6:43pm Sep 27 2009
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((You should make the apprentice who'll die now Nightshade, this will be the first battle as soon as Nightstar gets to the camp, Bloodstar will launch an attack.))
7:05pm Sep 27 2009
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((~NEWSFLASH~ All the people on this roleplay regularly (NightshadeTW, Dashz, nanowolf, and wolf18834 are allowed to choose on pet from my profile to have for free. rmail me with your choice please and How you want me to give it to you!))
7:08pm Sep 27 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((I's lost D:))
7:08pm Sep 27 2009
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((Bump da LP))
8:05pm Sep 27 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang looked at Bloodstar, then led Foxleap to the warrior's den, returning quickly to Bloodstar. "I have seen badgers kill. I know how to make it look like they murdered her. Just let me take her hunting alone, near Stormclan border so they cannot say we had anything to do with it."
8:28pm Sep 27 2009 (last edited on 8:29pm Sep 27 2009)
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Posts: 1,441
((OMG! This was so unexpected!)) Name: Blisspaw Gender: Female Age: 7 Moons Rank: Apprentice: Clan: StormClan Appearence. Pinkess pretty she-cat with brown splotches Personality: Very bright and well-natured "Come on, Sparrowfrost!" SHe called behind her back, hearing her pawsteps. "Run faster!" She sprinted ahead, dashing towards her rivals camp. She burst through the entrance, panting hard. "Where's Foxleap?" SHe demanded immediatley.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:30pm Sep 27 2009
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Blisspaw, out of curiosity, followed her leader and the new warrior into DarkClan territory. She stayed hidden, at least until she entered the camp right behind Sparrowfrost.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:08pm Sep 27 2009
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Posts: 507
9:10pm Sep 27 2009
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Posts: 706
((Don't worry, I have another thing that is totally unexpected. Whatever, who made your Signature?))
9:11pm Sep 27 2009
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Posts: 706
((Will you guys check out my new RP? http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/are-you-human-wolf-or-are-you-wolf-shapeshifting-rp-/~page/1/#post_403732))
3:15pm Sep 28 2009
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((I made my siggey Dashz, and no advertising)) Bloodstar was about to reply to Shadowfang when he heard a rustling in the bushes at the edge of camp, he whirled around and Nightstar burst out. His fur stood on end. "More Stormclan cats?! I've had enough of this! DarkClan! Attack!"he hissed, charging at Nightstar, claws unsheathed. Featherpaw, Owlpaw and Rocketpaw broke away from the protective circle around Foxleap and pounced on the cat who just entered camp, Sparrowfrost. The three landed on the new warrior's back, pinning her easily, clawing her everywhere. Jadewhisper's eyes grew round with fury, her cut ignored as it throbbed under her eyelid. She let out a yowl and charged into Nightstar, knocking both leaders over with her growing weight. Nightcloud's fur stood on end as she backed into the medicine cat den, claws curling out of their sheaths. ___ Sparrowfrost yowled in suprise when the three apprentices tackled her to the ground. She scented Blisspaw, not too far from the fight. "Blisspaw! Get help!" she yowled as she knocked Owlpaw away with her strong hind legs. ___ Owlpaw knocked right into Foxleap with a thud. He whirled around and attacked her, waiting for Bloodpaw to join him. ((Don't make her die yet, make her go and get help and Sparkfire will come to her mother's rescue))

4:04pm Sep 28 2009
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((Ok! And can't wait to see what the uh...enexpected thing is, Dashz!)) Nightstar yowled in suprise as 2 DarkClan cats ran for her. She arched her back, ears pricked up and fur bristling. She unsheathed her unusual claws, and then sunk down low, just for the moment so she could try and understand who was coming where. She then sprang up and slashed down Bloodstar's flank, leaving scarlet drops of blood on her claws. She was caught off balance as Fishleap nabbed at her tail, throwing her to the ground and colliding with Foxleap. She immediatley got back up, not familiar with the camp. So for the most part, she had no idea where cats could be hiding. She looked around the camp, anxiously waiting to find Bloodstar. "Foxleap!" She hissed. "What were you doing here?" Blisspaw nodded and without notice, ran like the wind out of DarkCLan camp and into StormCLan camp. Panting and collasping in the med. cat den, she faintly exclaimed, "DarkClan.....attack....Nightst.....Sparrow.....help............" She was burning up from her strained muscles, but she warily stood up and shook herself out of it.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:23pm Sep 28 2009
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Sparkfire met Blisspaw in the middle of the clearing. "Go to the medicine cat den and rest, Shadesky can tell you what herbs you need, he took my place for a while." she said. She lept up to the highrock with a yowl. "Nightstar and Sparrowfrost and Foxleap are in trouble! We have to help!" she yowled. "Skyshadow, come with me, Wolf, can you fight?" she asked, looking furiously around the camp. "Canis! I know you're only a kt, but I saw what you could do when Wolf and I quarreled, you should come. Frostwing?" her eyes darted around the camp. Was this all the warriors? She hissed in annoyance. ___ Bloodstar growled whipping around to face Nghtstar. He yowled and dashed at Nightstar, taking advantage of his much smaller size to dash under her and scaratch her underbelly skin, drawing blood. Taking advantage of the oppertunity, he clawed her back right leg in attempt to trip her and dashed out behind her. Jadewhisper missed Nightstar at first. StormClan were fast. She closed her eyes briefly for a flashback from when she met with that one Stormclan warrior to get secrets from him. He was fast too! She hissed at Nightstar, but saw that Owlpaw was fighting Foxleap single pawed. She raced over, figuring that Bloodstar could handle the ferocious StormClan leader. She lept at Foxleap as Owlpaw got thrown off.

4:33pm Sep 28 2009
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Nightstar hissed in fury and pain. Trying to step out from Bloodstar's grasp, she let out a suprised shriek as she fell to the ground. Bloodstar's claw had snagge her fur and got stuck, possibly making him lose a claw. She flailed at the leader's arm until she had broke free, wincing at the pain in her leg. (I might make her lose a life here, if more kitties attack her) she rammed into Bloodstar head first, giving her a headache and her opponent some damage. While she was down, she bit down hard on his tail, drawing blood for sure. Skyshadow dashed out of camp immediatley, not waiting for the others. She burst into the forest, finding Lynxbloom. "Come on!" She called. "Nightstar, Foxleap, and Sparrowfrost are in trouble!" Shadesky for the first time in a while, shot a worried glance at his sister just as she left camp. He should be fighting, not sitting here in camp! Although there would be no way he could get there in time, especially fight without a leg. Blisspaw's heart sank as she padded away from the entrance. Then a thought his her. I'll tak the dirtplace exit!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:44pm Sep 28 2009
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Lynxbloom bristling snarled in fury at the DarkClan cats. Soulfire looked at Lynxbloom. He sighed. He knew he had kinda liked Lynxbloom, but he had to stay loyal to his Clan. Yowling, he lunged at the she-cat.
4:48pm Sep 28 2009
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Fishleap clawed down Nightstar's flank, then charged off, running to make sure Foxleap wouldn't escape with the rest of her soon-to-be gone Clanmates.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:53pm Sep 28 2009
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Lynxbloom felt curved claws dig into her flesh. Turning her head a bit around, she saw the apprentice she had talked to at the Gathering. "Soulpaw," she gasped. "I'm Soulfire now!" Soulfire snarled clouting Lynxbloom's ear. He bit down hard on her shoulder, tasting the StormClan warrior's blood.
4:54pm Sep 28 2009
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Sparkfire gave a last glance to Shadesky. "I'll be back." she promised, unsheathing her claws as she raced towards the border, following Nightstar's scent. Bloodstar hissed in fury and whirled around to slash Nightstar's faced with four claws, blood welling out of one of his toes. He felt blood well from her face, and he might have caught her eye. He stiffled a pur of satisfaction as he lept backwards. Sparrowfrost finally got the apprentices off of her, and blood was coming from a deep gash in her chest. The world was going hazy as she wobbled hazardously from side to side before finally falling to the ground, out from blood loss. Rocketpaw gazed at Sparrowfrost. "We killed her!" he wailed. Featherpaw whacked her brother upside the head. "She's not dead you idiot!" she hissed. Before Rocketpaw could reply, he was bowled over by Sparkfire, the StormClan medicine cat. He hissed and struck back at her, claws unsheathed and eyes glowing in fury. Sparkfire knew she had made a big mistake as the apprentice started to fight back. Medicine Cats don't fight! But she knew that the Stormclan warriors couldn't handle this by themselves. Nightcloud gazed at Sparkfire. "What in Starclan's name are you doing!?" she roared, tackling her off of Rocketpaw and pinnining her to the ground. Sparkfire yowled. "I- He- Rocketpaw- Sparrowfrost" she stammered as Nightcloud raked Sparkfire's belly. By now, Sparkfire's eyes were round with fear as her paws thuded feebly against Nightcloud's pelt. Nightcloud got off of her and Sparkfire limped into the forest. "This means war!" she spat as the Stormclan medicine cat left. She retreated to her den again, not wanting to get into even more trouble.

4:58pm Sep 28 2009
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Lynxbloom screeched in great pain. She dislodged Soulfire from her and lashed out at his face with her claws, raking them over his icy blue eyes. Soulfire cried out. Blood dripped down his face, his eyes becoming slightly blurry. He struggled to see where his enemy was.
5:02pm Sep 28 2009 (last edited on 5:05pm Sep 28 2009)
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Nightstar screamed in pain, her face felt like it was on fire and becoming worser by the second. She turned around just in time to see the whole thing about Sparrowfrost, Sparkfire and Nightcloud. Lucky for her, she was just next to the medicine den, which was where Nightcloud was headed. As fast as she could, she struck Nightcloud on the side with her sharp claws, giving Nightcloud something to remember. She then swerved as launched herself at Bloodstar, plowing him to the ground as she raked across his belly. (whatever, you control the apprentices, right? Just wondering, because for some odd reason I want her to lose a life. Because she lost 3 lives from the trackerish thing, and she was only given 8 lives because Leafstar, now Leafcloud, was still alive and had some lives left when she retired, so StarClan refused to give her the final life. And for the most part, I want more cats to gain up on Nightstar so she will like...I dunno..I jjust don't want her to be beaten by just one cat!)
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing