Warrior Cats RPG

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2:37pm Sep 30 2009

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2:37pm Sep 30 2009

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2:38pm Sep 30 2009

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~Bump three, never fails!~


2:38pm Sep 30 2009

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~Bump Three just failed...~


9:33pm Sep 30 2009

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((Lol whatever, I laughed at your bump posts! And I'll have to repl to that rMail sometime tomorrow, because I'm getting really tired. I was doing math homework stuff like all afternoon so I'm wiped out. -_- And I'm not going to bother adding more charcters to the first page. It's already way off, so why bother with it? We all know who's who, so......time for me to post before I p*censored* out! XDD))

Fishleap nodded, leaning down to pick Blisspaw up by the scruff to set her in the little prison area they had. "Where am I going?" Blisspaw asked hopefully, not having a clue as to what was happening. Fishleap grunted, then dropped Blisspaw down. "Right here. You'll be spending the night here tonight, little one." She snickered in her mind, almost in real-life.

Shadesky growled. "Just after you guys left, Blisspaw took off to help fight! I couldn't exactly run to the rescue and grab her, so now she's.....not here. Didn't you see her while you were fighting? She ran really fast for an apprentice.

Nightstar walked underneath Highledge. She plopped herself down, worn out. She cursed herself for doing so bad in a fight, but then again, it was called off guard and not many of her Clanmates were there to help until it was too late. But what about her Clan? It was falling apart. She had no deputy, and it was already past the time she should of named one. And who would be a good deputy anyways? She wanted a young, good and strong warrior who could lead StormClan for many moons. Skyshadow was too caring, and hardly ever wants to fight back unless she wants revenge, Shadesky...well, is injured and has mood swings, Frostwing was kitting, Hazelfur was too arrogant, Crowheart is too dark, what choice did she have? All the other cats in the Clan were apprentices, and speaking of which, needed mentors. Now she really needed a deputy, especially in this kind of time, when StormClan and DarkClan were becoming too cold-hearted to realize that the fighting needed to end. She then stood up, hoping to clear her mind. "We will avenge DarkClan soon, I promise." She said to herself, but loud enough for others around her to hear. "And next time we will win, and be victorious."

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:14am Oct 1 2009

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((Nightshade- If i make you a charrie list, will you post it in the first post? I'm sick today and have lots of time to spare.))

Hazelfur padded over to Nightstar. "Good morning Nightstar, howare you?" she asked worriedly. "You've been distressed ever since the battle, Blisspaw is missing."

Crowheart flexed his claws. He had just become a warrior not too long ago. He wished he could have helped in the battle. But no. He had to repair the elder's den. The empty elders den... He growled to himself. He wasn't an apprentice anymore! He shouldn't be stuck with useless tasks.

Dreampaw dropped a mouse on the fresh kill pile with a purr. She wondered where her mentor (Skyshadow?) was. They hadn't done battle training for a while, and wih tensions growing between the two remaining clans, she felt immensly unprepared.

"Blisspaw is missing?!" Orangepaw wailed as he entered the medicine cat's den and overheard Sparkfire. "She can't be missing! Why would DarkClan take Blisspaw?! She's innocent I tell you! Inooocent!" he wailed, crying like a kit.

Sparkfire's eyes grew round. "Snap out of it Orangepaw! We'll get her back!" she said, fur bristling.

Orangepaw sniffled. "Darkclan are gonna kill her. And eat her. I'm positive." he cried.

Sparkfire rolled her eyes. "Darkclan may be fox-hearted, but they're still cats." she said. "They're more decent than that." She said. I hope. She added silently in her mind.


Bloodstar waited for all the cats to gather around. "We have a Stormclan cat as a hostage today." he purred.

Jadewhisper blinked. Something was wrong. Why was everyone so blood-hungry? Weren't hostages from inside the warripor code, against the warrior code? Her belly was swelling bigger. She would have to move to the nursery soon. The thought almost made her cry aloud. She didn't want to be a useless kit-mother! She wanted to fight for her clan! Not cower in fear for her kits!

Nightcloud gave a solemn nod to Bloodstar, looking over to the hostage cave, where the faint scent of StormClan remained.


7:45am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Ok, yeah, you can do that. Make a new charry sheet! I gotta go to school now, so bye!)) 

As Skyshadow entered camp, she noticed Dreampaw walking around. She trotted over to her apprentice quietly, thankful to be able to do something to get DarkClan off her mind. "Hey Dreampaw. Sorry we haven't trained in a bit. But anyways, would you like to go battle-training?"

Nightstar sighed. DarkClan has been getting so tense lately, and sooner or later someone's going to die, but we can't risk losing warriors, but we must fight to get what we want." And then of course her head shot up. "Blisspaw's gone?"


im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:56am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Dreampaw purred. "I thought you'd never ask! Let's go! We should bring Orangepaw and his mentor too. He's seems upset about Blisspaw. I am too, but battle training will go towards getting her back right?"

Hazelfur nodded gravely. "Look around camp, look throough the whole territory. You'll find her no where. You should rest Nightstar, it's been a long day and you're still recovering from Bloodstar's attack." she said.

((Ok, I'll have it done soon))


8:11am Oct 1 2009 (last edited on 12:08pm Oct 1 2009)

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Leader: Nightstar (x Lives Left), NightshadeTW

Deputy: Frostwing, Dashz

Medicine Cat: Sparkfire, whatever6551


Crowheart, whatever6551
Shadesky, NightshadeTW
Skyshadow, NightshadeTW
Hazelfur, whatever6551
Sparrowfeather, whatever6551
Lynxbloom, wolf18834


Dreampaw [Mentor Skyshadow], whatever6551
Orangepaw [Mentor Lynxbloom], whatever6551
Blisspaw [Mentor Nightstar],NightshadeTW
Canis [Mentor Crowheart?], Dashz



Leader: Bloodstar (7 lives left), whatever6551

Deputy: Shadowfang, Dashz

Medicine Cat: Nightcloud


Fishleap, NightshadeTW
Foxtail, Dashz
Jadewhisper, whatever6551
Soulfire, wolf18834
Leafpelt, girlsmackback11


Rocketpaw [Mentor Foxtail], whatever6551
Featherpaw [Mentor Leafpelt], whatever6551
Owlpaw [Mentor Shadowfang], whatever6551
Bloodpaw(howl) [Mentor Jadewhisper], Dashz


Rogues and Loners:

Wolf, WolfMoon98
Deathfang, NightshadeTW
Dogheart, nanowolf


8:11am Oct 1 2009

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10:28am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 706
((What happened? And I'm not Bloodpaw.. Wait, Nevermind. I have time today, I'll just read it all))

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10:38am Oct 1 2009

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11:54am Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 706

((I just read it all. WOW!! 0_o a LOT of long posts!!! And I was gone during the fight!!! So now my deputies seem useless!!! *wails*))


Frostwing smiled, Canis had finally apprenticed, but had kept his name as requested. She frowned slightly. The more she thought of it, the more she felt Wolf had been right. If Wolf's visits to his son were short and unfrequent, giving off the impression of being a friend of Frostwing, maybe his path might change. And if he had a true clan nam, maybe he wouldn't think he was different from the others as he grew. She felt bad at what Sparkfire had said during her fight with Wolf though, and had been thinking on it often. Sparkfire was right, Frostwing had hurt Shadesky, and seemed to leave him behind. But Wolf was visiting less often. She was still angry at herself, for Canis and herself had been fighting for sleep, and had asked Sparkfire for a herb to help them. They had been in deep sleep when the attack happened, waking only as the others slowly returned, injured. She walked up to Nightstar and said, "Nightstar? I am ready to resume position as Deputy. Canis is ready to be apprenticed, and now I can focus on my clan again."


Shadowfang stood by Bloodstar, happy with the battle's turn of events. They had beaten Stormclan into submission. He looked for Leafpelt, not remembering seeing her in the battle.


Foxtail sat next to Jadewhisper, tracing her swollen stomach with his tail.


((Can we just pretend my Darkclan warriors were there?))

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12:08pm Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((Yeah, I kinda pped them a bit i think. ^_^' Sorry))

Jadewhisper purred softly and leaned gently against Foxtail. She wondered what she would name the kits.

Owlpaw sat in between Bloodpaw and Rocketpaw with Featherpaw on the other side of Bloodpaw.

Rocketpaw looked up at Bloodstar, half-expecting to become a warrior after that battle, but knowing that he and his siblings were still too young to be warriors. Bloodpaw might get his warrior name though.

Bloodstar looked towards Jadewhisper and then towards Bloodpaw. He stiffled a shiver. It was strange having a younger cat with the same name as him. "Jadewhisper, do you believe that Bloodpaw has trained hard to become a warrior, and is ready?" he asked.

Jadewhisper nodded. "Yes." she said.

Bloodstar looked down towards Bloodpaw. "Bloodpaw, do you feel that you are ready to become a warrior?" he asked.


Sparkfire lifted her head and saw Frostwing outside the medicine cat's den, asking for her deputy status back. She narrowed her eyes. If she had had kits, given one a kitty-pet name and then asked to be a medicine cat again, there was no chance she'd get her status back. Why should Frostwing? Then she saw Hazelfur. Her fur bristled. Why was Frostwing asking right in front of her?! Every cat knew she had wanted that position.

Hazelfur stifled an angry snarl. Her long fur fluffed up in suprise and she tried to act calm as she stared, wide eyed at Frostwing. She tried to think of words to say to her, but none came. She looked towards Nightstar. Surly, you're not going to give it to her! She longed to yowl the words. But she held her tongue.

Crowheart dropped two mice and a vole onto the fresh kill pile, padding proudly towards the warriors den. Then he saw Hazeltail. She looked like she'd claw his ears off!


12:09pm Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Can Crowheart be Canis's mentor?))


12:29pm Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 706

((I don't care, but it's Wolf's character.))


Frostwing looked at Hazelfur and muttered, "I'll talk to you later. I'm going hunting." quickly leaving the entrance. She returned later, carrying a sparrow. She dropped it at Shadesky, saying, "Hey." She looked to see if Hazelfur was still at Nightstar's side.

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12:35pm Oct 1 2009

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Hazelfur padded away from Nightstar as not to embarras herself even more. She was about to go inside th warriors den when she heard Fostwing. Her claws unsheathed unconsiously when she saw her. A growl rose in her throat, but she quickly turned away to keep herself from leaping then and there.

((Reply with Bloodpaw too. :) ))


12:42pm Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 706

((I don't play him))


Frostwing glared at Hazelfur, "Stuck up runt!" she growled at the younger warrior. 

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12:46pm Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((Who does?))

Hazelfur's neck fur bristled. She said nothing. Her eye's flamed and her claw unsheathed. She longed to say something. She wanted to, she really did. But she couldn't match Frostwing's glare. She turned around and ran out of camp, releasing her frustration into a sprint. Why should she follow the warrior code if Frostwing didn't and then got away with it? Mating with a loner. Having a kit. Naming it Canis. Not even a warrior name!

Crowhert padded up to Frostwing. "What's her problem?" he asked as he watched Hazelfur sprint out of camp.


12:54pm Oct 1 2009

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Posts: 706

((The guy who plays Wolf))


Frostwing looked at the newest warrior and said, "I don't know, but she's a stubborn runt!"

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