5:07pm Sep 28 2009
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Lynxbloom glared with hatred at Soulfire who staggering around confused. She struck the white tom down with her unsheathed left paw.
5:08pm Sep 28 2009
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Posts: 706
((I dunno what to do now. I was planning on having Shadowfang save her.))
5:14pm Sep 28 2009
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((Okay...)) Rocketpaw had nothing to do. He saw Nightcloud and Nightstar. He turned to his siblings, now on either side of him. He smiled. Just like their play days. Except now it was real. "Featherpaw! Owlpaw! attack!" he ordered, like he had in their games as kits in the nursery against a rabbit. Featherpaw's eyes gleamed with excitement as she pounced on Nightstar's back, nipping her rump only because she didn't jump far enough. Owlpaw purred as he sprang underneath the StormClan leader and struck at each of her legs, dashing away just in time so he wasn't squashed by the enormous cat. Rocketpaw bravely leaped at Nighstar's face, completly aware that she could lash out with her front paws and trip her, or bite him. But she didn't have time to. He leaped over her head, swerving in midair to land a perfect blo9w to the back of Nightstar's neck.
Bloodstar was about to attack again, but purred as he saw the apprentices swarming Nightstar. "My apprentices are better then your warriors!" he mocked, tail lashing. Nightcloud let out a hiss, her scratch wasn't that bad.. When she saw the apprentices, she couldn't help but purr. She was positive there would be a warrior ceremony or four when they were done... ___ Sparrowfrost got up, still hazy, and saw Nightstar go down. "Nightstar!" she yowled in fright when she was buried by the apprentices. Her wound stung and she was loosing blood fast. She had no choice but to flee. she ran after Sparkfire towards Stormclan camp.

5:14pm Sep 28 2009
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5:23pm Sep 28 2009
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((Dashz, you were planning on Shadowfang saving who?)) Nightstar shook herself fiercly, shaking over the apprentice as much as possible. When she felt the blow to her neck, she fell to the ground, landing on Owlpaw's tail. She started to see stars, and knew one more hit would knock her out. She was completely unaware that the next blow would kill her. Maybe the apprentices, but Bloodstar for sure. She would of make a sharp reply back to Bloodstar, but she had no time to do so.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:30pm Sep 28 2009
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All three apprentices jumped backwards off of Nightstar as Bloodstar approached with a smirk, claws still unsheathed. With a sudden yowl that split through the camp, he clawed Nightstar's throat area. Rocketpaw bounced over to his siblings. "That was so cool! I hope I'm a leader someday!" he purred to them. Owlpaw nodded silently, grooming his bloodstained paws. Nightstar fell silent. The whole camp fell silent. Featherpaw gazed in awe at Bloodstar. Sparkfire erupted from the bushes. "You killed Nightstar!" she roared in fury, half tempted to leap at Bloodstar right then and there, but instead, she ran to the heart of camp to where Nightstar lay, leaning close to her mother's fur. Jadewhisper leaped away from Foxleap. "Whoa." she whispered.
5:36pm Sep 28 2009
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Soulfire squirmed under Lynxbloom, his eyes still blurred. "Please!" he pleaded. "Don't kill me!" Lynxbloom backed away from the fallen warrior. "Get out of my sight, crowfood!" she spat at Soulfire.
5:37pm Sep 28 2009 (last edited on 5:40pm Sep 28 2009)
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Nightstar's heartbeat slowed as her breath was painfully taken away, blood spilling out endlessly from her throat. Her eyes had widened as Bloodstar stood over her, but then closed as death took over. Pain surged through her as she lost her life not able to wince or anything since she lay there motionless. She saw the slightest bit of light, which had come closer, and then vanished as she painfully tried to heal herself. Skyshadow's heart lurched as she saw her mother. "Nightstar!" Shadesky heard the faintest yowl coming from DarkCLan territory. "What was all that about?" He murmered to himself out loud. "Blisspaw? Where do you think you're going?" "I'm going to help fight! And you can't stop me!" She mewed as she ran out of camp, (SHould I make Deathfang kill her or is someone else goona kill her? Unless we don't want her dead.)
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:43pm Sep 28 2009
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((Not yet, we have many battles to g that way the fun lasts!)) Jadewhispers's gazee turned to Soulfire. "Fox dung!" she hissed through gritted teeth, leaping at Lynxbloom, overwhelming her with her greater weight. She clawed her side frantically, scratching hard, fast. Bloodstar let out a soft laugh as he watched Nightstar's pain.
5:44pm Sep 28 2009
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((HOMG the 2,000 post was a bump by wolf18834! 'o'))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:45pm Sep 28 2009
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5:46pm Sep 28 2009
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Blood flowed out from Lynxbloom's side. She wiggled under Jadewhisper, desperately trying to move her head and sink her fangs into the DarkClan warrior's shoulder, that she could barely see.
5:47pm Sep 28 2009
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5:49pm Sep 28 2009 (last edited on 5:52pm Sep 28 2009)
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((Your so evil, whatever, lol! And imagine Blisspaw walking in and she's all happy to be at her first battle and everything even though she doesn't know any moves, and then she walks in and finds her leader dead. XD And yay, more battles!!!!!)) After what seemed like a million moons, Nightstar's body stirred slightly, and then her eyes shot open as she remember what had just happened. She gasped for breath, coughing every few seconds. Death was painful, that's for sure, and she still had 4 lives to go. That was probably not too good for a new leader, but she died for her Clan, not for fun. She moaned, shivering as she caught her breath and tried to sit up. Blisspaw burst into DarkClan camp. Not sure what to do, she looked around and spotted Soulfire and Lynxbloom. She ran foward, hoping to help her Clanmate. She landed on Soulfire's back and nipped him on his shoulder. She was a new apprentice, so it obviously woulb't do much damage. But at least it would distract him!.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:50pm Sep 28 2009 (last edited on 5:51pm Sep 28 2009)
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Jadewhisper kicked out with her back legs, pushing Lynxbloom accross the smooth rocky surface of the camp, a little thing she had learned as a rouge. "Get out of my camp you crow food eating, fox hearted Stormclan warrior!" she hissed. Bloodstar narrowed his eyes. "Take your clan and leave Nightstar, before you loose another life." he hissed.
5:56pm Sep 28 2009
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Soulfire yelped. He looked around with his eyes, searching for his opponent. With his eyes all he could see of Blisspaw was a faint outline. Lynxbloom heaved herself to her paws, with a small limp. Her eyes shone dangerously, knowing that this fight was not going to be over too soon.
5:57pm Sep 28 2009
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Jadewhisper unsheathed her claws again. "Prepared for another defeat? So soon? I'll bet the warriors at home'll be thrilled when they hear you challeged a queen twice and lost both times." she mocked.
5:58pm Sep 28 2009
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Nightstar breathed heavily. She looked up at Bloodstar's cold-hearted eyes. "This isn't over" She hissed through clenched teeth, then limped slowly away. "StormClan, retreat! Come on, Foxleap!" She called out to her Clan. Skyshadow for one couldn't stand how her mother looked. "But we have to fight back!" SHe cried out. "I never said we wouldn't." Nightstar coughed out. "But why not now? We're already in their camp!" "Because I don't want to leave Shadesky alone for a long time!" She spat, agitated but then regretted saying that, as it could weaken her CLan.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:02pm Sep 28 2009
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"Think again, for we will meet again and that time, your blood will be spilled not our leader's," Lynxbloom hissed, her eyes wild. She went over to Nightstar.
6:05pm Sep 28 2009
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((Jus wonderin, but are they gonna let Foxleap go or force her to stay? Cuz if they were gonna make her stay, someone in DarkClan could like, pinn a StormCLan cat down and put their paw on their throat and threaten to kill them if they tried to free Foxleap. Just an idea))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing