnstar acts like. She's energetic, and though she keeps her attitude in check while around others not from her Clan, she doesn't bother to hide it in front of her Clanmates. She never keeps any secrets from the ones she trusts, but would never reveal any important information to other Clans, no matter what they do to get it from her. The Warrior Code is only guidelines to her, which means she sticks to it when possible but strays from it when necessary. Fawnstar is also very competetive. Text Colour: I'll use this colour when Roleplaying as her. :)
((Oh. ^ ^ I have an idea. How about each Clan has a specific colour to Roleplay in, so that it doesn't get confusing who belongs to which Clan? There are alot of Clans. xD;))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:32pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Ok Fawnstar, you're officially leader of MistClan! And thanks for the colour idea! I like it! Now all we have to do is wait for a few other people to join and we can start! So far there's Nightshade, Skyshadow, Fawnstar, Frosttalon, Leafstar, and Starstepper.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:36pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 993
((Stormclan colour?))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:40pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 4,093
((Awesome. :D I'll keep an eye on this thread until it starts.~ By the way I love the name Starstepper, winter. :o))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:47pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 993
((Danke~ You were in my prior Stormclan roleplay, yes? O: I'm editing my post for the example.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:58pm Jul 29 2009
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((For a bit, I think. :3 But it died out before I had joined for long. D; Ah well; such is RPs.))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:00pm Jul 29 2009
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Name: Foxpaw/Honeypaw/Tigerpaw/Hollypaw Age: all 6 moons Gender: tom/she-cat/she-cat /she-cat Clan:all in LeafClan Rank: Apprentice/Medicine cat apprentice/apprentice/apprentice Looks: Snowy white pelt, blue eyes/ Golden tabby pelt, honey coloured eyes/ Flame coloured pelt with black stripes, green eyes / White pelt with black patches, one amber eye one blue eye Personality: Brave and funny / Shy and studious / Clever and easly distracted / Quiet and short temper Famliy: parents dead, they are all siblings Crush: all none Mate: all none
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
2:03pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 993
((I'm using my characters from that... Except for Frost, he's new.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:06pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Join as DarkClan Leader and two warriors?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:07pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 2:52pm Jul 29 2009)
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Posts: 993
((Clans seem a bit uneven. Mind if I add some more? I'll fill these out if so.)) Name: Duskmask Position: Deputy Gender: Male Appearence: Duskmask is a dark grey tabby tom with silver in his muzzle and on his belly. His eyes are dark blue as well, and his claws sem hooked. He's fairly muscular and very strong, but maintains an agility also. Personality: Duskmask is rather kept to himself, but can open up to those he trusts. He' determined too, and has a more sarcastic sense of humor. He laughs often and doesn't like to talk about his past. His temper and patiece are short, and he gets aggrivated easily, but he also regains his normal personality easily. He's one of the most loyal warriors one will find and would do anything for his clan. Family: Deseaced. Mate: None [open] Age: Twenty-nine moons Clan: Darkclan ------------ Name: Irissky Position: Loner Gender: Female Appearence: Irissky has strange purple-blue-greyish fur and amber eyes. She too shares the medium length fur, and have markings that look like clouds across her back. She's built mostly the same as Leafstar, but a taad less strong. She has slightly bigger paws than her sister, but isn't clumsy. Personality: Irissky is a very determined she-cat, who won't take no for an answer unless it's the answer she's looking for. She has a flexible sense of humor and does have a kind side that shows through often, but not so much as Starstepper. Family: Frost talon and Starstepper (brother, sister/twin) Mate: None [open] Age: Ninteen moons Clan: Loner ((I can. Juggle them, that is.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:24pm Jul 29 2009
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winter sure you can be 2 more characters as long as you can keep track or all of them and jemi ill add your chacters asap
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:37pm Jul 29 2009
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Desired Name: Dragonstar Position: Leader Gender: Female Appearance: Dragonstar has short blackish-blue fur with white zigzag stripes that start on the crown of her head and goes all the way to the base of her tail. Dark yellow eyes with speaks of silver-blue. Long claws with blood-stained tips and her top fangs can be seen when her mouth his closed. Personality: She is rough and hard on her Clan and strives for it to be the best. Considerate and understandable, she can also be very dependable in times of need. Family: Brother; Flamespark >> Sister; Icefire Mate: None Age: 30 Moons Clan: DarkClan [Teh Warriors are coming soon.]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:42pm Jul 29 2009
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Name: Firespark Position: Warrior Gender: Male Appearence: Firespark is storm-gray with lighter dapples of white all over his short-haired fur. Piercing soul-green irises seem to pierce into any cat's soul. His pupils seem to shine silver in different lighting. Firespark's tail is long and almost thin at the end because he is a very fast runner and uses his tail as a rudder for some moments. He has long front and back claws to dig into the earth for traction and also uses them to fight with. Personality: Firespark is very silly at sometimes and likes to be around other cats. He can also be very fierce and aggressive when you get him mad or super angry. That is not good when he is like that. But he can be calmed down easily. It is very simple, all the cat or cats have to say is "He/She is sorry." It works, very well. This cat can also be very focused if he is hunting or is fighting. Also, his speed can get his very fatigued if he continues to run. So if he uses his speed in a battle, he needs to be teamed up with a Clanmate so his strength can return after a while Family: Sisters; Dragonstar and Icefire Mate: None Age: 30 Moons Clan: DarkClan [Icefire next]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.